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Messages - oasis

Pages: [1]
Thanks for the guide, will try this out!

Gameplay / Re: Help with first boss (minor spoilers)
« on: December 11, 2007, 05:31:40 am »
Use the charged attack to knock the boss back, you need all 3 shots to hit to move him a step.
Knock him back far enough to switch forms and get the pearl.
Change back to energy form and use the walls to jump. If you land near his feet, he will lunge forward to swipe at you, so jump backward.
Do this enough times to draw him into the trap. Then activate the pearl with a charged shot. Do this a couple times and he dies.

Gameplay / Earlygame - Energy Temple - After Boss, Before Exit [spoilers]
« on: December 11, 2007, 05:20:15 am »
After I defeated the Energy god and obtain the 'completed' sign on the minimap, before the exit point there is a passage upward that is sealed, with an empty pearl pedestal. I searched around the temple again but couldn't find another pearl to drag there. Am I missing something, or should I just go on? Thanks!

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