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Messages - Sabreur

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I had two problems with it.  The first issue for me was that by this point I felt Naija had damn well earned a happy ending.  The second issue is that it just didn't feel like an ending.  The best comparison I can give is that it's like the game ending after the Sunken City.  Li's been abducted, I guess we just go home and be lonely. 

Wait, no, we kill a damned AQUATIC DEITY to get him back!

I want to see Mia destroyed.  I'm actually a little alarmed by it - I don't usually hate anyone, let alone fictional characters.  But she's damn well earned it. 

The one point in the ending's favor was Naija's son setting off.  If he's anything like his mother, Mia is in for a world of hurt.

General / Re: Core reason you like Aquaria
« on: November 24, 2010, 09:17:05 am »
For me, it was the emotional kick.  It takes a lot of work to make me care about a video game character.  Hell, I'll go the extra mile to find amusing ways to kill of characters I don't feel any empathy for.  Aquaria had a knack for making me feel.

Let's start with the music.  When Naija talks about being alone and wondering if there's anyone else out there, the music is there to drive the point home.  It's beautiful, but reinforces the feeling of loneliness to the point that I sometimes get the urge to call family just to confirm they exist.  When I was lost and surrounded by crawly biting things in the Cathedral, the music was there to ratchet up the tension.  Don't even get me started on the Body, the Abyss, or the Veil.

Next there's Naija herself.  The voice acting was spot-on.  When she had her freak-out in the Cathedral, it was heartbreaking.  Hearing her laugh while in energy form made my skin crawl.  The 'Piercing the Veil' speech was one of the most uplifting things I've ever listened to.  There's one point where I stumbled onto a dark corner of the Kelp Forest and Naija ended up badly injured.  Some damned giant predator fish lunged out of the shadows and left her with just a sliver of health.  Hearing Naija's anguished "I'm not going to make it!" was absolutely terrifying.  I ended up frantically downing food items I had been saving for boss fights and running like hell for the best-lit patch of forest I could find.  I've played survival-horror games that couldn't rattle me half as badly.

Then there's Li.  I know some people don't like the guy, and to be honest, I felt the same at first.  Then I briefly left Naija and Li alone for a bit... and they hugged.  It was such a simple thing, but it totally won me over for his character.  Let's face it, there is something REALLY damn special about a guy who will follow you into the Abyss.  When he was abducted in the Sunken City, I was torn between sorrow and pure boiling rage.  All that work, all that loneliness, just to lose him?  No way in hell.  As far as I was concerned at that point, anybody who got between Naija and Li deserved everything they got.  Having my own emotions sync up with Naija's revenge speech was a unique experience in gaming for me.

Gameplay / Re: Thoughts on Li (Spoilers)
« on: December 28, 2007, 07:31:12 pm »
Well if Li had been taken away then I can only assume <SPOILERS MASSIVE SPOILERS> that Mia wouldn't have had to do much convincing to turn Naija evil...it was Li and her children that kept her going after her climactic battle.  The ending wouldn't have been as much "bittersweet" and "downright tragic" if Li had never returned.

But of course I've made clear that I never liked Li in the least.  I don't care how clingy he was, I don't endear myself to people just because they're there.  I need character development darnit!

It's weird, normally I would agree with you.  But for some reason, I usually end up feeling pretty attached to silent characters - Chrono from Chrono Trigger, Gordon Freeman from Half Life, and now Li.  I think it's because I mentally 'fill in' the missing development with whatever I want them to be.

Besides, it would have been hard to give him much development without stealing the show from Naija.  It's an aquatic world - verse-mutated or not, he's a surface dweller.  The water is Naija's element, which meant that she would inevitably be the one taking the lead and making the major decisions.  I don't see how Li could really fit in as anything but a quiet, loyal follower.

Ultimately, I liked Li because of how Naija reacted to him, rather than because of my own impressions of him.  The game gave me a lot of empathy of Naija.  I wanted her to not be lonely.  I cringed at the parts where she felt sad or upset - the freakout in the Mithalas Cathedral was especially unpleasant.  The first part of the game made her seem increasingly desperate and alone.  Li showed up at just the right time.  He made her happy (that freaking hug, I swear...), and that really was enough for me.  Naija's a good person, Li makes Naija happy, therefore I like Li.  Not exactly high-level logic, but it worked for me.

Gameplay / Thoughts on Li (Spoilers)
« on: December 28, 2007, 04:40:14 am »
I didn't like Li when he first showed up.    >:(

A large part of the game was the tremendous feeling of solitude.  No matter how many bizarre creatures Naija encountered, it didn't change the fact that she was utterly unique and alone.  Finding a companion felt like something that should be at the end of the game, not the middle.  I seriously considered leaving him in the cave, just to preserve that quiet, calm feeling.  I decided against it on the grounds that it might cause me to miss storyline.

He shot things, too.  That kind of aggravated me, even if you could turn it off.  Naija was plenty strong!  She didn't need anybody protecting her!  There were even times when I'd much rather sneak past enemies when the overly trigger-happy Li would start a fight anyways.  Besides, he looked kinda scrawny.  Not exactly an aquatic Prince Charming.  He didn't seem too bright either, following Naija around like a pet.

I was pondering where to go next, leaving Naija and Li floating stationary in the water while I thought about possible routes and secrets.  Suddenly, Naija and Li moved on their own - and hugged and smiled.  It was freaking adorable.  ^-^

That was when it all changed for me.  Suddenly, Li's over-protectiveness became cute.  The trusting way he followed Naija around, putting faith in her experience (even to the point of turning off his weapon if she asked!).  The way that he didn't interfere with Naija's chosen life of exploration, instead following her and supporting her as best he could.  I started noticing random bits of cuteness, like the way they would look at each other when they weren't doing anything else.  I could really understand what Naija saw in him.  When he was taken away I actually exclaimed in dismay, and eagerly looked forward to finding the creature responsible and filling it full of energy shots.  Thankfully, no one was around to hear my delighted squeal when they were reunited, or I'd still be catching hell for it.

Not bad for a character who never says anything.  :)

Gameplay / Re: Rune Translation Guide (Slightly Spoilerish)
« on: December 23, 2007, 08:34:12 pm »
We already have a thread about it. But that one focuses more on the letters and less on the writings, so this one is a good addition. :)

Whoops!  I didn't see that one.  Oh well. ^.^

Gameplay / Rune Translation Guide (Slightly Spoilerish)
« on: December 23, 2007, 08:12:23 pm »
While looking for Naija's memories, I thought that there might be clues in the writing found on various walls.  So I decided to decode them, and ended up cracking the Aquarian language.  While I didn't find any clues about Naija's memories, I *did* find a lot of interesting little tidbits that fill in a few backstory elements (and raise questions that will hopefully be answered later.)  I'm too lazy to post an exact letter-to-letter translation, but here is how I did it:

The ending runes read "THE*END", which gives us the Aquarian letters for T,H,E,N, and D.  The "E" is especially handy to have.
When first entering the city of Mithalas, Naija spots a broken sign on the floor which she says reads "MITHALAS".  This gives us several more letters - in particular, I and A.

From these three vowels and several consonants, it is possible to decode many other random pieces of script sufficiently to make educated guesses at their meanings, eventually cracking the complete Aquarian alphabet (except for J, X, and Z.  At least, so far - there might be messages I've missed.)

For those even lazier than me, I've included some interesting translations below, as well as where they are found.

City of Mithalas:
As he creates
so will he destroy.
Watching us from every shadow.
He is the abyss taken form.
To new waves
we must escape.
                                    *** Sauguin

Mithalas' Room (Some words are blocked and must be guessed at):
You have failed me.
Hunger will consume you.
Feast on the flesh of
your own children.

Mithalas Library, under the bookshelves:
The World

Entrance to Mithalas, over the Jars:
Fear The Lord

Near the Priest Spirits room:
Beyond death we hide

Graffiti in Mithalas City:
     e e
  H     tics

Cave Writings (Open Waters, I think):
Krel and Alia

Krel will pay

My Dearest
Rest in Peace

Written near a dragon statue:

Entrance to Naija's Home:

Secret Room in the Energy Temple:
Gleh is Weak

Needless to say, this raises a lot of questions!  Who are the people mentioned here (Sauguin, Krel, Alia, Gleh?)  Was Saugin one of the priests who 'escaped' into spirit form, or another citizen of Mithalas who escaped to different waters?  Did Krel betray Alia, or did something else happen?  Does "my dearest" refer to Alia or someone else?  I doubt the answers will be found in the game, but that won't stop me from being curious.  One can only hope a later game provides some answers.

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