I'm trying like anything to beat Octopuss Prime, pumping shots into him like crazy, and I've found a great pearch just infront of him where none of his shots get me..... But I'm getting no where also...... Over an hour pumping shots with the odd rest with the menu winow open so I don't get RI, but like I said no dice

on the brain coral just in front of the entrance to the cavernSo I shot out deciding to end it all or get him good, and would you believe it the red ball popped out he was turning scarlet and Naija was suddenly in her first form and wouldn't turn back into the Energy form for a good 60 seconds enough to kill me..... What the heck is happening here?
I swear that I didn't hit both buttons on my mouse

It wasn't all bad though because I finally made it to the top of the Sun Temple and I now have the final memory

But I want to beat this monster!

It seems that I might of touhed the X key from what I read in another thread but I still don't understand why I couldn't use the hot key to turn her back again for some time after?