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Messages - Aetherion

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: Exploring the Abyss
« on: December 15, 2007, 06:05:03 pm »
If I remember correctly, Naija sais something about not going into the Abyss without the force of light...

I assumed the "source of light" was the fish, because of how ambiguous the message was.

Gameplay / *spoilers!* Exploring the Abyss
« on: December 15, 2007, 05:50:17 pm »
The fact that sun form wasn't required to really explore the abyss got me stuck for three to six hours when I played the first time; I would just navigate by singing to the glowing fish and just going deeper and deeper, until I reached a point where they got eaten and I had no way of getting back out. I was at a total loss of how and where to get sun form, and I was just about to quit before coming to the forums. (Made it all the way to sunken city with no sun form, but couldn't get back out because of lack of any light).

It might be helpful to make the glowing fish in the abyss NOT follow you when you sing, because it seems to imply that it's meant to be played that way.

Gameplay / Re: *MASSIVE SPOILERS* Aquaria World Map
« on: December 13, 2007, 01:14:59 am »
Sorry, I think I must be color blind.

Gameplay / Re: *MASSIVE SPOILERS* Aquaria World Map
« on: December 13, 2007, 12:43:01 am »
I'm curious, how does one get to the "simon says" miniboss?

Gameplay / Re: *SPOILERS* Giant Jellyfish Help Please.
« on: December 11, 2007, 04:11:51 am »
Hm. I wonder if you can beat him with just beast form? So long as you have Li and a blaster crab pet firing away at him, you can just focus on dodging the lasers and devouring the jellies for health. I don't think I have any old saves to check though.

Gameplay / Re: Giant Jellyfish Help Please.
« on: December 10, 2007, 03:56:58 am »
There's just the rotating weak point where it's not covered at the eye (though I'm certain you've already noticed this) that you have to hit; there's nothing special to it so much as "SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT AAAARGH HEAL SPAM HEAL SPAM CAKE"

I consumed about 15-30 points of healing beating him, but the reward for beating him is definitely worth it; with it I beat the sun temple boss with only 1 point of actual eaten healing.

EDIT: It helps to have Li and a blaster crab pet, though.

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