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Offline Mcgreag

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Steam Achivment Statistics
« on: May 17, 2009, 04:51:46 am »
Steam added global achievement statistics for all game a few days ago.
I find the Aquaria statistics to be a little disconcerting.

Not even half (48.1%) of all players managed to reach Open Waters.
Half of those (24.8%) got to Li.
And two thirds of those (15.8%) finished the game.

Now the number that finished the game I don't find too surprising. It's a bit lower than most other games I have looked at, 54% for portal, 48% for Plants vs Zombies, 30% for World of Goo and 29% for Defence Grid. But the game is longer and more difficult than those.

But the fact that not even half managed to get as for as Open Waters I think is a real problem. I know I initially had some problems on where to go (but for me it was mostly where to go after reaching Open Waters) and a friend that I recommended the game to never got past home waters because he found it too frustrating that there where no hints on where to go.

While this is a game of exploration I think there could be a bit more hints in the early game on what to do and where to go. How these hints should be presented I do not know but I think at least something to get more people far enough into the game to get them hooked.

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Re: Steam Achivment Statistics
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2009, 04:58:53 pm »
Well, you know. I disagree that this should affect the game to much. or else you will deprive those 15.8% who finished the game of their enjoyment.

There are hints on where to go,  along with a little ping sound, and a glowing pulsing bulls eye on the map, and the mini map.  The first hint points to Najia's home, after that, a hint points to the song cave, then a hint points to the energy temple, then a hint points to Mithalas cathedral.  After that, you are more on your own, but by that point you should have the hang of the game.
(This was introduced in some patch I believe, but it is my understanding that the steam version already has this change. Correct me if I'm wrong)

If all else fails, you can find almost all the answers by searching the forum, or even the internet at large.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2009, 05:01:16 pm by SevenMass »
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Re: Steam Achivment Statistics
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2009, 12:31:17 am »
Then maybe there should be more hints that hint to the fact that those things are hints in the first place. Because it's obvious that a lot of people did not see them.

I don't think more hints in the early game would detract much for the people that finished it.  I also think Bit Blot are missing out of a fair amount of sales due to word of mouth by players how didn't get past home waters telling their friends.

Personally I think statistics like this should be a wakeup call for the devs that they probably need ease people into the game a bit slower and not leave them on their own so early. If not for aquaria but for their next game. Hardcore games might draw a crowd of hard core gamers but those are a small minority and if you want to make a living as a game dev you need to cater to a slightly larger crowd.
I'm not saying they should dumb down the whole game, just help people a long a bit, just enough to get them hooked.

I can tell you this, successful game companies spend A LOT of time on usability studies, checking where do people get stuck and why.

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Re: Steam Achivment Statistics
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2009, 10:29:04 am »
I think the Steam global stats in general go to show how many people are buying games, playing them for a few hours, and then forgetting them. I don't think it's necessarily a flaw in Aquaria, since a similarly small percentage of players are getting beyond a few hours into other Steam games as well. It may APPEAR more shocking in the case of Aquaria because a few hours = Open Waters, whereas a few hours on a game like Braid or World of Goo = half of the game.
I think it's more an issue of attention; many of the young kids using mommy and daddy's credit card to buy games simply don't have the attention span to finish a game that isn't full of guns and explosions and boobs, ultra-stimulating sorts of games that have been market-researched specifically to cater to an audience that gets bored very easily. Similarly, a lot of older gamers who have the finances to buy a crapload of games don't have the time or attention to devote to more than a few hours of gameplay. But again, I wouldn't say it's a flaw in Aquaria or in any of the other games.... unless all games are constant flashing lights and attention-capturing cutscenes, much of the audience just isn't going to be able to sustain attention for long enough to enjoy the full experience.

Of course it's unfortunate, all developers hope that all the people playing their games are playing them from start to finish... but it's simple fact that there are a lot of people who don't do that. I don't believe that the solution to this lies in lowering the standard so that all games are easier to accommodate the seemingly increasing percentage of the population lacking the ability to attend to a task for more than an hour or two. I think the problem is far more fundamental than a lack of perseverance in games, and the problem should therefore be addressed at its roots instead of covered up (and indeed encouraged) via unchallenging stimuli.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2009, 10:32:31 am by Nava »

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Re: Steam Achivment Statistics
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2009, 03:47:13 pm »
This game isn't made for people who can't find the home cave.

That might be a bad business decision, but its the reality.

We could have designed the game to force you to enter the home cave by designing the level so that you had no choice but to enter it. But I hate games that do stuff like that.

We ended up having there be a big hint as well as Aquarian text on the doorway and a big current pushing you towards it. If people still don't think to try it after all that, they're going to get destroyed by the game later anyways. This isn't the kind of game for those people.

Not every type of game needs to be designed to be played by everyone.

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Re: Steam Achivment Statistics
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2009, 04:10:26 pm »
I did notice that the game was challenging (puzzle-wise especially) even for a long-time player like me.

I get the feeling it's a mutually exclusive kind of thing; either it's too easy for veterans, or it's too hard for newbies.

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Re: Steam Achivment Statistics
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2009, 10:47:11 pm »
I like the difficulty. It's just about right for me. :) Well done! ;)
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Re: Steam Achivment Statistics
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2009, 04:48:29 pm »
Thank you Alec.