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Messages - melly

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: HELP - Game crashing at loading screen
« on: February 25, 2009, 01:30:52 am »
UPDATE: I was able to make it work again by installing older ATI drivers. ;D

Damn ATI and their shitty driver updates.

Support / HELP - Game crashing at loading screen
« on: February 24, 2009, 08:12:53 pm »
I recently bought the 1.1.1 version of Aquaria for Windows, and I can't play it at all. It crashes in the loading screen.

The debug.log file gives me these last lines:

With fullscreen off:
Code: [Select]
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [cursor-swim] ref: 1 idx: 8
pos [-1], file :gfx/cursor-sing
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [cursor-sing] ref: 1 idx: 9
dark layer init
Loading EXT_framebuffer_object (256, 256)
Dark Layer: using framebuffer
dark layer togle...
Creating console
pos [-1], file :gfx/glow

With fullscreen on:
Code: [Select]
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [gui/minimap/top] ref: 1 idx: 126
PRECACHING: gfx/gui/minimap/waterbit.png
pos [24], file :gfx/gui/minimap/waterbit.png
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [gui/minimap/waterbit] ref: 1 idx: 127
PRECACHING: particles/*.png
searching directory
forEachFile - path: gfx/particles/ type: .png
PRECACHING: gfx/particles/beam.png
pos [18], file :gfx/particles/beam.png
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [particles/beam] ref: 1 idx: 128
PRECACHING: gfx/particles/beasthead.png
pos [23], file :gfx/particles/beasthead.png
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [particles/beasthead] ref: 1 idx: 129
PRECACHING: gfx/particles/bigglow.png
pos [21], file :gfx/particles/bigglow.png

I've talked to Alec about it, tried turning off both fbuffer and darkbuffer on the usersettings.xml file, but still no go. I've already reintalled and updated my display drivers as well.

My computer is a Core 2 Quad/ATI Radeon HD4850 with 4GB of RAM running on Windows XP 32 bits.

I appreciate any help that can be given, as this is very disappointing. I've really been wanting to play this game in full.

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