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Author Topic: Supported Platforms  (Read 206858 times)

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Offline Alec

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Re: Supported Platforms
« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2007, 01:31:29 pm »
Aquaria on Wine/Ubuntu

Runs "okay" without sound. Lotsa bugs.

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Re: Supported Platforms
« Reply #16 on: February 10, 2007, 05:52:19 am »
PSP wouldn't be bad, either.  PSP really needs some great games.  I haven't bought anything since launch, though I have enjoyed many things with the latest edition of DAX's hacked firmware.  Just no retail games because there are so few I actually care about.  (Loco Rocco aside)

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Re: Supported Platforms
« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2007, 12:27:42 pm »
PSP wouldn't be bad, either.  PSP really needs some great games.  I haven't bought anything since launch, though I have enjoyed many things with the latest edition of DAX's hacked firmware.  Just no retail games because there are so few I actually care about.  (Loco Rocco aside)

PSP  had games now?

Offline theSamo

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Re: Supported Platforms
« Reply #18 on: February 15, 2007, 06:51:33 pm »
Aquaria on Wine/Ubuntu

Runs "okay" without sound. Lotsa bugs.
That's awesome  :)
I'm sure you can get around to fix them by/a little after time of release  ;)


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Re: Supported Platforms
« Reply #19 on: March 02, 2007, 11:38:39 am »
I am very interested in a Linux port of this game.  By that I mean a proper port, though.  Wine is not and never will be a substitute for porting your game.  Wine has a number of problems even if it does work with a game (which in my experience is hit-and-miss); choppy or broken sound, poor fullscreen and poor input device support to name a few, and what works now can be broken at any time in a future version.  Relying on Wine also sends a message that you regard Linux users as second-rate customers, not really worthy of their own port.  I know I certainly will not pay for something that only runs in Wine -- I've just had too much problems getting things to run in it -- but a real, native Linux port of this game, that I'd be willing to pay for.  (And yes, Linux users do buy games.  Some stick to open source stuff only, and some proclaim that everything must be free (as in beer), but that's really just a (vocal) minority.  The rest of us buy things we like.)


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Re: Supported Platforms
« Reply #20 on: March 02, 2007, 01:39:54 pm »
I am very interested in a Linux port of this game.  By that I mean a proper port, though.  Wine is not and never will be a substitute for porting your game.  Wine has a number of problems even if it does work with a game (which in my experience is hit-and-miss); choppy or broken sound, poor fullscreen and poor input device support to name a few, and what works now can be broken at any time in a future version.  Relying on Wine also sends a message that you regard Linux users as second-rate customers, not really worthy of their own port.  I know I certainly will not pay for something that only runs in Wine -- I've just had too much problems getting things to run in it -- but a real, native Linux port of this game, that I'd be willing to pay for.  (And yes, Linux users do buy games.  Some stick to open source stuff only, and some proclaim that everything must be free (as in beer), but that's really just a (vocal) minority.  The rest of us buy things we like.)

Wouldn't that mean reprogramming the entire game?
Yeah, maybe truenuff.com would help with debunking those mac spoofs and prove Linux to be obnoxious or something. If it's not working, you can get someone to help you patch it.

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Re: Supported Platforms
« Reply #21 on: March 02, 2007, 04:28:57 pm »
Yeah, it didn't seem to be running properly under Wine yet. And I'd have no idea where to start on trying to get the Wine settings to work. But it might be possible somehow.

A real port would be possible too. But I'm not really convinced that there's a large enough Linux indie game audience out there to make the work worthwhile yet...


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Re: Supported Platforms
« Reply #22 on: March 04, 2007, 12:04:47 am »
Wouldn't that mean reprogramming the entire game?
No, of course not.  Exactly how much work the porting will be depends on the game and how it was coded, but assuming the game has been made with portability in mind (which is a fair guess, I think, since there's a Mac OS X version coming), OS specific code will be abstracted away so most of the game doesn't have to worry about it.

A real port would be possible too. But I'm not really convinced that there's a large enough Linux indie game audience out there to make the work worthwhile yet...
This is true in a way, since there's simply not that many indie games for Linux in the first place.  People can't buy what doesn't exist.  Meanwhile, developers are wary of porting exactly because you are -- there's not a lot of statistics available, and there's a lot of prejudice about linux users being cheap bastards (mostly because of that vocal minority I mentioned in my previous post), so they generally don't risk it.  It's a catch 22.

Some have ported their classic and casual clones to Linux and seen disappointing sales -- but this is no great mystery, there's a LOT of open source competition for that kind of games.  You also have to consider your target audience.  There's not many middle-aged moms using Linux, for example.  They do exist, in fact (much like Windows and Mac OS X, there's not just one type of people using Linux), but if your game solely appeals to this group, you're obviously not going to see a lot of Linux sales.

On the other hand, original, high quality games sells.  I personally believe that your game would fare well on Linux, simply because what you've got here looks like a high quality, original game!  See, Linux users are people, too :).  Many of us like good games.

Here's some posts from the indiegamer forums you can read:
Also this: http://www.gameproducer.net/2006/04/06/sales-stats-tribal-trouble/
(Different genres, but at least it shows that some games can be successful.)

Also, if you do decide to give Linux a go and would like some help or guidance with your port, I'm at your service.  I've got a bit of experience porting and getting things to run at various distros.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2007, 12:00:31 pm by mu »

Offline Myxe

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Re: Supported Platforms
« Reply #23 on: March 05, 2007, 08:25:31 pm »
I would buy a Linux port, aswell as a Wii port.
I use Windows XP and Fadora Redhat Linux.

Offline gaminggeek

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Re: Supported Platforms
« Reply #24 on: July 06, 2007, 01:06:17 pm »
+1 for the linux market  :D

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Re: Supported Platforms
« Reply #25 on: July 06, 2007, 03:19:55 pm »
Damn, that's a bump.

Still, if it hasn't been noticed already, I'm also one for a Linux port. And personally, I don't think Wine will ever cut it. :\

Sure there are linux people out there who'll pay for a game, but of course that depends on how much time and effort you have to spend on porting to Linux. If you're willing to port to Mac, though, you should definitely consider going the extra distance! :)
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Re: Supported Platforms
« Reply #26 on: July 06, 2007, 03:31:55 pm »
The trailer has a great feeling to it ...
If the game has the same feeling as the trailer ...  i'm surly interested...

(Personally I refuse to buy non native ported games since I have Linux,
I long did not migrate to Linux , because of the games ...
but one day I was so tired of Windows .... that I migrated anyway ... without games ...
I do look back on it ... Even though it's tempting to install windows again ... it's not worth it ...
especially not on the long run.)

Offline Alec

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Re: Supported Platforms
« Reply #27 on: July 06, 2007, 11:39:00 pm »
The main roadblock to a Linux port technically, is that we're using the Bass Audio Library, which is currently only supported on Mac/Win. Our audio manager is abstracted though, and I already tried out implementations of FMOD and a couple other audio libraries on it.

The problem is I don't know of a solid, free (can't really see the justification for buying an FMOD license for a Linux version of the game :\) audio system for Linux that's simple 'n easy to use.

To summarize, it didn't take long to get the game running on MacOSX because all our libraries were supported. (SDL, Bass, OpenGL) But in the case of Linux, it involves replacing audio which could potentially take a fair amount of time and money.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2007, 11:41:19 pm by Alec »

Offline RHLinuxGUY

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Re: Supported Platforms
« Reply #28 on: July 07, 2007, 12:29:20 am »
I second (or 9th?) the Linux port.

I have studied the game, and I'll set aside some dough to buy this game.  Though.  Only if there is a native Linux port.

The WINE/Cedega Lib deal I've seen are pretty bad.

O, by the way, Alec, have you seen OpenAL?  Many (if not most or all) major Linux games, commercial or not, use this to get hardware accelerated Linux Audio. (and/or Windows and Mac)

Offline gaminggeek

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Re: Supported Platforms
« Reply #29 on: July 07, 2007, 12:43:33 am »
For the sound you could even try sdl's sound lib