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Messages - Justme8800

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Aquaria on PSP
« on: July 31, 2010, 11:50:20 pm »
Wow, I really hope you can make this work  :)

Maybe it's a stupid question, but I can't figure out where to download the EBOOT, is it available at the moment?

See, the EBOOT file contains all the Aquaria assets (music, art, etc.) that are NOT free. That's why there's not a direct download link. You need to have the linux version of Aquaria installed (the one from the Humble Bundle works), then run achurch's builder and direct it to the aquaria directory. It will take maybe half an hour to process all the files, and it will spit out a working EBOOT for you.

There might be a way to get the builder running under OS X using x11, I'm not sure. I doubt it will work in windows. :p

If you don't have linux, you can download a copy of virtualbox and an Ubuntu iso, both are free software and VB will work on practically any host OS.

General / Re: Aquaria on PSP
« on: July 28, 2010, 10:05:18 pm »
Well, after a bit of an adventure downloading and installing Ubuntu, I was able to run the builder program. It worked great, and didn't take too long even in a VM. I especially liked the little counter-spoiler option that hides filenames, that was a nice touch.

As for the port itself, it looks fantastic! When I first started it up, it seemed to run even better than my macbook. It wasn't until the dream sequence with all those enemies that the frame rate dropped enough for me to notice it. I got to Naija's home ok, and in there it runs like a dream. It crashed and shut itself off when I tried to reenter home waters, but when I relaunched it it worked ok, so no reproducing that bug, sorry. Home waters is a bit choppy just because it's so well populated, but despite that it's just as awesome as when I first played Aquaria. I can't believe that my PSP can do this, it's just amazing.

An engine rewrite sounds like a lot of work, but I'll be first in line to try it out if it happens! Maybe it can be integrated into the PC versions, too... my first-gen macbook plays the game well for the most part, but it still slows down in some parts. Maybe that would enable ports to other platforms as well, like the Wii or Android or the iPhone.

In any case, thanks a ton, achurch! This is so cool.

General / Re: Aquaria on PSP
« on: July 23, 2010, 09:37:50 pm »
I'm not savvy enough to reprocess the assets and compile it like he says is necessary, though. Maybe he'll put together a program to do that for us?

Ask and you shall receive. (But only for Linux, I'm afraid; I don't have a functional Windows build environment at the moment.)

(URL edited 7/18 to reflect updated build. There's an always-up-to-date link on my home page.)

Dude! Awesome! Thanks! You rock!

General / Re: Aquaria on PSP
« on: July 03, 2010, 12:53:25 pm »
Wow. I hope this works!

The PSP homebrew port of Cave Story worked out great. If he can get Aquaria to work well enough, the PSP might have a new best game!

I'm not savvy enough to reprocess the assets and compile it like he says is necessary, though. Maybe he'll put together a program to do that for us? I'll be watching this develop very closely!

Also, Slashdot story.

Gameplay / Re: Your Veil Moment
« on: June 26, 2010, 08:32:49 am »
Justme8800, solution: Play the game again! ;)

Way ahead of you. :D

Gameplay / Re: Your Veil Moment
« on: June 24, 2010, 05:08:39 am »
Mine kinda sucked. :(

As I entered the zone, I saw on the map that there was a surface approaching. I had a feeling it was supposed to be some awesome and beautiful breakthrough moment... only thing was, I had one hit point left and the screen was blaring deep red from all sides. I approached cautiously, reassuring myself that "there's no way they would spoil a moment like this, there's gotta be a save nearby..." and "crap crap crap I'm gonna die!" So, my breakthrough moment had me seeing red, literally. My heart sank when I saw the slow motion and everything, I could just think "damn, I totally ruined that by being all freaked out about my health, that should have been all emotional."

So yeah. I guess it was emotional, just the wrong emotions. I'm really sad I missed out, I envy you guys.

The rest of the game was awesome, though! (Except for it crashing on the final form of the last boss. :p Other than that, great!)

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