I've been running on 3 to 6 hours of sleep for the past 6 months, usually the lower end of the scale, with the exception of Sundays usually. That's the life of a navy sailor on deployment. :/
I wish Alec could just split himself into a 10 man team, just imagine the amount of work he could get accomplished!

I say so far he has done an excellent job. 2 years and to come out with a game this solid?? I have no doubt that once the game gets more publicity it will blow up!
I wish I could see a psp title, specially since you don't need any hardcopies these days for the system... ahem, homebrew.

Aquaria to go would be quite nice.

Heck I can already play ECO on my Sega CD emulator on the psp. but ECO has absolutely nothing on Aquaria. I imagine it wouldn't run to well as a port at 333Mhz though. :/ It would definitely need some modifications. Then again, I have seen some crazy lua games coming out for it with great graphics and great play mechanics. Of course a game doesn't need great graphics to be fun, look at tetris, and solitare.

And the perfect example of that on psp as of lately is the new version of Squares, which is so simplistic in idea, but yet so fun and addicting to play.
Alec, you're totally RAD in my book.

Keep up the good work!