The infamous bush, eh? The best thing to do is to pity them, because they have little power, and exercise it in petty ways (often at the expense of beauty) Similarly, an incident occurred when a fireman turned on the siren because we were blocking his way (it wasn't an emergency) saying, "Lady, get out of the way!" You should have seen my mother's face. "
I could write an essay on the topic, but this is the main idea
Hope the bush survives to grow the perfect rose! 
Thank you chibi

It's not a rose bush thgough so if a rose grew on it then I would have my Californian lilac in the news lol
That sounded very much like someone in authority stepping outside their rights, but they usually do need to get back to their station pretty fast to prepare for any other possible emergency..
Glamador, unfortunately I don't own my flat I rent from the authority, the reason for that is a long story and I won't trouble you with it because it might bore you to tears.

The ground in front of my place is owned by them But we are allowed to grow plants and look after it so long as we keep them trimmed..
My problem with them is not so much the fact that they trimmed it, I am upset and angry because of the way that they went about it and the extreme pruning that was done that has killed half the bush.. It will never grow again where they cut into it's centre