I already introduced myself in one of the other forums but hey, I might as well do so here too XD
My name is Christeen! I've been watching this forum for a couple of months now and I just decided to join a few days ago! Aquaria's one heck of a game! Well, it LOOKS like it anyway, I haven't the game or the money to buy it. I know about Aquaria because I watch it almost religiously on Youtube! I won't say where I live because, well... Unfortunately you don't know who's a psycho and who's not XD
But I guess it wouldn't hurt to list my hobbies! I like to draw, though recently the most I do are doodles in my notebook at school ( especially during Physics ) listen to music, play on the wii, do yoga, and like any teenager, chill! I'm also a very hopeless romantic... VERY hopeless. It's no exaggeration to say that one of the big reasons I love watching this game is seeing Naija and Li hug and stuff. See? Hopeless

But like I said that's just ONE of the big reasons, among many why I like this game so much. Metroid like and yet, very original XD