Below is a list of creatures, what foods they drop when killed, and the frequency with which they drop them (rounded to the nearest percent). Foods that that do not display a percentage are always dropped. Percentages are exclusive unless noted otherwise. Creatures not appearing in the list never drop any food items. Creature names and drop statistics derived from the entity Lua scripts in the game.
Aggro Eggs: Small Egg
Angler Fish: Glowing Egg (5%)
Big Maul: Tough Cake (10%), Tasty Cake (20%), Rubbery Meat (10%), Arcane Poultice (5%)
Big Mouth: Buttery Sea Loaf (90%)
Blazer: Spicy Meat (75%)
Camopus: Rubbery Meat x 4, Small Tentacle (90%)
Chomper: Spicy Meat (75%)
Coward: Veggie Cake (50%), Arcane Poultice (21%), Hot Borscht (18%), Plump Perogi (10%), Loaf of Life (1%)
Deep Eel: Glowing Egg (5%)
Deep Jelly: Jelly Oil (20%)
Eel: Eel Oil (10%) (also by singing)
Electric Eel: Eel Oil (25%) (also by singing)
Globe Crab: Crab Meat (20%)
Green Sea Dragon: Plant Leaf x 3 (76%), Special Bulb (10%), Leaf Poultice (9%), Spicy Roll (5%)
Ground Shocker: Spicy Meat (75%)
Hard Beetle: Divine Soup
Horseshoe Crab: Rubbery Meat (20%)
Hydra Wurm: Small Egg
Ice (small): Ice Chunk (10%)
Ice Crab: Ice Chunk (50%)
Ice Jelly: Jelly Oil (25%)
Jelly: Jelly Oil (25%)
King Crab: Crab Meat (50%)
Leopard Shark: Shark Fin (40%)
Lion Fish: Leeching Poultice (25%)
Loper: Glowing Egg (35%)
Mergog: Special Bulb
Mermog: Plant Leaf (20%)
Mermoth: Plant Leaf (25%)
Moneye: Small Eye (10%)
Moneye Breeder: Small Egg
Moray: Small Egg (38%), Eel Oil (38%)
Mosshead: Leaf Poultice (36%), Veggie Cake (18%), Veggie Soup (10%)
Nautilus: Small Eye (10%), Rubbery Meat (5%) (may drop both)
Newt Blaster: Spicy Meat
Nudibranch: Leaf Poultice (50%), Healing Poultice (20%), Sight Poultice (2%), Leeching Poultice (2%) (How are they killed?)
Oar Fish: Eel Oil (25%)
Pistol Shrimp: Spicy Meat (50%)
Rot Crab: Rotten Meat (50%)
Rukh: Rukh Egg
Shark: Shark Fin
Shock Jelly: Spicy Meat (10%)
Simon: (after first solve) Plant Leaf (14%), Fish Oil (14%), Small Egg(14%), Small Eye (14%), Sea Cake (14%), Hand Roll (14%), Small Bone (14%)
Spider Crab: Spider Egg
Spiny Crab: Spider Egg (60%)
Squiddy: Rubbery Meat (25%), Small Tentacle (25%) (may drop both)
Starmie: Small Eye (5%)
Swordfish: Fish Meat (50%), Swordfish Steak (50%)
Tiger Shark: Shark Fin (50%)
Tromulo: Small Tentacle (5%)
Turret: Fish Meat (50%)
Turtle: (if shelled) Turtle Meat (50%)
Whelk: (when shelled) Leaf Poultice (20%), Plant Leaf (15%), Sight Poultice (2%), Leeching Poultice (2%)
Whisp: Glowing Egg (5%)