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Messages - nambit

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Horrible preformace on vista laptop with aquaria
« on: December 31, 2007, 07:53:35 am »
For the 53rd time, do you have the latest sound/graphic drivers available for your hardware?

Dunno who you're posting this to, but from my post above:

Quote from: nambit
I'm assuming, like myself, you guys have the latest drivers.

Support / Re: Horrible preformace on vista laptop with aquaria
« on: December 29, 2007, 09:50:40 pm »
It's strange this game's rather irregular performance based on (laptop) hardware.
One guy with an nvidia graphics chipset is having issues while another guy with
an Intel chipset (likely integrated) is doing fine.  I've also got an Intel GMA but I am
having serious issues myself, and I have quite the rig otherwise (and the 2.0 Ghz C2Duo
processor isn't even going beyond 50% when playing, and I have over 1 GB memory free
- of my 2 GB ram - as well).  I'm assuming, like myself, you guys have the latest drivers.
I even installed XP SP2 with no better response.

I think that, if it doesn't work well with your laptop, you'll have to bite the bullet and
stick to playing this marvelous game on a desktop.  It's a crying shame I can't play it on
the go/home theatre.  I seriously hope a Nintendo DS version comes out.

Just for the sake of it, I think those with laptops should post their specs including video
details.  Here's mine:

Lappy:        Dell XPS 1330 (Bought Oct 2007)
Processor:  Intel Core2Duo T7250  (2.0Ghz)
Memory:   2GB, 667Mhz ram running in dual-channel mode
OS:               Vista Premium
Graphics:  Integrated GMA X3100  (Runs everything else perfectly fine, including
                                                                    Hurrican, T2002, Warblade with all features on, etc)
                                                                    **Vista Rates it a 3.5**
Drivers:      Latest driver package 15.7 from Intel's site  (tried numerous alternate drivers too)
Status:        Game runs Slow, even at 640x480

Support / Re: No love for Intel GMA users?
« on: December 29, 2007, 11:54:29 am »
I guess I'll just play it on the desktop.  I'd much rather play it on
the large 60 inch plasma in the other room, but the laptop is just
not working out with this game.  The desktop (Nvidia 7300 card)
runs it perfectly fine at 800x600 (60fps) which looks smooth as
silk on the plasma (much better motion than on my LCD).  I still
don't understand why this game chugs on my laptop (heck, the CPU
isn't even going past 50%) but I guess it's a driver thing that Intel
is not really going to fix anytime soon.  I've seen enough folks complain
about the OpenGL support on my embedded graphics chip (DirectX is
fine... figures). 

By the way, GREAT game!  Damn, I've been dying for such a game
since Metroid Zero Mission.  I love underwater fantasy themes.

Support / Re: No love for Intel GMA users?
« on: December 28, 2007, 04:59:08 am »
Regarding my thread question... Guess not.  I think it's an OpenGL
thing as my DirectX games seem to run fine on this machine.  Some
have lots of animations, rich backgrounds and such. 

Support / No love for Intel GMA users?
« on: December 24, 2007, 10:12:42 am »
Sigh, ATI & Nvidia driver links, but nothing for poor little me.  :(

Really regretting the decision on not going for the Nvidia card in my XPS 1330.
There seems to be no hope on the Intel X3100 integrated card which is in my
lappy.  I hardly play 3D games, so I figured the X3100 was perfect for 2D games,
but this thing is chugging for me.  I've checked my CPU and memory readings when
playing the game, and neither are maxed out.  I'm still wondering if it's just intel's
drivers that are failing me.  Nonetheless, I can't understand how even 640x480 is
not doing well for me.  Honestly, I'm baffled.  Perhaps the OGL support by Intel is
broken or something. 

Support / Re: Slowdown problem.
« on: December 16, 2007, 07:03:15 am »
Hey Nambit! I'm a fellow Vista user.

OK, my "Game Graphics" rates as my base score of 3.4, however, I run the game fine, if anything, too fast. I haven't actually played the actual game on my Vista yet, but the game runs absolutely fine. I was running the game using my Gran's comp and suffered some choppy and slow gameplay (I got up to the first save point on that one, not because I suck but because I'm not dedicating much time to Aquaria). All I can say is "grin and bear it". Or buy some better hardware. I'm sure the game runs fine on your Desktop PC, right?

Sigh, I just spent a bundle on this laptop and it can't play this game right.
You see, the laptop is hooked up to my plasma TV, so  you can imagine I really
want to play the game on the laptop.  The desktop is in the other room.  I really
don't understand why it's so bad with the gma x3100 as it should be fine enough
for this game.  I even tried XP and the game still lagged.  I moved the desktop into
the room where my plasma is and man, at 60 fps, the thing is amazing on the
plasma.  I had to put the desktop back, though, as it clutters my condo living room.

To think an Athlon X2 (3800) desktop with a measly Geforce 7300GS card (128Mb)
is smoking my 2.0Ghz Core2duo laptop with all the fixins (and 2GB ram)... hurts.
I'm still hoping it's a simple driver issue that intel will resolve. :'(

Support / Re: Intel GMA x3100 and Dell XPS 1330 slow
« on: December 15, 2007, 02:16:32 pm »
Bump.... so I guess I'm S.O.L. on this issue as no one replied.  :(

Does anyone know if there are any issues with the Intel GMA boards?
This game is running unbearably slow on my laptop and, after waiting
about a year for the release, it's rather depressing.  I'm not sure if it's
a driver thing or not, but here's my system details:

Dell XPS 1330 notebook
Intel GMA x3100 integrated graphics (based on 965 chipset I believe)
2.0Ghz Intel Core2Duo T7250
2 GB 667 ram.
Windows Vista 32 Premium

Any help would be appreciated.  I have to resort to 640x480 for the game
to be playable.

For the record, Vista rates my graphics card a 3.5.

Support / Intel GMA x3100 and Dell XPS 1330 slow
« on: December 11, 2007, 08:40:09 pm »
Does anyone know if there are any issues with the Intel GMA boards?
This game is running unbearably slow on my laptop and, after waiting
about a year for the release, it's rather depressing.  I'm not sure if it's
a driver thing or not, but here's my system details:

Dell XPS 1330 notebook
Intel GMA x3100 integrated graphics (based on 965 chipset I believe)
2.0Ghz Intel Core2Duo T7250
2 GB 667 ram.
Windows Vista 32 Premium

Any help would be appreciated.  I have to resort to 640x480 for the game
to be playable.

For the record, Vista rates my graphics card a 3.5.

Support / Re: Hiccups during the game
« on: December 10, 2007, 05:12:48 am »
Sigh, seems my intel GMA x3100 isn't enough for this game.  The laptop
is fine (Dell XPS 1330 with Core2Duo @ 2.0 Ghz) but I think the game doesn't
like gma drivers.  Anyone else have any luck?   It runs better on my desktop
(much less powerful but has an Nvidia card.. forgot which one but it has 128
megs of ram and is considered a budget card). 


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