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Messages - Scnigey

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: Sun Temple Boss Frustration
« on: December 18, 2007, 01:32:11 am »
Erm, sorry for this but I'm having a hard tim figuring out where to get the nature form. Sorry, this game is amazing but I've always had trouble with "open" games.

Gameplay / Re: Sun Temple Boss Frustration
« on: December 18, 2007, 01:11:22 am »
That's what I was afraid of. Argh. Thanks though! I think I'm going to go searching for Nature Form now. Not only does it sound useful here, but also very cool. Thanks again!

Gameplay / Sun Temple Boss Frustration
« on: December 18, 2007, 01:02:44 am »
I've looked around the forum for hours, trying to figure out different tactics of beating him. I have Bind/Shield/Li/Energy/Beast. I saw on one thread about an exploit where if you stick to the door that comes down he cannot touch you by merely swimming (I'm not proud of myself). That doesn't seem to work though because of a possible fix, or maybe I'm doing it wrong. Either way, I'm having too much trouble with him just to beat him the normal way. Any pointers? Anything to do with the door?

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