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Messages - EshDee

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Off-Topic / Re: Spam
« on: April 09, 2011, 10:57:39 am »
Oddly enough, at some other forums I visit, there are adbots increasing in numbers despite captchas and recaptchas.
And some of them even quote other replies in a thread, and make it seem that they've posted it themselves. I really do think these are humans that are spamming.

General / Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« on: April 08, 2011, 08:15:31 pm »
Well, if it helps clear things up, I didn't mean for the post to sound like I was taking everything you said personally - I was just replying from my standpoint generally about point you raised. I didn't think you were replying specifically to me, seeing that half the things you said didn't have much to do to what I posted originally. And my post replying was more me agreeing with you for the first half.
If I continued it, it was probably purely for the sake of discussing for the sake of discussing. The game's still pretty fresh in my mind after beating it a few days ago, so I'm all for chatting about minute details is all. You could have mentioned the design of the Jellyfish and I would have discussed in depth about that too! xD

Pedantic just means being condescending.

As for smilies and the Dutch words - I used the smilies specifically with the thought that my post might be read as rude without them. There's such a huge element that you don't get with text as you do vocally, so wanted to try and be as upfront as to my feelings, so the post wasn't seen as anything else. It definitely wasn't sarcasm, I can promise that - just kinda funny how the smilies had the complete opposite effect I used them for. And the Dutch word was used again, to try and be friendly. Moved to the Hague a few months ago, and thought it'd just be nice to call the convo/debate gezellig to show again that all was good, that my post wasn't meant to be seen as anything other than the meaning of gezellig.

No offense were intended. And the smilies and dutch words were there to genuinely try and make that clearer. :']

So maybe this was all a big case of being lost in translation? xD

As for twitter, knowing my BF's humour, he probably did it to try and be funny.  :-\


In short; Sorry for not being clear and having a confusing series of posts - No harm done. :)


Yeah, I can ramble on for ages and write long posts. And then later realise I can say it all in one sentence! xD
I'll try to make my future posts a lot clearer.

General / Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« on: April 08, 2011, 06:07:34 pm »
I'm not sure where you're going with this.
Other than you potentially thought my original post also had a condescending air to it. In which case I would have simply stated there wasn't any intent, seeing as I hadn't read any posts here other than quickly skimming the latest one and otherwise addressed the post to no-one -  just putting my general thoughts out on the current subject. And I'd have apologised to people generally if it [the tone] seemed otherwise.
I did get a little peeved at you, because your direct reply - seeing that it was also directed at others as you said, as well as me - was just downright pedantic to anyone reading. That was my interpretation of it. And there in my reply I also stated I was only speaking for myself, as I hadn't read all the others posts. Though I tried to make it as friendly as possible with the smilies and use of a random Dutch word for - well, the gezelligheid - and to show I wasn't being so srs bsns.

tl;dr I don't get why you're being assy - and if it was because you thought the tone of my post was off, all you'd have had todo was just ask me what's going on. Chances are I didn't realise if it was the case, and just explained, apologised to folks and tried to avoid posting in such a formal style from now on. Simple things really.


So we're clear - if my original posts or any since had a certain tone about them - I genuinely didn't realise it when posting, and no offence or things like that were meant. So many amounts of sorries for that.  :'(
If anyone has an issue with me at all in the future or whenever, by all means tell me directly.

Off-Topic / Re: Spam
« on: April 08, 2011, 02:15:09 pm »
Awesome!   :D

Off-Topic / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: April 08, 2011, 10:24:40 am »
OH U!  ^-^

Nice to meet you. :3

General / Re: Core reason you like Aquaria
« on: April 08, 2011, 09:57:55 am »
One thing that really drew my attention were the sheer beautify of the sprites and environments.
And the music. Oh LAWD. When I first heard about this and watched the trailer, I was captivated. I really can't describe why, but it was I think mostly the music that drew me further - it was so small and delicate a melody, with such a foreboding theme playing under it - which when playing the game really complimented Naija being a lone creature in the huge, vast waters of Aquaria.

One thing I really liked also was when playing the game, was how open-ended and free it was.
And small sidequests and activities to do on the side were a joy to do, like cooking. That was so complex and there were so many combinations to create different foods, it was a lot of fun to spend time doing that.

The entire game was charming. Extremely well put together, a compelling and well-thought story, great voice acting and characterisation, and superb graphics.

General / Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« on: April 08, 2011, 09:38:41 am »
I have no idea why you're acting with such a self entitled, condescending attitude.

General / Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« on: April 07, 2011, 07:05:14 pm »
Quote from: Alphasoldier
The Creator is a child, not a god. He fell to his death, was revived with magic that stayed with him and he created 13 creatures because he was lonely.
Quote from: SuperDecimal
I think God is just leetspeak for "higher lifeform." In the game, "Gods" are contextually far more suited and magical a term that compliments the story, so that's my thoughts on them.


Even the Creator God himself was a child that was corrupted and distorted after years of loneliness and failure. It was only his merging with an ancient spirit after the attack on the Skyhome that gave him influence over the waters in the first place.
Don't think anywhere I stated anything other than what you said in your post, nor anything not stated in the game. :P

Quote from: Alphasoldier
Naija is no God either, nor a demigod. She simply has powers, stop making things divine. Durrr, *witty divine soup reference here*
As thus her child isn't a quarter god either, though he's sure to have powers

Quote from: SuperDecimal
Naija I'd reckon is just a very powerful lifeform, and nothing more.  


Quote from: Alphasoldier
As to the reference to Naija being smarter than other Mithalans; it's not because she's special, nor because she was Mia's daughter/creation, but because she was EDUCATED by Mia. She would've just been a feral creature otherwise. If you don't think that's so, go figure this, how does a creature that does not know language think?

No-one said anything about her being smarter. I did mention though her having a more profound connection to the verse, seeing that she was born of a creature that was created using the most potent uses of the Verse.
Furthermore, Mia wipes Naija's memory, so anything Naija was taught was forgotten. Naija lives as an otherwise feral creature afterwards until Mia starts to send her on her quest.

Also bear in mind that language is not coherent, concise words and complex structure. Some animals have highly developed language. Most have language that is based on the transition between instinct and reasoning. A thought is just expressing and processing any sort of information and deciding how to act. It's that blurry line between instinctual reaction and reasoning (on any scale) that becomes thought. And that communication is also language.
Ultimately; almost all animals are capable of thoughts on varying degrees in varying species.

Quote from: Alphasoldier
Then to Mia being made as the creator's equal, this isn't so. The creator wanted Mia to be better than him, seeing she was made in the image of his mother. Now what child does not look up to his mother? Not with the obvious evidence of missing her so that he spread the verse of the song she sang through everything.

Quote from: SuperDecimal
As for Mia's God status, well as said, I don't think the "Gods" were Gods as much as just higher/superior life-forms, but one thing is clear that Mia was created as the most equal creation to the CG. I think it's more the case her independent, self awareness and human-like intelligence being the element that allowed her to evolve more than just a simple beast like the others were based on, and hide herself and evade the CG to work her own agenda.

There was only the mention of equal purely because, being the creator himself, the CG can't make anything more than himself, bearing in mind he's not technically a god, nor magical in his own right either.

Quote from: Alphasoldier
As for the skin, it could be possible she has a combination, but it's unlikely. The darker pattern doesn't prove anything either seeing orca's, whales and etc. have patterns as well.
But those are cetaceans, and cetaceans are mammals.
Naija does not breathe air.

Besides, as a fictional underwater creature, I think people should and are entitled to interpret and speculate as they wish here, especially when there is not defined truth.

Quote from: Alphasoldier
That'll be all, feel free to prove me wrong on any of the subjects.


That said, I think you're looking too much into the semantics of it all. A lot of what I said (I haven't read all the posts here so can't speak for them) didn't actually dispute what you or the game said, and a lot of terminology was just personally used to interpret the same things.
The game is alot less precise and gives room for lots of interpretation on the same thing.

That said, I see no harm or wrong at all for other to interpret or hold the game and its concepts in their own, personalised way. It's absolutely a credit to the game if it's open enough for people to make their own assumptions and beliefs, it makes the game and story experiences that much more potent and personal for them. Which is a mark of an incredible game :)


Gezellig, he? :D   

General / Re: Aquaria fanart [spoilers]
« on: April 07, 2011, 12:47:51 pm »
Thanks so much you guys!   ^-^

General / Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« on: April 07, 2011, 12:46:30 pm »
I think God is just leetspeak for "higher lifeform." In the game, "Gods" are contextually far more suited and magical a term that compliments the story, so that's my thoughts on them. I think the only true God is the Creator God. :)
The Gods were created as pretty much the pinnacle of the species they rule over. Mithalis seemed essentially to be a large Mithalan, Mother Nature was the most extreme manifestation of plant and animalistic hybrids, the Octopus Prime, Crab bosses and Jellyfish God, etc, were also just very large variants of the ordinary creatures. Some, like Mithalis, were only shown in different, grossly different and distorted forms after they were subjected to unnatural things, like Mithalis again, being chained and used to gain knowledge for immortality from Mithalan priests, etc. Even the Creator God himself was a child that was corrupted and distorted after years of loneliness and failure. It was only his merging with an ancient spirit after the attack on the Skyhome that gave him influence over the waters in the first place.

As for Mia's God status, well as said, I don't think the "Gods" were Gods as much as just higher/superior life-forms, but one thing is clear that Mia was created as the most equal creation to the CG. I think it's more the case her independent, self awareness and human-like intelligence being the element that allowed her to evolve more than just a simple beast like the others were based on, and hide herself and evade the CG to work her own agenda.

Naija I'd reckon is just a very powerful lifeform, and nothing more.  She is however very different and unique from other Mithalans in that being born through Mia, she is able to fully manipulate the verse as she chooses, while the other Mithalans and creatures of Aquaria only have some limited powers. Naija seems to have the ability to use it entirely. This is what I get from the game at least -

As for the actual title question - I reckon that Naija has a combination of both. :]
Not all fish have scales - some have a soft skin, some (like sharks) have skin that is made of microscopic teeth - but ultimately, not all fish or aquatic creatures have only scales - and so I imagine Naija to have something similar. :D
Her official art shows that she has different textures and colours on her - and while they're not scales - or resemble them, I think it implies in my opinion that she's got a kind of skin/minor scale combination some underwater creatures have.

Off-Topic / Re: The Ultimate Battle of AWESOME. Who will win?
« on: April 05, 2011, 10:10:53 pm »
Oh lawd - misread the 2010 as 11 then! :O
Or most likely the case, I thought it was still 2010.
I let the team down.
Sorry guys! D=

Off-Topic / Re: The Ultimate Battle of AWESOME. Who will win?
« on: April 05, 2011, 09:44:20 pm »
Can any of these people divide by zero?  :P

Off-Topic / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: April 05, 2011, 09:43:39 pm »
I *knew* someone would mention that!  xD
It's a greek name. :D

Hai there! ^_^

Games / Re: Your first Game
« on: April 05, 2011, 05:34:38 pm »
Which was the first video game you have ever played?
Super Mario Land on the original Gameboy. :D
Fantastic game. It felt like an enormous achievement to complete it - and it was so awesome when I finally beat it on hard mode!

Was it a video game that brought you into gaming or did it need a another game?
From there, I was introduced to Yoshi, who I thought was just awesome a character, and it snowballed form there.

Was there anybody who influenced you? (A brother or sister, uncle, friend, whoever, who brought you into gaming)

Nope. I got myself into it.
I think off the top of my head, it was walking around in shops, and the (then) super-awesome latest technology looked all cool and shiny in my eyes. Was always interested in complex things like cogs and machinery at an early age.

Which was the first video game you bought yourself?
Pokemon Yellow. Awesomegasm. :D

Which was the last one?

Last game bought? Aquaria! :3

Games / Re: Marian Goes 2D
« on: April 05, 2011, 02:49:07 pm »
I think it's just your personal link to the character which was changed that got people upset.
She was essentially just an empty slate whereby you could assume and create your own version of. *You* are Samus, and she is you. The same concept was used with Link from the Zelda series. He's even named after the premise of being an avatar for the player.

I think it was defining Samus with a certain personality that put a lot of people off. They were told explicitly what to feel and think, rather than have their own version. And she was defined by such extreme precision that she was left cold to the players to embrace  - such was the extremity of her characterization in Sakamoto's eyes.

Again, I didn't like it either, but that's just how I felt, and others have applauded her character in Other M. :D

I think the problem lies in having an avatar character stay an avatar character for so long, and then suddenly give a voice and complete personality which is defined to a needle point It becomes hard to embrace her as you once did. And some people can get flat-out repulsed by it. The one thing I really WTF'd about and found really, utterly plain wrong was her suddenly being scared of Ridley when at that point, she'd killed him four times at least.

My first M game was Fusion, and then I played the rest in the order they came out. I think Prime 1 and SM are the best.

And yeah, Ripley was scared at first, but I imagine that the difference was that despite being scared, she got her shit together and braved forward as a warrior nevertheless. With Sarah Conner in T2, even though she is distraught over several things - the Terminator's return, the visions of Judgment day in her sleep and killing Miles Dyson, she doesn't let her weakness of vulnerabilities become the point of which she defines herself as a character - she - like Ripley - defines herself through her actions, not her fear. And I believe Samus was sadly prey to that idea of characterizing via induced, forced sympathy.
(Is there any way to split the topic off as another thread? Conscious I'm taking it off topic, sorries.  :-[ )

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