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Author Topic: damn, this game is way more "open" then I thought it would be  (Read 11326 times)

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damn, this game is way more "open" then I thought it would be
« on: December 09, 2007, 11:07:22 am »
I dunno how to say it in the subject line, but what I mean is, I just finished the demo and bought the game, and right away went into the kelp forest. I'm pretty sure I wasn't meant to be in there (it was insane) but I ended up getting like 4 or 5 screen's through as I headed upward, I ended up dieing in a part with a bunch of spiky plants all right next to each other.

Anyway, the game reminds me more of the exploration of Metroid then Zelda really, maybe because of the 2D side view nature, except unlike metroid, the game doesn't seem to block you off from exploring area's you shouldn't be in. It really makes you feel like your discovering a place you shouldn't be entering, yet the game lets you, which you don't normally get from most games which tend to hold your hand a tad too much.

Only thing I'm wondering, isn't it possible to mess up the progression of things by getting through these areas? I'm not sure what the kelp forest is for, but I did notice some rather tight holes (one in particular around the save crystal which I had been looking for for ages and in the end couldn't actually get to :P) So I guess in the end they block progress with something like this?

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Re: damn, this game is way more "open" then I thought it would be
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2007, 11:11:48 am »
I think they let you go to a bunch of places, but individual pieces of those areas are sealed off by obstacles only surmountable once you obtain certain new songs.  That's the impression I get so far, anyway.  But the game does seem to let you go in several different directions at a given time, at least at certain intervals.

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Re: damn, this game is way more "open" then I thought it would be
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2007, 11:12:15 am »
Those little cracks/holes do have a purpose (and the solution to them is actually in the Kelp Forest, hoho). I haven't seen the game block off a progression area based on a skill, and there were only two areas really blocked off in the beginning... By steam and by darkness. Upon leaving your home you actually have two choices, Kelp Forest or Mithalas, and it doesn't really matter which you complete first. I personally went Kelp Forest -> Mithalas, but once again it doesn't matter. You might find out parts of the storyline in a different string, but it'll all end up at the same final solution.

As for Kelp Forest being too hard, you never get an upgrade for your Energy beyond the 45 second food bonuses... :P So no area is particularly too hard.
... What?

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Re: damn, this game is way more "open" then I thought it would be
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2007, 11:37:11 am »
haha is that right? well I couldn't access the save point in the kelp forest, so I must have missed something before that... either way if thats the case I may as well go back in! But it seems there's alot of room between save points

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Re: damn, this game is way more "open" then I thought it would be
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2007, 12:17:14 pm »
Haha, yeah, I died a few times in the kelp forest too (pistol shrimps and poisonous sea urchins) because I didn't find save crystals after the first and then I panicked. ;)) and think I'm going to that city first... not believing that it is getting easier - I still haven't beaten Baphomet in ED, so I knows that this game will be hard too. ;)
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Offline Lambchops

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Re: damn, this game is way more "open" then I thought it would be
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2007, 12:27:57 pm »
I'm loving the openness, as I'm one of these guys that enjoys exploring everywhere (I've gone back to a few of the earlier areas just to explore bits that I didn't think I could access before once I get the ability to. For example as soon as I have a way to get past steam I'm going back to the Cathedral to get into that one little area that was blocked off to me before.

I'm pretty glad exploration has it's rewards as well, some of the items are very useful (see Urchin helmet or the pot that gives you meat that you can get for your home).

It's a joy to discover what things are actually for and to find out more about the history of aquaria.

I think it's great that for once a game has been low on the explanation and just left you to wander around as you please, with only a few occasional promptings if you're about to do something silly (like trying to get into the Abyss without a light source - can't wait to complete the sun temple so I can find out what's down there).

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Re: damn, this game is way more "open" then I thought it would be
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2007, 12:29:11 pm »
The game is definitely very open-ended, I'm having trouble figuring out where to go at the moment ... so I'm pretty much just exploring each and every area and trying to find secrets till I can figure out where I'm supposed to go. I mean, I know where I need to go, it's more a question of ... how do I lower this wall/tentacle to get there. No real spoilers there, I hope.