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Offline Lucifiel

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Energy temple: completely stuck.
« on: March 12, 2009, 11:13:25 pm »
Okay, so this is the 5th time I'm trying to get out of the possibly last section of the Energy Temple without dying. There is just one problem: Where is the energy holder? I'm getting very tired of trying to find it and dying all the time. This is where I'm located at, btw. Yes, I've read the walkthrough. Do I really have to go all the way back past all those monsters and "moving bars"?

Thanks! :)

Offline Align

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Re: Energy temple: completely stuck.
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2009, 11:34:12 pm »
Yes. There should be a fairly long horizontal shaft visible on your map, and that's where you need to go, and that's where the 2 holders are.

Offline Lucifiel

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Re: Energy temple: completely stuck.
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2009, 04:49:15 am »
Thanks for your help, though I guess I'll come back to this game much later. :) I just got incredibly frustrated and lost all my patience when I died for the 10th time.

Just some comments: I really wish that the developers had included a highlighting feature on the map: it's very counter-intuitive to give lots of player freedom but to also "lock in" the player into an area or cause plenty of confusion by not providing a clear, focused direction to the next objective. A more advanced solution would be to put a "Quest" or "Objective" category.

And I don't care if it's supposed to be challenging but it's really annoying when Nadja just starts drifting into some moving object that'd take away her health. I know it could've been my wireless mouse but I swapped it out and same thing occurred. Oh well.

And also: it's probably supposedly part of the challenge factor but she has really bad aiming skills. I got very tired of the combat at one point when there were a ton of monsters and she was fighting like a blind mouse. Yeah I know you've gotta shoot from a distance but I just kinda lost it at some point.

It's a good game and very fun though. Too bad I lost all my patience.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2009, 04:52:00 am by Lucifiel »

Offline Zeke

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Re: Energy temple: completely stuck.
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2009, 06:23:09 am »
Make sure the Auto-Aim feature is checked in your game options; that may help the excessive dying.  Two other helpful tactics are:  binding a rock behind yourself in energy form to block attackers' shots while still allowing your own to pass through, and also not underestimating the potential of your Shield.  Shield can deflect most shots in the game, and if you maintain it with the hotkey*, you can keep it up indefinitely.

In terms of unclear goals, well, that is a problem if you need clear objectives all the time.  There is never a place aside from boss fights where you get locked in or stuck, though.  You can back out of the Energy Temple at pretty much any point.

I don't know about the drifting part, there's a few things it could be.  There's current, and that's supposed to be annoying and counterproductive.  It could be mouse problems like you said (sometimes it's the mouse drivers that are screwy and not which mouse you're using).  Also, Naija drifts for a little bit due to momentum  after you stop telling her to move forward.  This can be problematic if you're in a tight spot and need to sing, since you can't sing and swim at the same time, but you will still drift when you stop to sing. 

*You may find the hotkeys useful:  they are the number keys 1 through 0.  2 will put you in energy form, 9 and 0 are shield and bind (I forget which is which). 
« Last Edit: March 13, 2009, 06:25:28 am by Zeke »

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Energy temple: completely stuck.
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2009, 10:03:00 am »
Actually, Zeke, there is only ONE way out from the Energy temple, and that's past the boss.
Seeing when you in the beginning 'fight' the spirit and gain the energy song, the door closes behind you, making you proceed.
Only later on, when you revisit the energy temple you can open it again through a nearby orb holder with the orb in it.

And Lucifiel, the path to the orb is pretty linear. I would, like Zeke said, really look if you have that autoaim on, it sounds like you don't.
Also, did you know you can use Ctrl instead of right mouse button?
Or you could even use the WASD keys for swimming and your mouse and right mouse button for shooting.
Hope this helps.
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Offline Zeke

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Re: Energy temple: completely stuck.
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2009, 02:22:33 pm »
Actually, Zeke, there is only ONE way out from the Energy temple, and that's past the boss.
Seeing when you in the beginning 'fight' the spirit and gain the energy song, the door closes behind you, making you proceed.
Only later on, when you revisit the energy temple you can open it again through a nearby orb holder with the orb in it.
Huh.  That's weird.  I guess in this one instance, they wanted to be sure they player went ahead through the semi-tutorial temple, instead of getting confused/confounded and backing out before fully understanding the form.  If that's the case, it sounds like it could be set up a little more clearly.  Hmm....

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Energy temple: completely stuck.
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2009, 02:51:12 pm »
Well, if you could go back, you'd just have the energy form and didn't need to defeat the boss, and that wouldn't work, right?
It's all planned out. =D
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Offline SevenMass

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Re: Energy temple: completely stuck.
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2009, 07:00:14 pm »
Didn't you already defeated all those monsters?  The only thing you need to face again is those blocking lasers. But that is just a matter of timing. (oh and once you go inside the room with the holders, some of the hostiles there have been respawned, but that's about it)

The energy temple is pretty linear, if you get lost here,  you'll most certainly get lost once you get to the open waters.  Exploring and trying to find your way is a part of the game. To many pointers, and it will reduce the game.
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Offline Zoko

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Re: Energy temple: completely stuck.
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2009, 07:49:39 pm »
I think all of the enemies respawn in the cave where he is in. (I believe it is the one with the barriers that you have to switch forms to pass through) There is an exit, but it is not at the very bottom, I think it is one or two barriers up.

Edit: Nevermind, I just took a closer look to where he is on his map.  ::) It shows the way through on the map, doesn't it?
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Offline Lucifiel

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Re: Energy temple: completely stuck.
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2009, 08:42:46 pm »
Thanks folks, I finally beat him... mainly 'cos I got really annoyed.

Only 1 thing left...in Home Waters: 1 big giant ball thing that dispenses lots of monsters(can you actually kill it?).

In Open waters now and discovered Mithalas city.

Oops, control buttons: completely forgot about it. Thanks for the tip about the Ctrl thingy. :)

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Energy temple: completely stuck.
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2009, 09:07:25 pm »
If you mean the seashell with tentacles coming out of it as big giant ball thing, then yes, you can defeat him.
Attack him with with the energy form and shoot him in the eye and tentacles, you could also drag a rock behind you for defence.
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Offline Lucifiel

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Re: Energy temple: completely stuck.
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2009, 09:08:21 pm »
Make sure the Auto-Aim feature is checked in your game options; that may help the excessive dying.  Two other helpful tactics are:  binding a rock behind yourself in energy form to block attackers' shots while still allowing your own to pass through, and also not underestimating the potential of your Shield.  Shield can deflect most shots in the game, and if you maintain it with the hotkey*, you can keep it up indefinitely.
You mean switch from Energy to Default and vice versa, while attacking the enemies?

And yep, autoaim was on... except I guess my playing must've been kinda wonky... :D

In terms of unclear goals, well, that is a problem if you need clear objectives all the time.  There is never a place aside from boss fights where you get locked in or stuck, though.  You can back out of the Energy Temple at pretty much any point.
Actually, lack of objectives isn't much of a problem, it seems. I'd feared the game would lock me in: thankfully not.

I don't know about the drifting part, there's a few things it could be.  There's current, and that's supposed to be annoying and counterproductive.  It could be mouse problems like you said (sometimes it's the mouse drivers that are screwy and not which mouse you're using).  Also, Naija drifts for a little bit due to momentum  after you stop telling her to move forward.  This can be problematic if you're in a tight spot and need to sing, since you can't sing and swim at the same time, but you will still drift when you stop to sing. 

*You may find the hotkeys useful:  they are the number keys 1 through 0.  2 will put you in energy form, 9 and 0 are shield and bind (I forget which is which). 

Yeah... I guess I'll get over the drifting parts. :p Hopefully it isn't some mouse problem or even a motherboard-specific issue.

Yeah the hotkeys are very useful. :)

Offline Lucifiel

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Re: Energy temple: completely stuck.
« Reply #12 on: March 13, 2009, 09:08:52 pm »
If you mean the seashell with tentacles coming out of it as big giant ball thing, then yes, you can defeat him.
Attack him with with the energy form and shoot him in the eye and tentacles, you could also drag a rock behind you for defence.

Awesome... I'm getting out of Open Waters now. :)

One qn btw: there's this blue globe-like object I found in various places. Can anything be done with them?

Also having played quite a bit of Aquaria now, the amount of player freedom strongly reminds me of Divine Divinity(another rpg).
« Last Edit: March 13, 2009, 09:28:59 pm by Lucifiel »

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Re: Energy temple: completely stuck.
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2009, 10:24:19 pm »
Once you reach a certain point in the game, you'll be able to open those blue spheres with a form's abilities (there's a total of 8 forms, by the way).  :)

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Offline Lucifiel

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Re: Energy temple: completely stuck.
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2009, 11:17:22 pm »
Once you reach a certain point in the game, you'll be able to open those blue spheres with a form's abilities (there's a total of 8 forms, by the way).  :)

Cool, thanks! :)