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Messages - auros

Pages: [1] 2 3
General / Re: Any update on the soundtrack?
« on: December 08, 2009, 09:20:55 pm »
I'm sure she would... maybe we could work something out with her. The end result would probably ending up costing quite a bit due to all the shipping involved, however.

Well, good thing that won't be your problem. :)

Depending on exactly what it turns out to cost, I might be willing to ship the disc (or just the poster) to her, and include a prepaid label for return shipping.  (I always used to use that kind of label when shipping legal docs back and forth for work; UPS, FedEx, and DHL all provide them...)

Gameplay / Re: frozen veil ? (spoilers i think)
« on: December 05, 2009, 04:35:21 am »
Oh, yeah, that's right...  I'm misremebering.  (Man, that map is huge; it's hard to keep it all in your head.)

Gameplay / Re: frozen veil ? (spoilers i think)
« on: December 04, 2009, 09:11:41 pm »
Hey welcome to the boards! Frozen Veil is a little off the beaten path.  Try looking for it in the bottom of the eastern reaches of the abyss.  If I recall correctly, you should also need Spirit form

Slightly out-of-date post, I guess, but maybe worth adding to: I think you need both Spirit and Fish to get to the Frozen Veil -- there's a fish crack hidden in the dark depths of the Arnassi ruins, and I think a steam barrier somewhere along the way as well.  (Possibly the steam is on the way into the ruins.)

General / Re: Aquaria fanart [spoilers]
« on: December 04, 2009, 08:56:16 pm »
Those pencil drawings are seriously amazing, though on the first one, the contrast is low enough it took me a moment to figure out what I was looking at...  It might be interesting to see what a photoshop wizard could do in the way of adding color and lighting effects...

Re: the first image, with Naija in the crystal -- it was always my impression that the blue crystals stored the spirit/consciousness of a creature, not the creature itself.  The actual physical Naija went off with Mia to conquer the civilizations beyond the Veil, while her mind and memories were stored in the crystal, which Lucien discovered.

General / Re: Any update on the soundtrack?
« on: December 04, 2009, 08:50:42 pm »
I noticed there was an error in one of the track names iTunes pulled down from the internet. March of the Krotites was listed as Marck of the Krotites or something like that.

Yeah, I see that in my own listings, which are what was uploaded.  Oops.  Oh well -- if it's just one typo, and it still does allow folks to get the tracks automatically, that's still pretty good...

General / Re: Any update on the soundtrack?
« on: December 02, 2009, 08:12:04 pm »
When I try to view the image that's inside the IMG tags, by going dirclty to iot, I get:
<Message>Request has expired</Message>

Yeah, you have to use the URL for the twitpic page rather than the direct link to the image; it looks like the way twitpic works is that it generates a dynamic URL for the img src property, every time you load the page, and then throws it away again; that makes it difficult-to-impossible for folks to embed twitpic content off-site; you have to come to their site in order to see their images, which is a very good thing for them, if they plan to eventually derive revenue from ad placement.

General / Re: Any update on the soundtrack?
« on: December 01, 2009, 08:26:13 am »

Oh, and for when you have your millions: the Tesla is way sexier than a Ferrari.

General / Re: Any update on the soundtrack?
« on: November 28, 2009, 08:11:10 pm »
Derek/Alec (or Darlek as I like to call em)

Maybe they're secretly Daleks?  (Resistance is useless! Exterminate!)

Fear the Dark is excellent.  And you have some serious pipes going there.  (I did a lot of vocal performance, up through college, including taking a minor at Peabody.  It gives one an appreciation of how much work singing is.)

Unrelatedly: I finally actually listened to the whole soundtrack on the good speakers (rather than headphones or computer speakers).  There's a lot going on in the deep bass, almost at the edge of audibility, that I'd missed before...  And DannyB did a great job mastering the CDs.

General / Re: Any update on the soundtrack?
« on: November 25, 2009, 08:42:07 pm »
High-res scan, in JPG form.

Though I may not leave it up permanently.  Also, there are a few speckles that are probably bits of dust on the scanner bed; I'd guess Alec has the original image file, which will no doubt be better.

General / Re: Any update on the soundtrack?
« on: November 25, 2009, 09:59:10 am »
Oops, too late!  I didn't think to do that, and now the disc is thoroughly transcribed, catalogued (in Delicious Library), and shelved.  I am kind of OCD like that.  8)

I think the tracks did upload properly.  Somebody will have to let us know whether it really worked.  Especially the album cover...  (I could post the image online.  Or I'm sure you have the original file somewhere...)

Am listening to Fear the Dark now.  The opening reminds me slightly of Counting Crows' "Murder of One" -- which sounds random, because it's not at all the same style, but I'm thinking of the way it starts out deceptively quiet / peaceful... and then slams you upside the head. In a good way. ;D

General / Re: Any update on the soundtrack?
« on: November 25, 2009, 09:27:47 am »
Received my copy in California. w00t!  :D

I am attempting to put track listings and a hi-res scan of the cover into the CDdb, so folks won't have to hand transcribe the track names.

I also got about halfway through trying to use the comment field to put in the stuff from the liner notes (Alec's comments about the tracks), before I realized the stupid thing was letting me type everything out, and then truncating the moment I moved on to the next track.  Gah!  So, there will be no comments and lyrics in the comment field in the CDdb.  :P

General / Re: Any update on the soundtrack?
« on: November 22, 2009, 07:56:49 am »
Does anyone know if FLAC is supported in QuickTime and iTunes?  I kinda think not.  It has support for a format called "FLC", but I think that's a video format (related to AutoDesk), not an audio format.  So it's possible that if I wanted the downloadable version, I'd need to get it in MP3 (or AAC if that's available).

General / Re: Any update on the soundtrack?
« on: November 19, 2009, 06:32:34 pm »
Planned Mailing Date: 1 Jan 1970

Hah!  Somebody forgot to assign a value into their time_t variable.  (The ISO C library defines time_t as a number -- usually a long int -- representing the number of seconds since midnight on Jan 1, 1970.)

Dec 31, 1969 is what you'd get if the time_t was initialized as -1 instead of 0.  (And a lot of processors store integers in the Two's Complement format, which means that initializing the binary to all 1s represents -1, while all 0s is 0.)

General / Re: Any update on the soundtrack?
« on: November 16, 2009, 07:23:19 am »
I hope Alec is paying the Packing Valkyries somehow.  Cook them dinner or something!  :)

General / Re: Any update on the soundtrack?
« on: November 13, 2009, 09:58:03 pm »
Rats, foiled again!

I would've gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for those meddling kids!

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