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Modding / Re: Something like a sequel mod
« on: March 29, 2013, 08:14:01 am »
This is looking incredible. I particularly like the mangrove scene but all the screenshots in that last batch are very good. Best of luck with the mod. I look forward to playing it whenever it might be ready, though I know that's a long way down the road yet  ;)

Modding / Re: Something like a sequel mod
« on: November 30, 2012, 06:14:28 pm »
It's looking fantastic and, rest assured, I'm always interested in Aquaria mods  ;)

Modding / Re: Inn of the Dancing Sea Dragon
« on: April 29, 2011, 12:03:36 pm »
Played through this yesterday night and I'm hugely impressed. I was both amazed at what you've been able to create in an Aquaria mod and thoroughly entertained.

If (and only if) you're still adjusting it, I do have a couple of suggestions;
  • Hazel uses the phrase "[...]mistreating their war turtles so poorly[...]" before the turtle puzzle which is technically a double negative. It would be clearer as either "[...]treating their war turtles so poorly[...]" or "[...]so mistreating their war turtles[...]".
  • Also, in the cleanup puzzle, I found it a little tricky to keep track of which items in the right-hand image I'd already removed from the left. Would it be possible to remove the equivalent items from both at once?

As I said, though, it's already fantastic as-is and works beautifully. I can't wait to use it as a gateway mod to introduce non-gamers to Aquaria!

« on: April 01, 2011, 03:05:13 pm »
I know I'm too late but, for someone with membranes in those places, a loincloth and a "breastplate" type piece that rests on the shoulders while being open up the sides.

« on: March 23, 2011, 02:17:05 pm »
Oh, this isn't a spam post, just noticed, haha... caps lock thread titles almost always point to spam.

It took me a while to figure that out aswell  ;)

Gameplay / Re: Aquaria full download
« on: March 20, 2011, 10:31:33 am »
I've downloaded Aquaria a number of times and I've never got (or heard of anyone getting) a virus from it. Are you absolutely sure you hadn't already picked it up elsewhere?

Gameplay / Re: Aaaaahh!
« on: March 10, 2011, 04:17:29 pm »
We've had a lot of that sort on this forum. Just dump a weird, sub-literate post on the end of a thread that uses some of the same key-words or -phrases. I was pretty surprised the first time but a bit desensitised by now  :P

General / Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« on: February 22, 2011, 06:02:35 pm »
There are merfrogs ingame though. O_o

I always assumed they were based on toadfish.

Some species look pretty similar (like the one above) and they're all technically pufferfish, or blowfish, which explains all the poison-based attacks.
"As with other fish of this family, the flesh is poisonous, due to tetrodotoxin, and eating the fish can have fatal consequences." [1]
I'm pretty sure they also have barbs on various parts of their body which deliver the toxin aswell.

Modding / Re: Magic of Aquaria SPOILERS!!!!!!! new pics Feb 13
« on: February 14, 2011, 12:21:08 pm »
That's an amazing character you've created. Even in a still shot, it has loads of personality.

General / Re: Possible to finish Sunken City without light-up form?
« on: February 09, 2011, 02:26:36 pm »
No, there's no way around that. I'm surprised you didn't get the sun-form while you were fetching Li. You could still choose not to use it but you'd be able to continue when you reach the points it's needed for.

Gameplay / Re: Is it possible to get to the lower Rukh nest?
« on: February 07, 2011, 02:21:45 pm »
This is really fun. I'm starting to wonder whether I should ever take Naija down into the Abyss, maybe Li and her should just live a happy and careless life in The Veil, full of playing and jumping...  ;D

I think The Abyss is just as magical as The Veil, in it's own way. It's great fun to see all the weird and wonderful creatures down there, as long as you keep your wits about you  ;)

Gameplay / Re: Aaaaahh!
« on: February 07, 2011, 02:18:07 pm »
Nothing to be ashamed of in that. I'm a reasonably experienced gamer but, the first time I played Aquaria, I got very involved and reacted the same way. Took me ages to figure out how to deal with them.

Even if this is a spam bot, it may become a funny topic.

Yeah, I wasn't sure about that part. There seemed to be roughly equal arguments for it's being or not being one.  I came to the conclusion that, whether it was a spam bot or not, I could at least try to educate people about the insanity of "playing" the lottery  ;)

With all due respect, even if I bought a ticket I'd have about 7 millionths of 1% chance of winning. In the same way that I don't have contingency plans for being struck by lightning, or the human race being wiped out by a meteor strike, I don't think about what I'd spend a lottery win on  ;)

General / Re: graphical overview of Aquaria recipes
« on: February 04, 2011, 02:37:48 pm »
Oh, I see. So the recipe for say... shark fin soup would be something like;

((Oil+Meat)+Meat)+Shark Fin

I think it would be interesting to see but probably not quite as useful for most people. You'd want to be pretty familiar with the recipes to keep track of which finished products you're combining.

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