I really can't work any harder! It helps to remember that I'm but one person; Derek is done with Bit Blot for now.

I've only been getting about 5 hours of sleep a night for the last couple months.
Here's a list of the things I'm working on right now: (each section is in order of scheduling, from soonest to later)
Bit Blot---------
Aquaria Mac Version (nearly done, fixing bugs as fast as I can so we can get it out)
Aquaria Windows 1.1.0 (once the mac version is done, 1.1.0 windows will be nearly ready to beta test, then i'll have to figure out some other stuff and release it)
Aquaria ?? (secret stuff)
Aquaria OST (writing a new song with Jenna, have to finalize the booklet art, then decide how many CDs + print them, then ship them off to plimus)
Possibly: Aquaria Boxed Version
Infinite Ammo------------------
iPhone Talk (I'm doing a 1.5 hour presentation tues + wed, and it needs to rock)
Planning for traveling to MIGS in November
Recently finished the Paper Moon demo with the team for Gamma3D, going to polish it up further
?? (secret stuff)
?? (other secret stuff)
?? (other other secret stuff)
I'm doing an iPhone game with Mark Johns
I'm doing an iPhone game with Phil Fish