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Author Topic: Ecco the Dolphin Mod for Aquaria  (Read 10798 times)

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Offline Ghost13

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Ecco the Dolphin Mod for Aquaria
« on: January 17, 2010, 06:16:01 am »
When I played Aquaria it strongly reminded me the time like 1994 when I have my Sega and played Ecco the Dolphin I think the whole concept of underwater adventure\puzzle\explorer was highly inspired by the Ecco the Dolphin Game. So I thought that Aquaria actually have all nececerry resorses to make Ecco the Dolphin Mod using the Aquaria graphic, sounds and the Engine.  The only issue will be to rebuld the levels and make some scripted scenes rebuilding the dialoges levels and puzzels of the originall Ecco the dolphin game.

The Ecco the Dolphin involves:
-Open waters like tileset
-Surface tileset
-Deep caverns like tilest
-Ice caves   
-Machine tiles
-Atlantis city
-Dolphin models

The only issue can be the levels when ecco travels to the deep past (but it can be done with forest tileset with some minimum aditional graphic. 
Also the last boss Vortex shuld be drawn from sratch as well as that DNA thing that Ecco meet trow the game. It's still looks like a challange but it's looks like it can me made as mod for aquaria. Since I can really play the original Ecco game even with Sega-emulator since the controls are suck and the graphic suck even more.

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Re: Ecco the Dolphin Mod for Aquaria
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2010, 08:27:26 pm »
If you thought that was something, you should play Ecco II... it has suspended water very much like the bubbles in "The Veil". Yes, Ecco was one of the things that came to mind while playing this game, along with Metroid (exploration and the jelly costume) and Touhou (some of those bosses' attacks). As I posted in my review of this game (I'm not a professional, its just for a blog nobody looks at... was planning on showing it off to you folks at some point though), this game basically succeeds in what Ecco wanted to achieve... (keep in mind that for its time, Ecco was innovative... it just aged very poorly, though I still love the game)
I would love to see a mod that is a homage to Ecco, but more importantly I'd love to see a mod that explores the story of Ecco 3. I'm not sure if any information as to what would take place there was hinted at the Dark Sea forums, but if they finally told us the third chapter (and not Defender of the Future, though I wish I could play it) this game's robust level editor probably has everything the game would need to do an Ecco 3 justice.
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Re: Ecco the Dolphin Mod for Aquaria
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2013, 08:55:57 am »
if this ever happens do want lol

Offline False.Genesis

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Re: Ecco the Dolphin Mod for Aquaria
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2013, 09:10:05 am »
VERY unlikely. See, this topic has been dormant for over 3 years by now, I'm pretty sure none of the original posters have been around in a looong time.