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Messages - Romosome

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Naija Cosplay at Anime Expo '08
« on: July 06, 2008, 07:14:39 pm »
that's freaking amazing! what a wonderfully accurate costume, great job all involved!!  did anyone come up to you guys knowing what the outfit was? either way it's great exposure and promotion!

There were actually two (2) very excited people who knew she was from Aquaria.  There was too much of a constant flow of people taking pics to inform everyone about the game, but plenty of people who were amazed by the costume and prop did ask, and were told.

She also ended up giving three (3) video interviews, possibly more that I wasn't there for.  One may end up in a documentary about cosplay, and one was (if I heard correctly) for Anime Expo Latin America.

General / Naija Cosplay at Anime Expo '08
« on: July 06, 2008, 05:30:26 am »
I played Aquaria shortly after it came out and loved it.  I bought my friend a copy as a christmas gift, and he and his fiancee became big fans of the game as well.

She also likes making costumes for Anime Expo, you may have seen her Midna costume. (http://kotaku.com/373880/midna-cosplay-takes-the-cosplay-cake)

This year, she made a Naija costume to wear...and her fiancee made her a pretty awesome prop to carry, too.

Naija with the Verse.

Naija was quite popular.

REALLY popular, actually.

High-res shot.

I showed Alec and he seemed pretty pleased, this may be going on the frontpage soon.  Hope you enjoy!

Gameplay / Re: Final Area boss - Grabbed by his hand
« on: January 01, 2008, 12:02:26 am »
It's possible to roll out of the hand, yes.

However I did it once when he was slamming around near a wall and rolled out of his hand right as he shoved his stupid hand through the wall, leaving me stuck in it.

Gameplay / Re: Dream sequence in the intro
« on: January 01, 2008, 12:00:42 am »
I didn't really kill much, but I frantically dashed for the end and made it.

Support / Big Seed glitch *SPOILERS*
« on: December 29, 2007, 10:39:06 pm »
It seems something is causing the effect of the "Big Seed" treasure to appear in Naija's Home without actually getting the treasure itself.  I assume some flags are running amok.

I've narrowed it down and it's either caused by the Girl's Costume or any number of flags involved in the Sunken City (or after first entering the Body, the tongue going away)

EDIT: it's not the Glowing Seed, just tested.  I'm betting it's some Sunken City event flag.

Gameplay / Re: tree with a woman's face
« on: December 28, 2007, 07:45:37 pm »
It's interesting how gameplay tropes lead our behavior in games, frequently.  Most players know to shoot what's in the room just because they're closed in with it; it must be a boss, it must be evil, it must be killed, on the basis of context rather than any objective knowledge.

Faced with something that isn't overtly trying to attack HIM, it's neat to see someone react with "what do I do"? instead of immediately blasting away.

Gameplay / Re: Thoughts on Li (Spoilers)
« on: December 28, 2007, 07:42:55 pm »
I felt much the same way as Sabreur, really.  I initially didn't like Li because he went against the feeling of loneliness and solitude that pervaded the rest of the game.

In my case I was so in love with the feeling of being lost completely alone in that world that I turned off my pets most of the time.

I eventually became used to Li and appreciated him more (and yes, seeing him hug Naija helped that by being so sweet...a very nice touch on the part of the devs to include a little random action like that) but my other minor nitpick with him was Dual Form.  Dual Form de-emphasized Naija a bit aesthetically...in terms of game mechanics, you'd spend nearly all the time in Dual Form on Li's side, blasting stuff, and then switch to Naija's side for only the briefest moment to let off the scream.  I just feel that she should've been granted the "primary" side rather than the more powerful but far less frequently used side.

Yet another minor quibble...so many little things in this game I want to leave feedback on, just because it's so good.

Gameplay / Re: Reversion to Normal from Beast Form...an issue
« on: December 28, 2007, 03:26:02 am »
I play the same way.  I appreciated the smooth and simple control of the mouse-only scheme so much that I try to use it whenever possible.  Part of it's just that I appreciate the technical aspect that went into it and ensuring that the entire game could be played that way, almost like "they made this for me to use".  However it's also got a relaxing, fluid feel to it that meshes well with the rest of the game.  Gently guiding my path by smoothly moving the mouse as I swim just feels more proper than keyboard control.

I could manage pretty much the whole game in mouse-only except for the final gauntlet before the last boss if it didn't really confuse me to hold and release and tap the left and right mouse buttons in various combinations during intense Energy Form segments.  I get mixed up.

Hotkeying the different Forms almost feels like cheating, too...:P

Gameplay / Re: Reversion to Normal from Beast Form...an issue
« on: December 28, 2007, 12:03:14 am »
I don't mind wasting a shot, but what I have severe problems with is left-and-right click to get out of beast form when you ate a pistol shrimp.

The shot blows you back so hard and fast that 90 percent of the time, for me, it doesn't revert me to normal form because Naija's knocked clear of the cursor.

Gameplay / Re: [spoilers] ** kidnapped again!
« on: December 28, 2007, 12:01:48 am »
It sounds like another case of things screwing up because he got into the Body before doing Sunken City.

Also, Glamador, why'd you bother to uncensor your topic title?  You've making spoilers visible on the frontpage for "recent posts" when you do that.

Gameplay / Re: Frozen Veil Boss.
« on: December 27, 2007, 05:22:50 pm »
Too late for me, but you can delete the thread and create it again with a new topic I think.  Or just ask a mod.

Support / Re: In the veil invisible fish
« on: December 27, 2007, 08:54:25 am »
I've had this happen as well, fairly harmless but worth noting.

Was diving through the Veil in Beast Form and ate some invisible fish.

Gameplay / Re: Frozen Veil Boss.
« on: December 27, 2007, 07:03:03 am »
Topic is kind of a spoiler.

Support / Re: Aquaria 1.0.3 Cumulative Patch 2007.12.17
« on: December 26, 2007, 08:40:22 pm »
I realized that after posting and playing around, it was just patch paranoia setting in.

Let me take the opportunity to say that this is a fantastic game and I'll remember it fondly long after I'm done with it...because it'll take me a while and a few distractions to find the proper feedback thread to gush in.

Support / Re: Aquaria 1.0.3 Cumulative Patch 2007.12.17
« on: December 26, 2007, 08:11:39 am »
After dropping in data.001 and the new exe, and running it, it seems fine...

But I've noticed that the Bit Blot logo sequence before the title is now missing the dragon and windmill from the landscape.

Were those intentionally removed or should I take this as a sign of other things possibly not working?

Edit: Wait, there it is now.  Weird.

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