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Messages - westlake

Pages: [1]
Support / New patch?
« on: September 22, 2008, 02:08:28 am »
I was skimming the threads and saw a "1.1.0" patch mentioned once or twice.  Can anyone tell me how far along it is, what if any major changes are planned, etc.?


Gameplay / Re: no idea where to go!
« on: January 16, 2008, 06:28:39 am »
There's a small alcove in the "main area" (the hub that links to your home, the energy temple, the song cave, etc...) with a pearl in it.  I think it was sort of to the lower right somewhere.  That's what you need to drag up and open the door to the upper right, which links to Open Waters (a huge new area).

Gameplay / Is it possible to "fill out" the entire map?
« on: January 02, 2008, 07:56:36 pm »
Maybe I'm just OCD, but I keep making myself swim around enough to illuminate every bit of every area I come across.  If I check the map and see that there's a dark corner in a certain chamber or tunnel a ways back, then damn it I go there and swim around until it's gone!  I don't know if it's even possible to explore every single inch of the map (i.e. the very top of the Veil), but it would be strangely satisfying if there was some kind of notification or reward for finally doing so, even a small one just to let you know "Yeah, you've been everywhere someone can possibly go in Aquaria... loser."

Gameplay / Re: Not Buying and Here's Why
« on: January 01, 2008, 01:09:56 am »
I have the agree that the vast size of Aquaria is a HUGE part of what makes the game so damn good.  Can you imagine how lame it would be if everywhere Naija explored was within like a 2 minute swim of her home?  Give me a break.  I remember being blown away at the start of the game but also vaguely worried that the world itself wouldn't be all that large since it was an "indie game" or whatever... wow, was I wrong.  It delivered.

Like others have said, games like Wind Waker and San Andreas and Shadow of the Colossus benefit greatly from a sense of scale, something a lot of games (even good ones) don't really bother to create.  It's fine for the topic creator to not care for that particular aspect of the game, but that's an issue with him, not Aquaria itself.  Exploration is practically the point of the entire game, so that would be like me saying I hated Call of Duty 4 for having too much shooting or Mass Effect for having too many characters and too much backstory -- sorry, that's how they're supposed to be.

Gameplay / Re: Exploring the Abyss... need a hint
« on: December 31, 2007, 11:33:53 pm »
Ok, thanks.  I must not have done that before.

Gameplay / Re: Exploring the Abyss... need a hint
« on: December 31, 2007, 09:56:54 pm »
What is Lis Cave?  (Either I didn't go there or just forgot.)

Gameplay / Exploring the Abyss... need a hint
« on: December 31, 2007, 09:46:13 pm »
I don't want to look around the boards too much and spoil stuff inadvertently, but could someone give me a hint on what needs to be done next in the Abyss?  So far, I've found a big whale that doesn't attack me, a door that needs to be opened with an energy-charged orb, a weird bluish tentacle thing that seems to be plugging up a tunnel, and an artificial barrier that prompted Naija to comment on it seeming familiar (which it does, but I can't remember where I saw its marking).

I'm coming back to the game after being on vacation for a week or so, so I forget exactly what I was doing.  Without giving anything away completely, can you give me a hint on which of these possible things I should be focusing on figuring out first (assuming it matters)?  Thanks for your help!

Thanks, the patch fixed things right up.

General / Re: Incredible !
« on: December 14, 2007, 12:30:32 am »
With all due respect to the OP, you'll have a tricky time getting through life without ever using a credit card online.  I completely understand the mindset of being cautious with money and identity issues, but it's a shame that something so simple is preventing you from playing the full game in all its glory until who-knows-when.  Heck, you'd be better off just downloading the torrent and mailing Alec and Derek a physical envelope with $30 in it.  Or getting a prepaid card and using that to purchase online without having any account tied to it.

There are plenty of ways to enjoy this amazing game right now without waiting months and months (if not longer) and hoping for a console port or physical release.  Anyway, cheers.

Support / splish splash, graphical oddity ahoy! *slight gameplay spoiler*
« on: December 14, 2007, 12:21:32 am »

I've got a laptop with an ATI Radeon Xpress 200m card and the game has run wonderfully so far, but I just got to The Veil and the water surface levels don't display properly.  With the various graphics options enabled (as I usually play), there is a dark "bar" between the foreground and background water levels, like this:

Playing around with the options and unchecking things results with this effect:

At least it's not a dark bar anymore, but the upper line still seems weird (being perfectly straight).  I assume this is still displaying incorrectly, right?  I updated to the Omega drivers but their control panel is confusing in terms of all the different graphics options and whether or not they conflict with or override the Aquaria config choices.  Trying tons of different combinations, I can only produce one of the two examples above, nothing else.

Can anyone offer advice on which graphical option might be causing this and how to resolve it?  It's certainly not a gameplay issue but I hate seeing a problem with such a beautiful looking game.  I'd be curious to see a "proper" picture of the water's surface from someone else if you'd be willing to post one, just so I'll know what I'm shooting for.

As far as Aquaria itself, I'm completely blown away so far (about 10 hours in and loving every minute) and I'll post my final thoughts upon finishing the game.

Thanks for any help!

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