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Re: Games We've Loved...
« Reply #150 on: January 10, 2008, 01:58:59 am »
I find your lack of Mischief Makers and NiGHTS disturbing.


Mischief Makers

I personally hope that Bit-Blot makes a game similar to Mischief Makers... where you can beat the entire game using only your robo-maid  FISTS OF FURY!

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Re: Games We've Loved...
« Reply #151 on: January 15, 2008, 08:55:31 pm »
games that need no introduction: Lego Starwars ( 1&2), Dungeon Siege ( played every flavour put out on pc ), Marvel Ultimate Alliance ( Thing is *always* in my crew ), Civilzation 4 ( I like the first part of the game the most it seems, discovering the continents, who's your neighbour, lend my som suga ), Spyro ( played around 4 or 5? )

games that may need introduction?

Neverhood: one of my fav puzzle logic games, completly made out of klay, Spielberg had a thumb in it, and the best game soundtrack ever ( yesh even better than Aquaria )  also, it's sequel on ps Skullmonkies, but I havn't finished it yet!

Zork: love all text adventures put out by Infocom and Scott Adams. I've played a few of the graphical Zorks as well and they are definitly fun as well.

also like most Arkanoid clones, match 3 games, platformers ( from Keen to Klonoa! ), and the occasional solid rpg ( U6, FF7, Chocobo Dungeon )

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Re: Games We've Loved...
« Reply #152 on: January 29, 2008, 11:43:55 pm »
Two of my favorite games are Ys 1 and 2 from Falcom Japan.  They are action RPG.


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Re: Games We've Loved...
« Reply #153 on: January 30, 2008, 10:27:53 pm »
man, the Ys series!  I've seen some hawt videos of them on youtube but none of them seem to have reached my green and pleasant land :(  There seem to be a whole lot of amazing-looking games that never seemed to leave japan for some stupid reason...

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Re: Games We've Loved...
« Reply #154 on: January 31, 2008, 06:28:38 am »
man, the Ys series!  I've seen some hawt videos of them on youtube but none of them seem to have reached my green and pleasant land :(  There seem to be a whole lot of amazing-looking games that never seemed to leave japan for some stupid reason...

You could get the Japanese version of Ys 1 and 2 and download the english patch.
You could also get Ys the oath of felghana and also download the english patch.
You could play the Ys the ark of Napishtim (english version) on PS2 or PSP.

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Re: Games We've Loved...
« Reply #155 on: February 03, 2008, 06:51:30 am »
Ah...Ys...classic game

no one mentioned Age of Empires (I liked II the best)  here..hmmm idk if u guys ever heard of it.
It was a good game (classic too  :P)

You could also play online battles with it =D (on PC...)

Age of Empires I

Age of Empires II

Age of Empires III (looks more realistic...)
« Last Edit: February 03, 2008, 06:58:56 am by ~Wendixy~ »


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Re: Games We've Loved...
« Reply #156 on: January 18, 2009, 12:33:41 am »
Beyond Good & Evil:

The Odd World games; Munch's Odyssey was an AWESOME addition :


I laughed uncontrollably every time the little bonus room tune played.
(inkblob mentioned this one, kudos man.)

Earthworm Jim:

'Creatures' (pre-Spore era):  ^-^

TMNT: Turtles In Time.

Silent Hill 3:

« Last Edit: January 18, 2009, 01:33:27 am by Hollycaust »

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Re: Games We've Loved...
« Reply #157 on: January 18, 2009, 12:38:27 am »
Odd world is great, and I had Earthworm Jim for a while but I couldn't handle it :( I don't know the others but Skullmonkeys looks interesting so I think that I will do a search for it later on :D Thank you for adding your own selection Holly :D

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Re: Games We've Loved...
« Reply #158 on: January 25, 2009, 11:41:24 pm »
Reading through this thread was fun!  It kept me in suspense, and I almost cheered when Deus Ex, NiGHTS, and OMF 2097 were finally mentioned!  ;D :o  Unfortunately, it's driven me to a long response, so just read the bolded stuff if you want.  :)

So yeah, the original Deus Ex is without a doubt my favorite video game of all time.  I thoroughly enjoyed the second one, but the first is just way above anything else I've ever played.  I love every part of it; the story, the dialog, the characters, the music, the graphics, ... even the rediculously forgetfull AI that could only turn in one direction!  I've memorized the intro dialog and have lost count of the times I've played through it.  My last runthrough about half a year ago, I was still finding new areas and new branches of dialog and was still getting scared silly by those karkians!  And the bunker level (post-nuke) in particular gave me several "whoa" moments.  Good times.  Can't wait for the third one.

The list of other FPSes I've enjoyed would be huge, but the most memorable are the original Unreal and Rise of the Triad.  My favorite moment in Unreal was when you come out of the ship in the beginning and are greeted by a huge, lush (for back then), outdoor environment.  After being cooped up in the likes of Doom and Quake for so long, at this, my jaw decided to go walk around the house for a while.  ROTT was cool and inventive in so many ways and weird and funny in many more.  (Yes, the game really shows that picture and message if that error is encountered.)  There's a great article on its weirdness here if you have a good chunk of time to waste.

Then, for anyone who doesn't know about the original NiGHTS, you flew around in 3D environments (constrained by various paths through it) collecting orbs and fighting enemies and bosses.  However, you could also run out of flying time or choose not to fly at all and instead go walking around the world with complete freedom.  Even though that wasn't the point of the game, there were things to interact with in the world that were only accessible while walking.  You could also breed some of the world's critters and cross-breed them with the enemies, but I never got into that.  Mostly, it was just inexplicably fun to play.

Of the racing games mentioned, I remember being impressed by the demo of Slipstream 5000, but I never got the whole game.  I do have Ballistics and Hydro Thunder, however, and they were loads of fun.  Ballistics wasn't a particularly long or deep game, even as racers go, but its unlimited speed was sooooo much fun.  I always look for Hydro Thunder when I go to an arcade, but the N64 version was great fun, too.  It had some really imaginative environments, and racing on the water just felt completely different from other games in the genre.

I still play One Must Fall 2097 in Dos Box when I'm in the mood for some good mindless action.  And one of its cheat codes makes nuts and bolts and scraps of metal fly all over the place when you hit eachother. ;D  Which reminds me:  ROTT has a similar code that would create "Ludicrous Gibs!" every time you hit someone with a missile.  Full Throttle was another great game, but I wish its puzzles were more forgettable so I could solve them again.  Regardless, it's worth playing again and again just to hear the main character talk. O0  Then there's Morrowind.  Ah, the hours I've wasted spent completely immersed in that world.  Then I found a mod that hugely improved the atmospheric sounds and became even more immersed.  I've not had much chance to play Oblivion, but what I have played of it seems even better in some ways.  Super Metroid has been mentioned a billion times so far, so I'll just name it as one of my favorites.

I'll finish off with some RPGs.  I've never played any Final Fantasy games, so my Square experience points come mainly from Chrono Cross and Mario RPG.  Mario RPG was just plain fun, and its hidden Final Fantasy boss stole the music from FF4, so I might have to get that DS cart one of these days.  Chrono Trigger was fun, too, and I did play it before Cross, but I think Cross's music won me over.  It just made everything.  Not that it wasn't a fun game besides that, but I love me some good video game music.   ^-^  *cough*Aquaria*cough*  Radical Dreamers (translated from the Japan-only SNES satellite game) was also awesome (especially when played at night), and its music and relative lack of visuals let my imagination go to work, almost as if I was reading a book...with music to increase the atmosphere.

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Re: Games We've Loved...
« Reply #159 on: January 27, 2009, 02:16:19 am »
While there are many games I've played and really liked, I'll just mention a few of the ones that I really got hooked on and fell in love with.

First of all, I wasn't allowed to own any gaming consoles when I was little, so most of the console games hereI've only played in the last 2-3 years. However, I did play PC games, and several still stick in my mind.

King's Quest VI: I can't believe I don't see this one mentioned anywhere else on this thread. KQV was the first King's Quest game I'd ever played (a wonderful game that made PC users want to buy a CD-ROM drive for their computer), but the sixth in the King's Quest series totally blew me away.   The graphics were gorgeous IMO, the voice acting was vastly improved from the last title, the plot was really involving and the puzzles were really tricky at times. It was the first game I'd ever played that had alternate endings, and it  was so satisfying when you finally defeated the evil Vizier. The journey to the land of the dead still chills me to this day.

Also, I blame how much of a packrat I am on point-and-click adventure games. How do they manage to carry that much stuff without looking like that old woman in Labyrinth?

The Legend of Zelda: the Ocarina of Time: Needs no introduction or image. I first played this at a friend's house when it was brand new, but I only got to beat it a few years ago, when I bought an N64 second-hand. I've played through it several times since, and I even made a Link costume and learned to play the ocarina because of this game.

SimAnt: Some people love this game; some people hate it. I love it. You basically lead your colony of black ants to wipe out the colony of red ants, and drive the humans out of the housewhile you're at it. whether you were leading a foraging patrol to kill an antlion or the spider, building walls of stones to keep enemies out (or blocking off the enemy tunnels), or getting zapped in an electrical outlet, there's always lots of fun to be had. You could even play as the ant-devouring spider if you wanted. the experimental mode was pretty fun, too, and between my fascination with insects as a kid and this game, I learned a lot more about ants than most people do. What I think this game could have used, though, was the capacity to go P2P against someone on another computer; I imagine it could get pretty interesting that way.

Chip's Challenge: Lots of people have played this game before, and don't even remember. My family was totally hooked, and we eventually beat the game (except for fucking lvl 149). tons of replay value, and one of the best action/puzzle games out there.

Another World/Out of This World: Very cool Prince of Persia-style platformer which definitely answers the question of whether video games can be a form of art. It's been discussed before here, so I won't do any more ranting about it.

Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure Anyone else remember those floppy discs you could get for 2$ that had a couple game demos? Weell, I do, and I still have fond memories of several games I got to try out that way Trugg, Crystal Caves, and Nyet III still stand out for me). However, Cosmo wa the one I wound up getting the full version for. You're a cute little alien dude looking for his parents on a very strange planet.  Your basic platformer with totally insane music , jumping on enemies and blowing them up. The main character has suction cups for hands (clings onto walls) , which is a little unique. I found it pretty hard, but I eventually beat all three parts to the game, and proceeded to look for secrets using godmode (first time I ever did that in any game). You can find the shareware version online pretty easily, but you'll need DOSbox to run it.

The Incredible Machine One of the best puzzle games I've ever played. you get basic objectives, such as "pop the balloon" , you're given all kinds of crazy tools and you have to figure out how to build a maching to complete the objective. It's easy at first, but I've yet to beat the hardest levels. There's a level builder as well, which is lots of fun to mess around with. If you ever see a copy of this game, BUY IT. Do whatever it takes to make it run on your computer, because it's worth it. I played the 3.0 version, which is made for Wiindows 95 and Mac.

Myst: It's already been mentioned in this thread. I just had to mention that I absolutely loved it. I even read one of the novels based on the series, and it was actually really good.

Super Metroid: One of the greatest games of all time. I played it for the first time less than a year ago on an emulator and decided to shell out the 50$ to buy it second-hand (the cartridge was in beautiful condition, so I can't complain about the price) So far I've lost count of the number of times I've beaten it, but I've yet to beat it under the 3-hour mark.

Mario Kart Wii Surprised to see a newer game on my list? Well, I don't own a Wii, but my boyfriend does, and this is the game we usually play. I've played every title in the MarioKart series, barring the GBA version, and I think this version is my favourite, especially with the online mode (though the DS version is also awesome).  It's also the game that causes me to swear the most.

Chrono Trigger: Only RPG that got me to play until the end. Also possibly the first game to make me cry.

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Re: Games We've Loved...
« Reply #160 on: January 27, 2009, 07:53:33 am »
I have to say my all time favorites in no particular order:
Secret of Mana: Gotta love the SNES Multitap that allowed 3 people to play at once
Earthbound:  I still play through it once every couple of years
Chrono Trigger:  Multiple endings and New Game+ give it amazing replay value
The Final Fantasy series: I loved 6, 7 and 8 especially...
Counter-Strike:  FPS multiplayer awesomeness... and yes... I still play it

Last but not least... World of Goo deserves its own spot in this thread... seriously people, check it out (free demo too!)

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Re: Games We've Loved...
« Reply #161 on: January 28, 2009, 03:17:06 am »
Just finished the demo of World of Goo myself. I don't think I'd buy it however, doesn't seem to have any replay value. Is there a level editor?

Of course I agree with Chrono Trigger and Super Metroid, THE most epic SNES games.

 Finally, the game "The Incredible Machine". I've played this game when I was... 4, maybe 5, I bloody loved that game.
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Re: Games We've Loved...
« Reply #162 on: January 28, 2009, 09:08:12 pm »
I have a feeling that no one here recalls these games for the very early BBC Electron computers, but perhaps you might like to download one and have a go? I used to play Repton with my son and I got so into the game that I would be trying to work out the puzzles in my head even while shopping  :o
I recall at least once turning to him in the middle of the street with the solution to one puzzle  ::)


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Re: Games We've Loved...
« Reply #163 on: January 29, 2009, 08:59:46 pm »
Just finished the demo of World of Goo myself. I don't think I'd buy it however, doesn't seem to have any replay value. Is there a level editor?

Sadly, there is no level editor as of yet... there are, however, a lot of people working on an editor so you can create your own mods...
As to replay value, each level has an "obsessive completion distinction" or OCD.  you have to satisfy certain tasks like collect a certain number or finish in a certain number of moves.  You can view the OCD for a level by pausing and clicking OCD...

It really adds to the replay value and it will keep you busy for quite a while...

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Re: Games We've Loved...
« Reply #164 on: January 29, 2009, 10:45:28 pm »
Uru .. Very different to the old pixel mad Repton


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