I'm also using v1.0.3 (On MacOS X, so Aquaria version 1.1.0), and I've narrowed the problem down to something in the seaturtlecommon.lua file, or the dofile statements in the other sea turtle files. Also, there's a similar issue with the nudis (I think- I spotted one white speck that claimed to be a nudi at the far south of the map), and if there are any seahorses in the map, they don't show up either. I'm suspecting a problem with the dofile statement- I've had problems with those before, and it would explain why you can't replicate the issue- filesystem access problems could easily be operating-system-specific.
[EDIT] Yeah, it looks like there's a major bug in the dofile command in the MacOS X version of Aquaria- it does not recognize "_mods/…" paths as referring to the mods folder. It's possible to get a proper reference by using the complete path to the file ("/Users/ed/Library/…"), but that doesn't work for distribution purposes. I've come up with a couple of possible fixes for this for your mod, but I'll try to make sure this isn't just an issue with my game being corrupted first.
[EDIT2] More testing, using a freshly-downloaded copy of the game, confirms that a dofile command that starts with "_mods/" (and likely any path that does not start with "/") will attempt to look at a folder named "_mods" in the game data files, at the same location as the "scripts", "gfx", etc. folders. Therefore, it is not currently possible to use mod-specific include files in a mod that is intended to work on MacOS X. (EDIT: See TheBear's post below.) Regarding the possible work-arounds for your mod, there are two basic options:
1) Simply accept the performace impact from not modifying the culling distance for the sea turtles, sea horses, and nudis.
2) Assuming the entity_setUpdateCull() function works as advertised, place it in the init() functions of the various specific scripts (seaturtlesmall.lua, seaturtlebig.lua, etc.), and do not attempt to use a copy of the seaturtlecommon.lua file.
As for the Grouper, it will chase any free-floating ingredients, such as the oil you can coax out of the eels, and attempt to eat them. This allows you to change where it is and which way it's facing, and if you get eaten instead (or if you sit on its face and sing), it will spit you out, sending you flying across the map. It's quite fun, and could make an interesting puzzle in a custom map, as it allows you to pass through strong currents.
- Edwards