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Messages - Lestaticon

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: Game controlls blow
« on: February 22, 2009, 06:48:51 am »
I just finished the game using a Logitech rumblepad2 controller. It worked perfectly! You can't say that about all games out there. Well done!

General / Re: So whens the sequel? :p
« on: February 13, 2009, 06:35:12 pm »
Well I loved the voice acting!

I've been very happily enjoying all aspects of Aquaria. I'm an old time gamer and I've since added this to my list of classics. It's right up there on my list with The Longest Journey, which has been one of my favorite story and character centric games.

About subtlety and storytelling. I'm a huge fan of the story telling in the tv show Babylon 5. However, a friend of mine, who I consider brilliant and respect greatly thinks the story of B5 is too basic and not very interesting. I completely disagree. I think the story in B5 and Aquaria are similar in the fact it is a mixture of subtleties and feelings you explore and discover using intuition. I'm not explaining this well. I'm just sure there are lots of ideas, feelings, and situations I notice in Aquaria that some others do not. And those things I take away from the game really put the game well above others.

People are just different. Not all have the same perceptions, intuitiveness, and sensibilities. There is no way you can please every personality type out there.

Support / Re: NVidia Video Card Crash?
« on: January 09, 2009, 10:24:22 pm »
There's a new video driver out from Nvidia, 181.20. It's an official release. Give them a try. It appears to be a good driver.

Support / Re: NVidia Video Card Crash?
« on: January 05, 2009, 07:31:32 pm »
I have the same issue and I'm using a nvidia GTX260 card.

When i install my video drivers, I always do a clean install. I use Drivercleaner.net in conjunction with safe mode to make sure everything is removed.

However, I read that nvidia has been working on a new openGL driver. I think they were testing it with the unreleased 181 drivers. http://developer.nvidia.com/object/opengl_3_driver.html

I may give them a try later. It would be great to find a surefire way to reproduce the problem without having to invest too much time.

Support / Re: [Solved] Crash to desktop
« on: December 19, 2008, 05:12:23 pm »
I'd say 20 minutes was indeed quick :p
I guess one nice thing about squashing all of these bugs is that you're continuing to polish this engine for future games, and it is indeed very polished.

Support / Re: New version this weekend! :D
« on: December 18, 2008, 06:21:22 pm »
Maybe you could try adjusting your perception and try to be more compassionate, yumyum. I mean if you want to get down to the inhuman, unemotional nuts and bolts, you have already received the product you paid for. I know you would rather ignore the human and emotional side of life, but doing so really makes you come across as irrational. Logic alone is not enough to get you through life.

Some deep thoughts from someone who used to be like yumyum.  edit:  (or, I should say, used to let logic rule and throw out those quirky emotional bits ;p)

General / Re: Aquaria on STEAM!!
« on: December 18, 2008, 12:06:28 am »
FYI, Aquaria is listed within the Top Sellers tab today in Steam :)


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