Recipe/Ingredient SystemDespite having already created the framework for a food vendor with the item vendor I showed previously this has taken a lot of time. I worked on the first vendor over the course of 2 days while this one has taken 5. There's some more complicated stuff going on under the hood but creating a database of all items in the game for me to work with externally took a good chunk of it.
There will be 2 recipe/ingredient vendors in Sacrifice. I'm only showing one of them but I assure you they work exactly the same except that they sell different items. Items can be purchased by exchanging memory crystals. I'm not completely sure how these new crystals will be obtained but it will most likely be from completing quests, found in breakeable items, and/or from killing creatures (not sure about the last one). Also, I'm thinking of changing the large blue crystals, from the item vendor, and simply granting a large amount (say 5) of the smaller crystals so that all 3 vendors use the same currency.
Recipes can only be bought once but they will also yield one of that item. You can buy as many ingredients as you want. The vendor is not the most courteous of creatures and as such you will have to collect your purchased food after exiting the menu. The colored plants you normally get ingredients from will now only yield bulbs, leaves, shrooms, and occasionally oil or fish meat from a trapped creature. Ingredients continue to drop off killed creatures but breakable crates/urns will house odd items (possibly small crystals).
vendor_food.wmv(4.98mb)- "replay intro" confirm image is placeholder (no blank confirm image I can put text over unfortunately)