When reading a magazine on anime and manga I came across this action-RPG... It made me think a bit about Aquaria, but it's definitely not the same.
It's similar to Aquaria in that it uses modern technology to make a pretty, high resolution 2d game, rather than messing about with that 3d nonsense, which makes me happy :-)
Both games are also pretty challenging. And both feature a crafting system that resolves around food.
The two games are also quite different, of course. Aquaria at its core is about the kick you get as you slowly unlock a mental map of the game world. Odin Sphere is about the kick you get when you use your mad skillz to beat up on a monster.
Has anyone played and/or bought this game? If so, what do you think about it?
I've played Odin Sphere almost to the end of the first character's quest, where my skillz ... well, they have not been mad enough to carry me further just yet (the frelling game is _hard_). I've heard that the game gets repetitive, since the additional characters trek through the same levels as the first playable character. The first quest is long enough to be a game unto itself, however, with a nice diversity of areas to play through, so I'm not sure if I'll have the same gripe when/if I get further along in the game.
Peace Out,
~ Patch