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Author Topic: Jukebox mod  (Read 104389 times)

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Offline Edwards

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Re: Jukebox mod
« Reply #90 on: August 27, 2009, 08:16:14 pm »
And I guess this is when you start the mod? Dunno.
That's enough information for me to get some idea of where the problem is- something's failing when it tries to load the control nodes.  This may be related to the appendUserDataPath function (AKA the make-it-run-on-a-Mac function)- did you try running 1.5b1 or 1.5b2, or did you just jump to 1.5b3?  Anyway, here's a quick modification for you to try out.  If it doesn't load properly, post the debuglog, as I've added a few debug statements around the apparent problem area (tip: the [ code ] tag produces a small, scrollable box, allowing a less-messy post).

- Edwards
You should only need one canister shell to bag your deer using your howitzer, but assemble more than one if  you have a mind to.1

Offline Vetehinen

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Re: Jukebox mod
« Reply #91 on: August 28, 2009, 01:06:10 am »
Well, it's the same problem again. So this is related to game version 1.03 after all? Darn, I have been too lazy. I should update this game, for the extras and this great mod as well.

Naturally I selected the newest 1.5b3 version, as it saids quite clearly OLD VERSION, SEE BELOW up there ;).But I tried older version 1.5b2, and it didn't work either.

I post the same part as last time, if this tells something to you.

Code: [Select]
Entering Game::applyState
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/damage
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/damage
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: damage ref: 1 idx: 640
pos [-1], file :gfx/damage
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: damage ref: 1 idx: 640
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/mouse-leftbutton
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/mouse-leftbutton
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: mouse-leftbutton ref: 1 idx: 641
pos [-1], file :gfx/mouse-leftbutton
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: mouse-leftbutton ref: 1 idx: 641
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/mouse-rightbutton
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/mouse-rightbutton
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: mouse-rightbutton ref: 1 idx: 642
pos [-1], file :gfx/mouse-rightbutton
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: mouse-rightbutton ref: 1 idx: 642
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/mouse-middlebutton
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/mouse-middlebutton
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: mouse-middlebutton ref: 1 idx: 643
pos [-1], file :gfx/mouse-middlebutton
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: mouse-middlebutton ref: 1 idx: 643
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/mouse-body
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/mouse-body
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: mouse-body ref: 1 idx: 644
pos [-1], file :gfx/mouse-body
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: mouse-body ref: 1 idx: 644
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/title/back
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/title/back
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: title/back ref: 1 idx: 645
pos [-1], file :gfx/title/back
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: title/back ref: 1 idx: 645
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/title/back
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/title/back
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: title/back ref: 1 idx: 645
pos [-1], file :gfx/title/back
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: title/back ref: 1 idx: 645
Creating Avatar
Avatar 1
Done those
Avatar vars->
Avatar 2
Avatar 3
Avatar 4
Avatar 5
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/fader
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/fader
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: fader ref: 1 idx: 646
pos [-1], file :gfx/fader
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: fader ref: 1 idx: 646
Avatar 6
Avatar 7
Avatar 8
Could not find animation: idle
Avatar 9
useMic...initing recording
Avatar 10
getting bones
reset timer
Done new Avatar
Done warp
Create Li
liFlag: 0
Done WarpKeys
Loading Scene
cameraConstrained: 0
cannot open _mods/jukebox15b/scripts/jukeboxinclude.lua: No such file or directory
cannot open _mods/jukebox15b/scripts/jukeboxinclude.lua: No such file or directory
cannot open _mods/jukebox15b/scripts/jukeboxinclude.lua: No such file or directory
cannot open _mods/jukebox15b/scripts/jukeboxinclude.lua: No such file or directory
cannot open _mods/jukebox15b/scripts/jukeboxinclude.lua: No such file or directory
cannot open _mods/jukebox15b/scripts/jukeboxinclude.lua: No such file or directory
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/bg-rock-rep-0003
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/bg-rock-rep-0003
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: bg-rock-rep-0003 ref: 1 idx: 647
pos [-1], file :gfx/bg-rock-rep-0003
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: bg-rock-rep-0003 ref: 1 idx: 647
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/cathedral-rockshaft
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/cathedral-rockshaft
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: cathedral-rockshaft ref: 1 idx: 648
pos [-1], file :gfx/cathedral-rockshaft
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: cathedral-rockshaft ref: 1 idx: 648
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/darkness-0003
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/darkness-0003
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: darkness-0003 ref: 1 idx: 649
pos [-1], file :gfx/darkness-0003
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: darkness-0003 ref: 1 idx: 649
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/mithalas-banner-0001
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/mithalas-banner-0001
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: mithalas-banner-0001 ref: 1 idx: 650
pos [-1], file :gfx/mithalas-banner-0001
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: mithalas-banner-0001 ref: 1 idx: 650
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/cathedral-smallpillar
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/cathedral-smallpillar
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: cathedral-smallpillar ref: 1 idx: 651
pos [-1], file :gfx/cathedral-smallpillar
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: cathedral-smallpillar ref: 1 idx: 651
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/throne-prince
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/throne-prince
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: throne-prince ref: 1 idx: 652
pos [-1], file :gfx/throne-prince
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: throne-prince ref: 1 idx: 652
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/darkness-0004
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/darkness-0004
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: darkness-0004 ref: 1 idx: 653
pos [-1], file :gfx/darkness-0004
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: darkness-0004 ref: 1 idx: 653
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/jukebox
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: jukebox ref: 1 idx: 654
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/jukebox-previous
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: jukebox-previous ref: 1 idx: 655
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/jukebox-next
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: jukebox-next ref: 1 idx: 656
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/jukebox-exit
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: jukebox-exit ref: 1 idx: 657
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/jukebox-rand
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: jukebox-rand ref: 1 idx: 658
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/cathedral-floor-rep
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/cathedral-floor-rep
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: cathedral-floor-rep ref: 1 idx: 659
pos [-1], file :gfx/cathedral-floor-rep
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: cathedral-floor-rep ref: 1 idx: 659
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/seal-prince
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/seal-prince
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: seal-prince ref: 1 idx: 660
pos [-1], file :gfx/seal-prince
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: seal-prince ref: 1 idx: 660
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/bg-light-0002
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/bg-light-0002
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: bg-light-0002 ref: 1 idx: 661
pos [-1], file :gfx/bg-light-0002
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: bg-light-0002 ref: 1 idx: 661
Adding Avatar
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/water/water-line
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/water/water-line
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: water/water-line ref: 1 idx: 662
pos [-1], file :gfx/water/water-line
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: water/water-line ref: 1 idx: 662
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/menu2
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/menu2
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: menu2 ref: 1 idx: 663
pos [-1], file :gfx/menu2
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: menu2 ref: 1 idx: 663
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/formupgrades/energyidol-charged
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/formupgrades/energyidol-charged
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: formupgrades/energyidol-charged ref: 1 idx: 664
pos [-1], file :gfx/formupgrades/energyidol-charged
***Could not find texture: gfx/formupgrades/energyidol-charged
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: formupgrades/energyidol-charged ref: 1 idx: 664
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/areyousure
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/areyousure
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: areyousure ref: 1 idx: 665
pos [-1], file :gfx/areyousure
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: areyousure ref: 1 idx: 665
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/yes
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/yes
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: yes ref: 1 idx: 666
pos [-1], file :gfx/yes
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: yes ref: 1 idx: 666
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/no
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/no
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: no ref: 1 idx: 667
pos [-1], file :gfx/no
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: no ref: 1 idx: 667
toggle treasure menu!
cannot open scripts/maps/premap_jukebox.lua: No such file or directory
(error loading script: scripts/maps/premap_jukebox.lua from file [scripts/maps/premap_jukebox.lua])
Could not find script file [scripts/maps/premap_jukebox.lua]
setting flag [600] to 0
FMODEX error: 23: Unknown error code
playmusic end
in initAvatar
changeForm: 0
lastForm: 0
getting bones
reset timer
done initAvatar
Done initAvatar
reset timer
paths init
jukebox : attempt to call a nil value init
jukebox-previous : attempt to call a nil value init
jukebox-next : attempt to call a nil value init
jukebox-quit : attempt to call a nil value init
jukebox-random : attempt to call a nil value init
jukebox-continuous : attempt to call a nil value init
Updating bgSfxLoop
loading map init script
cannot open scripts/maps/map_jukebox.lua: No such file or directory
(error loading script: scripts/maps/map_jukebox.lua from file [scripts/maps/map_jukebox.lua])
Could not find script file [scripts/maps/map_jukebox.lua]
fading in
jukebox : attempt to call a nil value update
jukebox-previous : attempt to call a nil value update
jukebox-next : attempt to call a nil value update
jukebox-quit : attempt to call a nil value update
jukebox-random : attempt to call a nil value update
jukebox-continuous : attempt to call a nil value update
reset timer
Game::applyState Done
UNLOADING TEXTURE: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/mod-icon

Sorry for the troubles, but this surely is Service with capital S :D. And thanks for the tip, I knew such a feature ([ code]) exists, but didn't know more than that... that's why I said I'll modify the message later.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2009, 01:14:21 am by Vetehinen »

Offline Edwards

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Re: Jukebox mod
« Reply #92 on: August 28, 2009, 07:15:37 am »
Well, it's the same problem again. So this is related to game version 1.03 after all? Darn, I have been too lazy. I should update this game, for the extras and this great mod as well.

Naturally I selected the newest 1.5b3 version, as it saids quite clearly OLD VERSION, SEE BELOW up there ;).But I tried older version 1.5b2, and it didn't work either.
I'd just been wondering if you'd downloaded the older version back in May- I'm trying to figure out if 1.0.3 supports the appendUserDataPath function. Unfortunately, I can't download a fresh copy of version 1.4, so I don't know if that function is used there (if you want to check, just open up one of the script files that doesn't have "include" in the name, and look at the first line).  Anyway, you may be getting the same error, but the cause seems to have changed.

In this case, I made a stupid mistake while packaging the test version I gave you- rename the folder and xml file to be called "jukebox15b" and try it again, please.

Sorry for the troubles, but this surely is Service with capital S :D.
No problem.  Also, this caused me to notice a minor bug, at least on the Mac version, that's causing the log file to grow by several KB/second.  I'm going to need to track that down and fix it before I release a final version.

- Edwards
You should only need one canister shell to bag your deer using your howitzer, but assemble more than one if  you have a mind to.1

Offline Vetehinen

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Re: Jukebox mod
« Reply #93 on: August 28, 2009, 12:34:27 pm »
In this case, I made a stupid mistake while packaging the test version I gave you- rename the folder and xml file to be called "jukebox15b" and try it again, please.

Hehee, this solved it - it's working now! Absolutely fantastic, thank you very much! Finally the Ending-track is playing fine, and that extra shuffle/continuous/single track - button is great upgrade.

I don't know if this differs from the "normal version" you have posted there, but it works. Dunno what'll happen if I finally decide to update this game, download next version of that mod or something like that  ::)

Offline Guy

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Re: Jukebox mod
« Reply #94 on: January 19, 2010, 10:33:08 am »
Just in case anyone's interested (or in case you're going to release that final version sometime, Edwards ;)) here's a modified track listing using the names and ordering from the OST. I have no comment on the looping, so I haven't touched that.
Code: [Select]
SONG_LIST = { --Format: {length (seconds), filename, song title, no-loop boolean}
-- Note that a nil value acts like false in a boolean expression.
{96, "title", "Title", true},
{99, "light", "Light"},
{108, "openwaters", "The Traveller"},
{58, "youth", "Home"},
{76, "cave", "Technique"},
{21, "mystery", "Mystery"},
{27, "ancienttest", "Ancient Test"},
{124, "archaic", "Archaic"},
{83, "bigboss", "Fatal"},
{56, "marchofthekrotites", "March of the Krotites"},
{134, "openwaters3", "Undiscovered Waters"},
{88, "miniboss", "Boss Fraught"},
{142, "remains", "Remains"},
{91, "cathedral", "Cathedral"},
{31, "mithala", "Mithala"},
{67, "mithalaanger", "Mithala Anger"},
{61, "mithalapeace", "Mithala Peace"},
{22, "mithalaend", "Mithala End", true},
{162, "fallofmithalas", "Fall of Mithalas", true},
{81, "arboreal", "Heart of the Forest"},
{82, "hopeofwinter", "Hope of Winter"},
{52, "forestgod", "Mother Nature"},
{72, "druniaddance", "Druniad Dance"}, -- Can't tell if this should or shouldn't be looped
{113, "brightwaters", "Bright Waters"},
{85, "veil", "Above"},
{120, "moment", "Moment"},
{43, "licave", "Li"},
{38, "suntemple", "Sun Temple"},
{58, "sunwormcave", "Inevitable"},
{52, "inevitable", "Inevitable 2"}, -- Not on OST?
{41, "sunworm", "Swim for Your Life"},
{61, "prometheus", "Prometheus", true}, -- length re-specced, as has long dead space (actual length 91)
{77, "openwaters2", "Lost Waters"},
{89, "seahorse", "Arnassi"},
{113, "abyss", "Dark Places"},
{46, "gullet", "Gullet"},
{128, "icywaters", "Icy Waters"},
{165, "sunkencity", "Sunken City"},
{94, "sunken", "Mother and Father"},
{62, "thebody", "The Body"},
{69, "fallenbreed", "Fallen Breed"},
{84, "worship1", "Worship 1"},
{72, "worship2", "Worship 2"}, -- Looping is a hair disjointed
{55, "worship3", "Worship 3"},
{36, "worship4", "Worship 4"}, -- Questionable looping
{76, "worship5", "Worship 5"}, -- Questionable looping
{32, "endingpart1", "Ending", true}, --actual length is 58 seconds- only first 32 has music
{150, "theend", "The Return"},
{192, "losttothewaves", "Lost to the Waves", true},
{67, "prelude", "The Verse", true},
{53, "lucien", "Lucien", true}, -- Fly Away part 1 on OST
{22, "flyaway", "Fly Away", true},

{43, "superflyremix", "Superfly Remix", true},
--{9, "bblogo", "Bit Blot Logo"},
--{3, "test", "Test"},

It also occurs to me that it should be possible to display the current time. Maybe even show a progress bar of sorts. Of course that would be a lot of work and this whole Jukebox thing isn't particularly relevant now that the OST is out :)
« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 10:35:41 am by Guy »

Offline Edwards

  • Bit Bit
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Re: Jukebox mod
« Reply #95 on: January 19, 2010, 09:05:48 pm »
Just in case anyone's interested (or in case you're going to release that final version sometime, Edwards ;)) here's a modified track listing using the names and ordering from the OST. I have no comment on the looping, so I haven't touched that.
Thanks!  I'd considered going through and doing that, but didn't get around to it.  I'll throw that into the next version, whenever I get around to posting it (unless someone beats me to it...).

It also occurs to me that it should be possible to display the current time. Maybe even show a progress bar of sorts.
Eh, easy enough.  If I didn't have class in fifteen minutes I'd pound it out right now, but as is, we'll see if/when I actually get to it.  I doubt it will take more than an hour to get that working, and most of that time will be spent in deciding where to place it.

- Edwards
You should only need one canister shell to bag your deer using your howitzer, but assemble more than one if  you have a mind to.1

Offline Guy

  • Bit Bit
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Re: Jukebox mod
« Reply #96 on: January 19, 2010, 11:26:23 pm »
Cool. It might also be good to make it start at the first track now, instead of a random one.