I have a bad, bad mouse and have trouble charging the lamps; when my new mouse comes I can maybe be faster. The leeches slow you down, and having a tadpole doesn't help, but mostly I'm slow because I can't charge the sun form shot easily. Simon gave me only three colors with multiple hits so I could do it; it was the speed, not the multiplicity, that always defeated me. I just hate the pink guys; one of my tries involved so many of them it was like swimming through living quicksand. At least all Simon does to you is turn rosy and look pissy; I can live with that. I was hoping to get the verse egg and get out of there but there's no way, you have to do the lamp game...I've also been saving the Arnassi speed run for my new mouse, and the ice crab/shrimp boss. And I am not looking forward to all the final boss forms in the Body; I'm not really a gamer in that World of Warcraft sense. Dying over and over can be more discouraging than being humiliated by Simon... unfortunately, it's one of my best talents...