It's strange this game's rather irregular performance based on (laptop) hardware.
One guy with an nvidia graphics chipset is having issues while another guy with
an Intel chipset (likely integrated) is doing fine. I've also got an Intel GMA but I am
having serious issues myself, and I have quite the rig otherwise (and the 2.0 Ghz C2Duo
processor isn't even going beyond 50% when playing, and I have over 1 GB memory free
- of my 2 GB ram - as well). I'm assuming, like myself, you guys have the latest drivers.
I even installed XP SP2 with no better response.
I think that, if it doesn't work well with your laptop, you'll have to bite the bullet and
stick to playing this marvelous game on a desktop. It's a crying shame I can't play it on
the go/home theatre. I seriously hope a Nintendo DS version comes out.
Just for the sake of it, I think those with laptops should post their specs including video
details. Here's mine:
Lappy: Dell XPS 1330 (Bought Oct 2007)
Processor: Intel Core2Duo T7250 (2.0Ghz)
Memory: 2GB, 667Mhz ram running in dual-channel mode
OS: Vista Premium
Graphics: Integrated GMA X3100 (Runs everything else perfectly fine, including
Hurrican, T2002, Warblade with all features on, etc)
**Vista Rates it a 3.5**
Drivers: Latest driver package 15.7 from Intel's site (tried numerous alternate drivers too)
Status: Game runs Slow, even at 640x480