First off, let me say that Fear the Dark is an absolutely incredible song. It's one of those songs where everything comes together and just clicks. And at 9 minutes in length, it's got lots of time to be awesome.
With that said, though...I don't seem to "get" the lyrics. I know what the words are, I just don't see how it ties into Aquaria. After all, it is on the Aquaria OST, so I expect it to have some relation to Aquaria...
Is it not supposed to be about Aquaria? Because the only thing that I could pull from it is towards the end, where it says to "Kill the ghost that haunts us everywhere, the ghost of Love that never Loved..." Could that be talking about Mia, perhaps?
If someone could answer me this, it would be much appreciated.
On the upside, it was great hearing Jenna Sharpe sing again. She's got a great voice...