Standard Disclaimer: These are my own views. I think there's room for multiple interpretations of the game, and I don't intend to disrupt anyone else's views on the matter by sharing mine.
Well Alec, since you and Derek are the creators of Naija (or at least responsible for it. Creations have the habit of starting a life of their own in your head), in the end, it's your view that really matters. Just make sure you leave enough blurry areas for us to brag about endlessly.

Now that I think of Li a little more, I realized that I have a funny relation to the game as a player. Being a male, I never really identified Naija as a representation of myself. I felt more like an observer, or invisible companion. I never liked Li, and if I'm honest, it's because I viewed him as another male, standing between me and Naija.
No, really, I'm normal, just thinking.