If we're gonna go for long shots, why not make a movie out of it?

*-Warning- Semi off-topic yet still kind-of on topic stuff ahead*
Here is a book from the Dragonlance series (which I used to love back in the day but then I decided to broaden my spectrum of books. Now i'm reading stuff by Lilith Saintcrow, and she is seriously awesome at making an action scene more badass than one you could see in a movie. But really, I've been reading DL since age twelve) that I find kind of similar to Aquaria. Here is a bad wikipedia entry about it:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Alien_Sea. For those who don't know DL, it's your basic Tolkien-esque Fantasy setting, complete with goblins, elves, and self-righteous humans (those bastards!). And Dragons, which they kill with Lances. Dragon Lances.
Anyway, this one's one of my favorites, because (like most of my favorites) it deters from the main plot lines of good, honorable knights, fighting bad, dishonorable not-knights (Well, it's actually a bit more complicated and integrated than that, but the original trilogies of books could easily be a DnD campaign (that's because they are)) But there are some really original ones out there too (ie: there's one about one of the main characters going back in time via someone's memory to retrieve a person, and subsequently getting attacked by the younger version of the person whose memory he is in. Then it just gets seriously trippy. (and trippy =

) And don't even get me started on the one where they go to the moon).
The novel that I'm talking about deals with a subculture of DL, the sea-elves. The whole book takes place underwater, and follows the adventures of a sea-elf (who casts spells by via sea-elf poetry.
The verse, anyone?) and her companions as they try to solve this big mystery. There are very many unique sea creatures and underwater races much like Aquaria has, and I think that it opens a kind of "Underwater Fantasy" subgenre of fantasy settings that should be explored more often (Aquaria does it quite well).
Whew, long post. Well that wasn't too off-topic, at least I talked about novels.