General / Re: Anyone else really unhappy with the extended ending? (spoilers of course)
« on: November 24, 2010, 09:36:36 am »
I had two problems with it. The first issue for me was that by this point I felt Naija had damn well earned a happy ending. The second issue is that it just didn't feel like an ending. The best comparison I can give is that it's like the game ending after the Sunken City. Li's been abducted, I guess we just go home and be lonely.
Wait, no, we kill a damned AQUATIC DEITY to get him back!
I want to see Mia destroyed. I'm actually a little alarmed by it - I don't usually hate anyone, let alone fictional characters. But she's damn well earned it.
The one point in the ending's favor was Naija's son setting off. If he's anything like his mother, Mia is in for a world of hurt.
Wait, no, we kill a damned AQUATIC DEITY to get him back!
I want to see Mia destroyed. I'm actually a little alarmed by it - I don't usually hate anyone, let alone fictional characters. But she's damn well earned it.
The one point in the ending's favor was Naija's son setting off. If he's anything like his mother, Mia is in for a world of hurt.