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Offline El Bastarde

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Just started this...
« on: February 08, 2010, 04:27:37 pm »
Hey guys,

I was clued in on this game when someone suggested it on a Cave Story board.  I just started playing it on Saturday night and I'm digging it. I'm also trying to use a gamepad (it's actually an N64 controller) and it works pretty well with smooth movement that has GOT to be better than using a mouse and I think I can sing a lil faster than I can with a mouse also. There's a few things that I can't use the gamepad for which is a lil annoying (I can only use the Look function with the middle mouse button (no big loss) and a few buttons on the menus can't be scrolled to with the gamepad for some reason, particularly the "Use" button on the treasures and the list of songs). Overall, I dig the mood of the game and "loot" function with all the recipes for me to collect on my list. I've had some difficulty with a boss and a few enemies and this is cool too...we've got enough easy games out there. Either way, glad I tried it so far.

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Re: Just started this...
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2010, 03:16:12 pm »
Guess I'll just add questions here...

What's the point of the colored "map icons"? Like you get a blue one at the start and I think I got a yellow one in Naija's home. Do they expand the map somehow? If so, I haven't noticed.

Also, what about the random icons on the map? Like I have one where I fought that Nautilus boss and ended up recruiting my Nautilus familiar. There's another of a statue in the Energy Zone and I'm not sure what set that off. Do I return to these areas later?

Right now, I got the Energy Form and I appear to be wandering. I sailed down to the Abyss area and from Naija's tip that I need a light I figured I would skip that. Then I thought I found the place where I was supposed to go in Mithalas but I ended up stuck as every area eventually blocked by some backwards-flowing current. Oh well....nice to see that there's lots to explore. I'm in the Kelp Forest now so we'll see how that works.

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Re: Just started this...
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2010, 05:21:13 pm »
The random icons just mark places of possible interest, the colored circles let you add such yourself, and I think you can write a note on them somehow too.

Offline El Bastarde

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Re: Just started this...
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2010, 03:03:47 pm »
And this is kind of random but I LOVE the music in this game. I've been on games nowadays for not having memorable music and it's really nice to see a game that not only made solid music but made it so it fit so well with the gameplay. Very nice work

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Just started this...
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2010, 03:39:03 pm »
You know there's an OST with additional tracks available right?

You can buy it here: http://infiniteammo.bigcartel.com/products
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Re: Just started this...
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2010, 07:49:07 pm »
Oh, I saw discussion on it in the General board but thanks for the head's up. Strangely, I rarely listen to music outside of the game itself...usually I spend so many hours listening to video game music that I eventually get an itch for some regular music as well. I'm just impressed in how well the music molds with the gameplay.

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Re: Just started this...
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2010, 03:28:09 pm »
Finally got back to playing this. I was in the middle of another game when I started Aquaria and figured I should take a break and finish the other game first before I play this. I hit the Mithalas boss last night and it was a lil annoying since I assumed that since he was flashing yellow when I shot him, it meant I was damaging him. So I was shooting and shooting and was thinking "Wow, he takes a lot of hits" before I realized that this couldn't be the answer. Of course, I didn't realize that I could bind those poisoned-demon-things so I was even more confused and had to peak at a guide. Either way, it was a pretty sweet fight and a good challenge.

By the way, I've now found two treasures which Naija can wear...do these do anything or are they just for show? Just wondering.

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Re: Just started this...
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2010, 04:05:45 pm »
I hit the Mithalas boss last night and it was a lil annoying since I assumed that since he was flashing yellow when I shot him, it meant I was damaging him. So I was shooting and shooting and was thinking "Wow, he takes a lot of hits" before I realized that this couldn't be the answer.

I had the same problem, but I cheated and went to the forums. ^-^ As a rule, yellow means "Not very effective" and red means "SUPER EFFECTIVE."  ;)

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Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Just started this...
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2010, 08:30:08 pm »
I didn't even notice it blinked yellow, yay colorblindness.

Second to that it was pretty obvious you had to do something with that enemy that kept reappearing.
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Offline El Bastarde

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Re: Just started this...
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2010, 02:03:47 pm »
^I thought it was a form of annoyance more than anything. Plus I didn't know you could bind the guy.

Also, what about those treasures that you can wear like the Krotite armor? Does that stuff actually DO anything or is it just a cosmetic change?

And heh...I just fought the three Phantoms that lead to you getting the Spirit Form...what a wild, crazy battle...that was a LOT of fun. And maybe it's me but I had the most trouble against that Mergog boss...I had SO much trouble with him just ramming into me.

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Re: Just started this...
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2010, 05:40:00 pm »
Some costumes do things, says in the description if they do. Sea urchin armor makes you immune to.... something, was it spikes or contact damage? I think it was contact damage, because you DEAL contact damage to the enemies, which is really cool and a good way to reduce damage taken until you get the horribly overpowered jellyfish costume.

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Re: Just started this...
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2010, 05:12:30 pm »
Anyway, I finally beat this last night. Gotta say the game in general was awesome. Lots of beauty as the theme both in the visuals, music, plot and even the voiceovers...all were really light on the senses. Awesome work by the developers. I loved the scene when you met Li and I loved how if you leave the two alone they'll hug and smile at each other. It's these little touches that make a game special. Sorry if I'm wordy but I get pumped up for games like this. It even inspired me to dig up my old Metroid game for the NES and play some of that.

I had a big challenge on a few bosses. The one crab stuck to the ceiling drove me nuts. I knew I used nature form to knock him from the ceiling and I knew the bombs he threw could be binded but I kept trying to blow them up by the crab's head or tail and didn't realize you had to hit him on the side until I did it by accident when a bomb detonated on accident. I must have spent twenty minutes trying random things before I got it to work.

Strangely, I think I cheaply beat the Arnassi Boss where I just shot the charged Nature shot, he would walk into it and leap into the air and I would then shoot him while he was jumping up there with charged Energy shots and he went down after maybe two or three rounds of this. I read a guide later about needing to shoot his eyes and such which I couldn't figure out how to damage.

Simon Says was neat but was much easier when I used the mouse instead of the "not-as-precise" gamepad. Also, my gamepad only had one analog stick so I was thrown off by the huge door to the Sunken Cave that Li needs to open since you need to move the mouse to it and right-click it. This was never an issue with the gamepad since I could just move Naija herself on top of stuff that I would right-click before but it wasn't an option for this door...I had to look up what to do there.

The final boss was great and I loved all the multiple forms. I was helped GREATLY by the Jelly armor which would heal me to half HP in normal form...that was helpful for taking a breather when I got in trouble. Also, in the final form, it took me FOREVER to figure out that Sun Form was needed to attack his eye. I even did it on accident and damaged it and couldn't figure out how I had done it since the shining effect on the eye after you use a Sun Charge was very subtle.

In the end, I was able to find almost all the treasures except a few. I recall missing the Old Container, Sun Key, Anemone Seed (I had clean forgotten about that Anemone), the Baby Walker and the Glowing Plant (never found that hidden passage but I did find the other in Abyss 2) and had to look all these up. Also, it was funny how I went nuts to get three Ruhk Eggs from the Turtle Cave before with tons of attempts to get to that Ruhk and then felt stupid when it was MUCH easier to get the other Ruhk in The Veil. Wow, I wasted some time there.

A question...obviously I get that the Creator was the kid at the start of the game. But was he also the ghostly kid in the Sunken City? I think he was but I couldn't quite be sure. And if so, how would his parents become like that with his Dad as a golem and such?...Did he try to recreate them and it went horribly wrong?

And the secret ending was a bit obscure since I couldn't figure out who the characters in the images at the end were but it's more clear after reading some posts here. I still wasn't sure if Naija had been taken or put into that blue crystal. Or is the blue crystal supposed to be Li's grave and with Li gone, Naija's kid decides to look for his mother? Interesting stuff.

Either way...phenomenal game. I haven't seen a game like that on ANY console in a while and yet it still a more old-school style than anything. It's like developers have forgotten that folks still love side-scrollers like this. Very nice work.