Yeah, I never really voiced my praises for this mod, but like Theo, I absolutely adore it. It is incredibly beautiful, and it offers so many varied locations for amazing screenshots and is just a very peaceful, tranquil, and all around magical experience - to explore this place and just relax.
I, personally, think mod goes hand in hand with Alpha's nude mod, as well. Use that and play BoA after completing the main game, and it just feels like a very free, peaceful experience after the stresses of their adventure. Especially if you change the music to Light - as that essentially completes a circle and ties things back into Naija starting out in that peaceful Verse cave with Light playing.
But regardless of that, this mod is just a very pretty mod and it really shows off some of what I've always seen as the best parts of Aquaria, personally - the sheer beauty of the environments and the world, and how fun it can be to just explore and play around in the more relaxing and inviting areas.