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Messages - sundak

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Wall jumping....
« on: January 11, 2008, 01:46:03 am »
Is there a trick to this in the Sun Temple....because I can't get it.  I have made it all the way to the left most tunnel with the water as far up as I can get it.  If I open the map and look...it doesn't appear to be that far but when I start jumping, I just can't make that last bit.   So I am presuming that I have to jump the rest of the way up which I just can't coordinate.

So I left the Sun Temple and have gone and figured out more of the game and I now have dual form and I tried it with that and I'm still hopeless.  From reading the forums, I need that memory at the top of the Sun Temple to make the ending awesome...

Anyone have any suggestions or maybe a way I could go around from the outside of the Sun Temple?  Help?

Gameplay / Re: Bat looking thing in the Abyss
« on: January 07, 2008, 11:10:59 pm »

Games / Re: MMORPG's?
« on: January 07, 2008, 11:07:28 pm »
Rush on Seven Episodes or more commonly known as ROSE is a good MMORPG for kids.  It starts you out fighting jellybeans which is really cute and the graphics are absolutely beautiful.   This is a pay to play game which lost my
interest when they upgraded to ROSE Evolution and made some major changes to the game.

Flyff or Fly for Fun is another good game for kids.  The graphics are equally as breathtaking and the gameplay doesn't really get monotonous until you get up into the higher levels like 50 or so.   This game is free and with the latest update
you can buy cash shop items with your in game penya.  They also have 2 pet systems.  One you can add to your character which is a cash shop pet that picks up your dropped items for you; the other you acquire in game and adds to your character statistics...but they are difficult to keep alive because they have to fed continuously.  I still play this game from time to time but for the most part has lost my interest after level 60.

Gameplay / Bat looking thing in the Abyss
« on: January 07, 2008, 10:42:36 pm »
He is all the way on the bottom of the screen...what exactly is he supposed to do?  He doesn't seem to respond to anything I do and I can see from the map that the game progresses past him...any suggestions? 

Am I the only one having trouble with this bat?

Gameplay / Re: tree with a woman's face
« on: December 30, 2007, 09:05:55 pm »
It took me an hour to beat this boss and I wasn't shooting at her face at all.  I was dodging the flying orange pineapples and then running from the spiky thornwoms because they only chase you for a specified amount of time.  I figured the goal here was to just stay alive during all this dodging and running business.  But I do know the sequence of this boss if anyone is interested now.  First there are 4 flying pineapples, then 1 spiky thronworm which cycles for about 30 minutes. Then there are 6 flying pineapples, 2 spiky thornworms which cycles for about 20 minutes.  Then there are 8 flying pineapples, 3 spiky thronworms which cycle like that for about 8 minutes.  All I did during all this was dodge the orange flying pineapples and run from the spiky thornworms.  The ony damage I did was the firing that went on after I repeated her note.  You would think after all this it would end but then the final sequence is 3 HUGE swirling orange pineapples, 2 spiky thornworms and some kind of lightning bolt thing that scrolls the top of the screen.  Nothing seemed to work here, so just staying alive and running for your life worked for me. 

Gameplay / Re: Boss in Mithalas Cathdral
« on: December 26, 2007, 07:53:19 am »
I see now you have to feed him poisoned frogs....which you learned previously by reading the runes. 
I will have to look into this rune reading more carefully now...ty for responding.

Gameplay / Boss in Mithalas Cathdral
« on: December 26, 2007, 06:09:07 am »
This is my first post here so I might not be doing this right.  I was wondering how long you have to fight this boss???
The nature goddess(boss) took me exactly an hour and I was ready to jump out the window afterward and throw the game out there too.    Here I am in the cathedral fighting the beast boss now and have given up after an hour because it is so frustrating and monotonous doing the same thing over and over again for an hour.  Anyone have a time frame here so I have something to look forward too.....tyvm

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