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Messages - psoplayer

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: How to Download the Latest Version: 1.1.1
« on: March 30, 2010, 09:35:24 am »
Just send an email hoping you could do the same for me. Here's hoping that someday we can import our Plimus copies into Steam (and that the Mac version will show up there too).

Support / Re: Snow Leopard Graphic problems
« on: March 30, 2010, 09:31:49 am »
I never tried it on my Mac before, but I just grabbed the demo and tried it out on my Geforce 9600 MBP with OS X 10.6.3 and the currents look just fine.

Support / Sp***t Form Bugs [Spoilers]
« on: December 10, 2007, 11:21:12 pm »
So I've been playing this for a while -- and its an awesome game; I love it.  However several problems appear while in spirit form:
  • While I was in spirit form I was able to activate a save point and then quit the game for the night.  When I came back in the morning I opened my save to find that I was still in spirit form and that my body was nowhere to be found.  I now cannot leave spirit form at all.  Leaving the area just causes time to unfreeze with me still in spirit form.  I've tried just about everything I can think of to get my body back, but nothing seems to work. Also, not that it matters too much if you prevent this happening in the first place, but continuing to play the game in this state ends up with complete, headlong-into-a-concrete-wall crashes (Windows pops up with "Aquaria has encountered a problem and needs to be closed").
  • Now, stuck in this mode my spirit form can activate sea horses and kitchens (behavior of normal spirit form? I can't check.)
  • Activating an ancient turtle in spirit form completely breaks the game. Time is frozen so he doesn't go anywhere, but your invisible body climbs aboard for a ride and there you sit, stuck, unable to even gracefully close the game (Esc does nothing, no buttons at all actually. And, again I can't check if this happens before the saving bug.).
These seem to be a few rather serious bugs. Keep in mind that even if the bugs are fixed it would be fantastic if you found a way to fix my screwed up save file so I don't have to play through half of the game again.
Thanks so much for the awesome game by the way.

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