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Author Topic: Mod/addon ideas!  (Read 65069 times)

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Offline Derek

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Re: Mod/addon ideas!
« Reply #30 on: December 06, 2007, 04:48:05 pm »
Hmmm, this all sounds so interesting, the possibilities seem almost endless. The Ferazel editor was a good start but I feel like using the Aquaria editor I'll be going 100%. Also will there be text conversations or will we have to provide our own voice acting?  :)

Mods look great... but will they be available for mac?

You can do text conversations if you like.  And PC mods should work on Mac and vice versa. :)

Offline alphasmart

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Re: Mod/addon ideas!
« Reply #31 on: December 06, 2007, 08:35:27 pm »
I've had a most devilish idea stemming from what Two Jacks said: expansion pack competition, the winner getting the Bit-Blot seal of approval and the dialogue voiced by Jenna   ;D would be rad if she was up for it.  Also derek there is nobody more skilled than you at making something that makes me want more, then EVEN MORE - at will.  Also curse your timezone as evening PST would probably amount to early morning on saturday for us GMT people (unless you're in Philipean standard time, which is GMT+8 rather than your -8...)

Offline EntiteFred

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Re: Mod/addon ideas!
« Reply #32 on: December 07, 2007, 06:18:29 am »
Well, I am a fan of Call of Cthulu; aquaria is underwater and this thread talks about tentacles.  I couldn't stop myself from thinking about a mod in which Nadja explore the sunken city of R'lyeh and faces the Great Cthulu and his minions  :P.  If only I had some artistic talent ... and time... and tentacles.

Offline Xiagan

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Re: Mod/addon ideas!
« Reply #33 on: December 07, 2007, 03:56:50 pm »
Little OT about tentacles:

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Offline Azuu

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Re: Mod/addon ideas!
« Reply #34 on: December 07, 2007, 07:47:39 pm »
Little OT about tentacles:

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Offline tiamax

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Re: Mod/addon ideas!
« Reply #35 on: December 11, 2007, 01:22:22 am »
If we waste any more time on weeaboo we will be bankrupt in a month!

Offline chiablo

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Re: Mod/addon ideas!
« Reply #36 on: December 11, 2007, 06:37:02 am »
Getting back ON track (hopefully), I'll throw out what I'd like to see...

Where Aquaria focuses solely on the underwater world... imagine a mod where instead you are playing in a sky world.  Gameplay would be similar to Sega's Nights, but more of an adventure focus rather than an arcade game.  You would fly through the clouds, various storms, and even floating islands (as seen in the into video to Aquaria.)

I can even imagine having two branching storylines where the player alternates between the sky-world character and Naija (or other sea-being) and they eventually meet where sky touches water.

Of course, I think the thought of flying whales is both creepy and awesome at the same time...

« Last Edit: December 11, 2007, 06:40:45 am by chiablo »

Offline Don Andy

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Re: Mod/addon ideas!
« Reply #37 on: December 11, 2007, 09:51:33 am »
Here's a mod idea, that I'll never get around to make myself, anyway:

Boss Rush

You put every single boss in fitting rooms and have the player do each of them, with full equipment/songs. And inbetween every second boss or something, you can give them a small room where they can refill ingredients.

And another oen for the pot:

Li's Adventure

I bet he was doing more diving stuff than just dumping around in the Veil before encountering Naija. Maybe a small adventure that describes how he ended up in the Veil. (Except if that is explained in the ending already, though. The last boss still keeps owning me :p)
« Last Edit: December 11, 2007, 02:18:35 pm by Don Andy »

Offline chiablo

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Re: Mod/addon ideas!
« Reply #38 on: December 11, 2007, 05:47:50 pm »
I'd also like to see an economy in the system.  Not anything fancy, just some shops and money (maybe pearls) that drop off of creatures.

There would be various vendors throughout the world including some that sell recipes and new songs.

Offline Zeno

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Re: Mod/addon ideas!
« Reply #39 on: December 12, 2007, 05:45:01 am »
Something to make saving easier.  Because save points = major irritation.
Maybe a save song.  And if possible, make it only work when you're out of combat.

Also, some new animations for Naija's abilities, if that's possible.

An advanced or different Bind song that makes the rock circle you constantly.

Some different animal-type forms.  Or, have one song to select a creature, and then another to turn you into that creature whenever.

A song to create a rock.

Also, *spoiler*,  I think that when you eat stuff in Beast Form, it should heal you slightly.

Now I gotta go learn the editor to make this stuff happen...

Offline DragonXVI

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Re: Mod/addon ideas!
« Reply #40 on: December 12, 2007, 12:06:41 pm »
Looking through the examples it wouldn't be too hard to create a Song that acts as kind of "Town Portal/Hearthstone" deal, teleporting you to somewhere safe.  Couple a few more songs in and you could have Zelda style method of warping at your toes... Would make for some interesting puzzles (How about finding some ancient Gates that respond to music that must be linked together and activated via song to overcome a maze?)

A Stealth Song, allows you to sneak past certain tough enemies (Or even bosses) for a short while. Changing the alpha of Naija would be easy, getting the enemies to ignore you... (Unless there's someway to override FindTarget), but then that's what messing about with the code is for :D

New Characters - Liking this idea... Even just minor reskinning of Naija could open things up a little.  While it may not be strictly canon that's often the fun thing about

Machinima! :p Basically one big Cutscene.  Anything with a scripting engine can pretty much do it, and while some people'd prefer the shooting and the puzzles, there's always room for telling a good story or basically practicing your Cutscene scripting and animation.  Try recreating Star Wars with fish? Tis surely possible :p (The tentacled wrath of Darth Octopus surely threatens, but maybe I've just a lack of sleep)

Boss Rush/Arena sounds a good idea... Could also be a nice little staging ground for custom Bosses and/or interesting ways of defeating them (Like the "Lure Guy Into Laser wall" puzzle)
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Offline Don Andy

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Re: Mod/addon ideas!
« Reply #41 on: December 12, 2007, 12:20:58 pm »
Boss Rush/Arena sounds a good idea... Could also be a nice little staging ground for custom Bosses and/or interesting ways of defeating them (Like the "Lure Guy Into Laser wall" puzzle)
I was actually thinking about making a boss out of the Simon creature. Basically, it does a random Simon says sequences, which you then have to do. If you manage to do it, it gets irritated and vulnerable (shoot it to death), if however you slip up, the creature either damages you or summons a bunch of hard enemies. Same of course if you take too long xD

Offline shinygerbil

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Re: Mod/addon ideas!
« Reply #42 on: December 12, 2007, 03:28:56 pm »
Boss Rush/Arena sounds a good idea... Could also be a nice little staging ground for custom Bosses and/or interesting ways of defeating them (Like the "Lure Guy Into Laser wall" puzzle)
I was actually thinking about making a boss out of the Simon creature. Basically, it does a random Simon says sequences, which you then have to do. If you manage to do it, it gets irritated and vulnerable (shoot it to death), if however you slip up, the creature either damages you or summons a bunch of hard enemies. Same of course if you take too long xD

That sounds pretty good! :)
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Offline fieari

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Re: Mod/addon ideas!
« Reply #43 on: December 12, 2007, 07:16:29 pm »
You know, that giant turtle seems sick.  Wouldn't a temple to help heal him sound like an interesting mod?  Small in scope, not too ambitious, but worthwhile regardless...

Offline Zeno

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Re: Mod/addon ideas!
« Reply #44 on: December 15, 2007, 07:28:58 am »
I think it'd be neat if every Form had an alternate form(like the last form has, spin to switch).

For Energy Form, I'm thinking rapid-fire instead of a charge shot.  Or, charging creates a single, slow-moving projectile that does lots of damage.

Nature Form, instead of that thorn tree thing, some kind of vine that grabs enemies (like the tentacles in the Body).

Beast Form, a slower form with higher defense, can't swim through strong currents but can crawl along walls.  Attack is the same.

Spirit Form isn't really a form, so I don't think it needs anything else.  Also, there's not much to do with Fish Form.

I have a few ideas for Sun Form.  It could be an offensive form (since she's light-based, I'm thinking a laser that can be charged), temporary invisibility that you have to charge up, or short-range teleport (light-speed movement, but not through walls, obviously).  In any case, the alternate form wouldn't have the light effect like the regular form.

I think that maybe these could be gained by either having Li with you when you gain a Form, or taking Li back to the spot where you gained it initially.  Alternate forms would look more Li-like.

Also:  A mod that takes place in Aquaria's past, with all the races still living.  Maybe just consisting of a few short stories, and in each one you play as a different race.

Also also:  More regular songs, to make Naija's regular form more useful.  At least some kind of offense.  A "charm" song to make an enemy fight for you.

You know, I have a lot of ideas, but I'll probably never actually get around to carrying them out, so anyone who wants to go ahead and do any of this is welcome to it.  I haven't even begun to learn modding yet (waiting till I beat the game), but I'm an epic procrastinator.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2007, 07:43:59 am by Zeno »