I purchased Aquaria the other day and downloaded Aquaria111.2008.12.12.exe from the link provided to me.
I'm running Windows 7 and have installed Aquaria in a location not monitored by the UAC.
The first time I attempted to access Key Config it worked, but I didn't notice a listing for "Look" which is what I was trying to change.
Now when I try to access Key Config, Aquaria crashes. I saw a topic on fixing this problem and tried a few things, but it appears that several objects are missing from my usersettings.xml file. I'm assuming from observation that Aquaria trunkated anything it thought wasn't defined from the XML file or some bug is messing it up.
I also read that a version 1.1.2 is suposedly available that fixes this problem. Is it actually out? How do I obtain it?
Edit: Big oops here. Apparently I never actually opened Key Config in the full version, I only accessed it in the demo. So, here's a temporary solution to my problem: I'm using the demo to customize my key config and then copying the usersettings.xml file to my copy of the full version.
BTW, I purchased the stand-alone version. I have no love for Steam.