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Messages - JSW

Pages: [1] 2
General / Don't buy the CD for this game
« on: January 13, 2009, 11:16:46 pm »
I always feel a bit nervous getting direct-download software since it means that I run the risk of losing my product in the event of a hard drive failure or accidental deletion. I could make CD backups but I've heard that burned CDRs degrade faster than regular pressed CDs. With this in mind, I decided to pay extra for the CD version of Aquaria when I bought the game.

I wasn't expecting too much, just a nicely printed CD with some of the standard Aquaria artwork we've seen on this site, possibly in a jewel case. Instead, I got a cardboard envelope containing this:

I've obscured the serial number printed near the top of the disc and my address printed near the bottom.

On the back of the disc was the telltale blue colour of a common consumer CDR, the kind I could buy for $0.50 in any computer or electronics store.

In short, don't bother ordering the CD version of this game, it's a complete waste of money.

Gameplay / Re: Stuck on final boss! (spoilers)
« on: January 11, 2009, 08:01:44 pm »
You have to hit the note before the ball hits you. If you get all three without getting hit the boss will take damage. Otherwise he'll just shoot another round of balls at you.

The Jelly armour is very useful for this boss. You'll be in Song Form the whole time anyway and any damage you take will happen slowly enough that the armour's healing should be able to keep up.

Gameplay / Re: Extremely frustrated!
« on: January 11, 2009, 07:51:59 pm »
There is an eighth form, and I found it fairly useful for beating the King Jelly.

Don't give up on this boss fight, the item you get for finishing it is very useful, especially for the final boss. The Simon Says one you can skip unless you're a completest. I never used the item you get there before finishing the game.

Gameplay / Voice in the Abyss
« on: January 06, 2009, 07:57:08 pm »
When you enter a certain screen in The Abyss (the one that contains exits to the Sunken City and The Body) a voice clip plays. I was being attacked by Angler fish at the time and the sound of my shots drowned out the first part of what was said; I only heard the "here forever" bit at the end. What was said here?

Gameplay / Re: Ending Question
« on: January 06, 2009, 07:54:44 pm »
I managed to play the Mother's song by ear so I never really understood the point of the song on the wall, other than the fact that the symbols were in the same shape as the glyph that pops up when you play the song. Looking at it now, though, I can see how you can get the song from it.

Hint: Remember that a good portion of the song is repeating the same three notes, so there would be no point in writing them all out repeatedly.

Am I to understand that the ending you get after finding all the memories is basically the same as the one you get without finding them, but with an extra bit on the end? I finished the game with all the memories, should I go back now and finish it again without them to get the other ending?

Gameplay / Word of advice:
« on: January 06, 2009, 05:12:15 am »
Don't attempt to get the Arnassi Armor and the Third Cooking Slot in the same play-session. Ow.

Gameplay / Re: Form abilities? [Spoilers]
« on: January 05, 2009, 07:21:36 pm »
Maybe the uncharged Nature Form attack was originally supposed to actually do something useful.

Gameplay / Re: Meat! Help! (Super SUPER spoilers)
« on: January 04, 2009, 05:29:03 pm »
If you don't like killing fish, there's also a treasure in Mithalas that will give you an infinite supply of fish meat in Naija's Home. You'll still have to kill 'em for oil, though. Plus when you get the Beast form you'll be killing a lot of them, trust me.

Gameplay / Turtles in The Body?
« on: January 03, 2009, 06:11:16 pm »
I've just saved Li and gained the Spirit Form, however I'm afraid that I'm getting close to the end of the game and that if I travel further I'll reach a point of no return, which would be a problem since there's still a fair bit of non-essential stuff I'd like to do in the rest of the game before I complete it (find that third memory, for one.) If I use the downward passage to go deeper into The Body will I encounter an Ancient Turtle that will let me return to the earlier parts of the game, or should I turn back  now and swim to The Abyss under my own power?

Gameplay / Re: Aquaria Boss Strategies
« on: January 03, 2009, 04:13:48 am »
I'm not sure if it's been mentioned, but on the left hand side of the bubble cave (home of the Frozen Veil Crab) there's a bubble with two leeches in it. You can get them to attach to you by switching to Song form and playing the note that matches their eye colour. Once attached, they'll slowly restore your health, which will come in quite handy for the boss ahead. If you take damage, rather than waste a healing item just find a safe place to hide while the leeches do their work.

Gameplay / What do those metal ball-plant things do?
« on: January 01, 2009, 04:52:33 am »
I've found one in Naija's home and one in Mithalas so far. They look like big blue metal balls with leaves around the area where they attach to the wall, and create a map icon that looks like a horizontal green line with bulges at each end. I've just obtained the Beast Form but I still can't seem to activate these things in any way. Am I doing something wrong or do I need something from later in the game to make use of these objects?

Also, does single-clicking the minimap do anything? Does that wave that comes out have any in-game effect?

General / Re: Thinking of buying... Linux!
« on: December 26, 2008, 09:53:35 pm »
So - what about officially supporting it under wine then?
I don't really get what this means.
I think basically it means testing the game in Wine when you or they release a major update and fixing the bugs that crop up whenever possible.

General / Re: Thinking of buying... Linux!
« on: December 13, 2008, 04:20:14 am »
'Salright. I was mostly just waiting until you made a definite statement one way or the other before I made my purchase, since I wanted my $30 (well, $20 now) to go in the "Linux" column rather than the "Windows" one if I had the choice. Since it runs pretty much flawlessly in Wine having an actual Linux binary isn't such a big deal.

Or, at least the 1.0 version was reported to run well in Wine. Has anyone tried the new 1.1.1 release?

General / Re: Thinking of buying... Linux!
« on: December 12, 2008, 06:17:57 pm »
So now that the Mac version is out an the 1.1 patch for the Windows version is finished, is there any update on whether or not there will be a Linux port made?

General / Re: Thinking of buying... Linux!
« on: August 13, 2008, 07:34:38 am »
I for one, have held off on buying this game thus far because I'm waiting for the Linux version to either be released or officially cancelled. I'm hoping that it won't be long after the Mac version comes out (since once you've got code running on two different platforms it's relatively easy to port it to a third.)

I know I could run it in Wine but I'd still prefer a native version if it's at all possible.

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