It wouldn't fit in with the game as it is now, but i'm sure Derek and Alec could have made it fit in if they included it in the first place. Which wouldn't make it less or more perfect, just perfect in a different way. I could imagine having that in the game instead of the priests, and then us going "What? Undead priests? No, that would never work."
That's what it's all about, isn't it? It wouldn't fit in the game as it is now, which means the whole game should have been changed, which wouldn't work.
Though, the priests, I do admit, that SOME narration of Naija would've been nice, would make them look more important. Something like, "As I explored deeply through the ruins of Mithalas I found a secret passage... I wonder where it would lead me."
And after the battle also a bit more over the story of the priests who committed "heresy" themselves instead of only the form you just got. But... the game is finished now and looks good as is. =p