For those who've not been in the loop, Aquaria Sacrifice has been released, a mod that, to say the very least, is a fantastic new take on Aquaria. It's a prequel that's more adventure game style than the metroid style of the original, with a heavier emphasis on story. While it lacks some of the production values of the original(voice acting, and the like), it's a great addition to Aquaria, and another reason to get your feet wet once again
Anyway, the point is, this game greatly expands on Naija, Mia, and many other characters whose pasts have only been hinted at in the main game. This gets me to thinking...what are people's opinions on fans, sort of taking the world of Aquaria into their own hands, story wise?
This is something I especially want Alec and Derek's opinions on, do you have a set story for Aquaria? Would you negate or approve of certain fans additions to the story? What are your overall views on the idea of expanding the history of this world you've created? Would you use some ideas from fan mods if you ever created a sequel, or perhaps even recruit some modders into a sequel team? And how would this expanded Aquaria through the story driven mods affect said sequel, if it ever happened?
Have I blown anyone's mind yet?
I'm just curious I suppose, about Aquaria's future, or in the case of this and other fan made prequel/sequels, it's past.