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Messages - Gorvin

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Gameplay / Re: screenshots [[ spoilers ]]
« on: February 16, 2008, 09:40:38 pm »
The thing is, I've had it happen at a number of different angles and offsets, so I don't think it matters too much how you plant your briars.  It just seems to be easy from me to get to happen sometimes, and impossible at other times.  But at this point, I think trying to figure out what's going on with it is going to drive me insane.

Gameplay / Re: screenshots [[ spoilers ]]
« on: February 16, 2008, 06:38:54 am »
I never mastered the art of "Briar Rocketting" as you've coined it.  Whenever I try it just ends up with me doing the equivalent of a normal jump.

It's definitely pretty finicky, and seemed to be easier to get it to happen at some locations than others.  Sometimes I'd not be able to get the glitch to work at all at a certain location in the map, then later come back to that location and be able to get it to happen consistently.  I've been able to get it with near 100% consistency at this location, so you might want to try it out there:

It's kind of an out of the way area (just past a long wall-jump sequence), but once there you can aim yourself at the ceiling to see if you can get it to work, so you don't shoot yourself off of the cliff before you're ready.

At first I thought it was framerate that was causing the physics glitch, because I seemed to be getting it easier in high-up areas where there were little/no enemies nearby and very little terrain to render.  But then I tried intentionally lagging the framerate by recording with a high sample rate while I was at the above location, and I was still able to do both the briar rocket and high jumps off of briars (I had tried recording when I was attempting the rocket technique before though, and it had seemed to prevent me from doing it).  I really have no idea what's going on with it now then.

Video of the briar rocket glitch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_j5PxSr3ULo

Gameplay / Re: screenshots [[ spoilers ]]
« on: February 15, 2008, 08:03:58 am »
Some more screenshots from hard to reach areas. :o

I spent some time trying to get up here about a month and a half ago before I stopped playing the game, but it got too tedious having to climb all the way back up after every failed attempt, so I gave up then.

I gave it another go today, and after several failed attempts of this...

... I tried another method.  I went to the hill with the temple on it and briar-rocketed myself over.  By "briar-rocket" I mean this: I jumped onto a brair aimed in the northeast direction, then planted another briar that would hit me as it sprouted out.  Sometimes when doing this, it would only push me a few feet, while other times it would send me flying at insane velocities.  I wish I could get a recording of it, but the aforementioned framerate issue made it impossible.

Like in the frozen veil, you can fall off the map here.  You can also swim down and actually go underneath the map.  While swimming underneath the map, I found a spot where there was a sonar icon on the mini-map.  I wasn't able to enter it or anything though.

Used another briar-rocket to reach this.

Unfortunately, that was as far up as I got before I accidentally briar-rocketed myself away.   :-[

Another briar-rocket to get up here.  I found something strange up in the northwest corner here.  No idea wtf is up with it.

Gameplay / Re: screenshots [[ spoilers ]]
« on: February 15, 2008, 03:11:57 am »
I tried to do that same trick.  I never really continued on with it though once I realized I was going outside the intended scope of the game, you know?

For me, that actually made me more motivated to keep trying.  There's something satisfying about knowing you did something the developers didn't think you could do.

Gameplay / Re: screenshots [[ spoilers ]]
« on: February 14, 2008, 07:47:16 am »
I just made a recording of it, if anyone cares: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6B3FbMsxMU

By the way, when I started recording I was getting much shorter jumps off of the briars than usual.  I turned down the recording rate so that it wouldn't affect the game's framerate as much, and was able to get longer distance jumps off of the briars again (but still worse than I normally get).  I'd have to test it out some more to be sure, but it seems that framerate may affect how far you're able to jump off of the briars (having a lower framerate = worse jumps).  It didn't seem to affect jumps off of other objects though.

Gameplay / Re: screenshots [[ spoilers ]]
« on: February 14, 2008, 04:53:33 am »
Gorvin you rawk. I don't totally get how to do that with Nature form, jump *around* your briar when it's poking out horizontally? do you try and aim it slightly pointing up and jump straight off your lower briar board? I get that much in principle, but then what, you are now to far 'in' to jump to a straight out horizontal briar.  I'm totally down with being all spidey with Nature, just don't get how.  regardless, I bow to your obsessive exploratory glitchyness  :)

Actually, I didn't fire off the horizontal briars until after I had jumped.  What I did was to jump up off of the first briar, then fire a briar into the wall while I was in mid air and end up landing on top of it.  It had to be timed right so that the seed would land and sprout out after I had passed over the spot it would grow at.

There are two briars in the screenshot because beforehand I landed on the *tip* of a briar higher up, and by clinging on to the tip at an angle, I would have only been able to jump away from the wall.  So I shot 3 more briar seeds, which caused the briar I was on to retract, pulling me in towards the wall and dropping me down to the briars I planted underneath it.

Gameplay / Re: screenshots [[ spoilers ]]
« on: February 14, 2008, 03:05:48 am »
Gorvin, I was there too but I decided not to fall in the small gap. ;) Were you able to climb out?

Nope.  I think it would be *possible* to climb back out using nature form cactuses, but without being able to see myself offscreen I felt it would have been too much of a pain to bother with after a couple tries.

Gameplay / Re: screenshots [[ spoilers ]]
« on: February 13, 2008, 06:26:49 am »
It's actually possible to climb all the way up the cliff above that spot using nature form.  No food is required, but it's pretty tough to pull off.

What's up there?  Glitches.

Not quite as bad as the frozen veil though, where you can actually jump off the edge of the map, heh.

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