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Author Topic: What about a novelization?  (Read 12080 times)

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Offline Choclatechipcookielover

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What about a novelization?
« on: January 26, 2010, 11:50:23 pm »
Well first of all, I just wanna say hi! My name is Christeen and I just decided to join this forum today. I've been a huge fan of Aquaria for a while now. I don't actually have the game ( no money whatsoever ) but I watch playthroughs of it religiously on Youtube. Seriously. That game looks so awesome! My compliments to the creators!

Anyway, I'm here to talk about the game. I mean, I realize that you guys aren't entirely planning to do a sequel of the game now, and that's okay. But that extended ending.. I seriously don't think it's a good idea to just leave it the way it is forever and ever.

Anyway, if you are not ever going to make the game Aquaria 2, why don't you put it in some kind of novel or something. See, there is this other fandom I'm a part of, for the game Clock Tower right. And one of the fans published a novel for the second game in the series http://dcj.bluemoonsea.com/splash.html

They come in pairs, one for each Main character ( Jennifer Simpson and Helen Maxwell ) and they contain multiple endings!

Maybe someday you guys can publish a novel or something for Aquaria 2.

Actually, a novel like that for the first game might be nice too! One side for Naija and the other for Li!

Or not.

I mean, all this is just a suggestion. For future reference of course! If you don't have the resources or the money, that's totally okay as well. I don't mean to pressure you or anything, but I really think there should be a follow up to the extended ending, it it's possible

Offline Align

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Re: What about a novelization?
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2010, 12:13:57 am »
Like fan fiction?

Offline Choclatechipcookielover

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Re: What about a novelization?
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2010, 12:20:52 am »
Yeah kinda like that.

Only the authors are the creators of the game. Know what I mean?

Offline Zoko

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Re: What about a novelization?
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2010, 01:04:43 am »
First of all, play the game. If you don't have any money just try the demo. I guarantee you will have more fun playing it as opposed to watching others play it.  ;)

The novelization doesn't sound like a bad idea, there's definitely enough material to write about, and it could be a nice way to add more to the story without having to make another game *nudges Alec*. Also, I'm sure I've come across some kind of Aquaria fan fiction before.

That being said, welcome to Bit Blot Forums Christeen!
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Offline Choclatechipcookielover

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Re: What about a novelization?
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2010, 08:40:44 pm »
Thankies!  ;D

Offline Atreus

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Re: What about a novelization?
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2010, 03:37:24 am »
I support this idea wholeheartedly. There could been be a little CD thingy in the back like with audiobooks with some tracks  to set the mood and such. That or (and this is a long shot) making an actual audiobook out of it, with Jenna reading :D That would be super awesome, methinks.

Offline Zoko

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Re: What about a novelization?
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2010, 08:33:37 am »
If we're gonna go for long shots, why not make a movie out of it?  :P

*-Warning- Semi off-topic yet still kind-of on topic stuff ahead*

Here is a book from the Dragonlance series (which I used to love back in the day but then I decided to broaden my spectrum of books. Now i'm reading stuff by Lilith Saintcrow, and she is seriously awesome at making an action scene more badass than one you could see in a movie. But really, I've been reading DL since age twelve) that I find kind of similar to Aquaria. Here is a bad wikipedia entry about it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Alien_Sea. For those who don't know DL, it's your basic Tolkien-esque Fantasy setting, complete with goblins, elves, and self-righteous humans (those bastards!). And Dragons, which they kill with Lances. Dragon Lances.

Anyway, this one's one of my favorites, because (like most of my favorites) it deters from the main plot lines of good, honorable knights, fighting bad, dishonorable not-knights (Well, it's actually a bit more complicated and integrated than that, but the original trilogies of books could easily be a DnD campaign (that's because they are)) But there are some really original ones out there too (ie: there's one about one of the main characters going back in time via someone's memory to retrieve a person, and subsequently getting attacked by the younger version of the person whose memory he is in. Then it just gets seriously trippy. (and trippy =  :)) And don't even get me started on the one where they go to the moon).

The novel that I'm talking about deals with a subculture of DL, the sea-elves. The whole book takes place underwater, and follows the adventures of a sea-elf (who casts spells by via sea-elf poetry. The verse, anyone?) and her companions as they try to solve this big mystery. There are very many unique sea creatures and underwater races much like Aquaria has, and I think that it opens a kind of "Underwater Fantasy" subgenre of fantasy settings that should be explored more often (Aquaria does it quite well).

Whew, long post. Well that wasn't too off-topic, at least I talked about novels.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2010, 08:38:13 am by Zoko »
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Re: What about a novelization?
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2010, 01:02:26 pm »
A novel would definitely be a good idea. I would probably buy it...
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Offline El Bastarde

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Re: What about a novelization?
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2010, 07:43:31 pm »
I never like the idea of a novel for a game. Most games tell their story as well as they good...I just don't see the point of some guy sitting down in front of the game and just writing a story and adding all this extra description and inner thoughts of the main character when frankly we're unsure if those are in-line with what the game was really trying to convey or not. Not to mention it gets annoying when folks talk about stuff in a game's novel as though it actually happened in the game. I dunno...just seems unneccesary to me.

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: What about a novelization?
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2010, 11:39:15 pm »
I think the main reason for this novel is to add the story of what happened to Mia, to elaborate the bond between Li and Naija and more details of Naija's thoughts about the world around her.
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Offline Choclatechipcookielover

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Re: What about a novelization?
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2010, 01:06:46 pm »
I never like the idea of a novel for a game. Most games tell their story as well as they good...I just don't see the point of some guy sitting down in front of the game and just writing a story and adding all this extra description and inner thoughts of the main character when frankly we're unsure if those are in-line with what the game was really trying to convey or not. Not to mention it gets annoying when folks talk about stuff in a game's novel as though it actually happened in the game. I dunno...just seems unneccesary to me.

Mmm. I see. Well, it was just a suggestion. I heard somewhere that the designers were kinda against making another Aquaria game because of the hardships involved in it.

And anyway, this isn't for the game that's out already ( well not really ). It's more for the sequel than anything else
« Last Edit: February 14, 2010, 04:58:09 pm by Choclatechipcookielover »

Offline Zoko

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Re: What about a novelization?
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2010, 09:00:33 am »
I never like the idea of a novel for a game. Most games tell their story as well as they good...I just don't see the point of some guy sitting down in front of the game and just writing a story and adding all this extra description and inner thoughts of the main character when frankly we're unsure if those are in-line with what the game was really trying to convey or not. Not to mention it gets annoying when folks talk about stuff in a game's novel as though it actually happened in the game. I dunno...just seems unneccesary to me.

The kind of novel you're thinking of is the kind of novel that just transcribes the events of the game into text (and I agree with you that it would be unnecessary because Aquaria tells it's own story unlike anything else could). The kind of novel that we're discussing here would be one that takes place in the world of Aquaria, but outside of the game (presumably in a different time period).
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