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Messages - Zidave

Pages: [1]
And now I supose you will all be a little wary of saying things  ::) please don't because  I don't know enough to judge people. :)

That never would have occurred to me. It irks me when people think they've gained great insight into the human mind or can read others after taking an intro psychology elective, let alone sampled it for a few weeks.

General / Re: Aquaria's officially made it to the big times!!
« on: November 28, 2008, 02:24:18 am »
No one has made note that the sprite files are in a freely accessible folder... at least in the Mac version. This fan art could be made interactive...

Gameplay / Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« on: November 27, 2008, 07:55:51 pm »
I think the former is correct, as per Gordon Freeman in Half-Life. [Ouch, maybe a controversial comparison, but the only one I know  ::) ] You could think of him as the strong, silent type.  ;)

I think artistically, that would make more sense, but with Naija's monologue pondering the relationship between Li and the ruins of the Sunken City lead me to believe that Naija and Li's communication is of the non-verbal kind.

Gameplay / Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« on: November 26, 2008, 11:58:51 pm »
"Li was particularly excited by these ruins...
...it was if he recognized them.
They did not look like the work of Aquarians.
I suspected that they were from beyond the Veil.
Perhaps Li's world was destroyed as well..."

"Perhaps". This is only Naija's assumption, its not explained in the game where Li is actually from. (although we can guess it was either the city seen at the beginning, or a similar one; since there don't seem to be any other living humans in the waters) The only human Naija knows at this point is Li, but she also has no knowledge of anything that exists outside of the waters. Naija picks up that Li is lonely and searching for something, but she doesn't know why. Derek and I do, but I don't think we'll get into that until the sequel.

"There are much greater worlds above ripe for the taking." - Mia


This wasn't exactly clear to me... Is Naija able to communicate verbally with Li? He appears to be a deaf-mute. This was either to leave his personality to the gamer's imagination, or he really is a deaf-mute.

Gameplay / Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« on: November 26, 2008, 11:46:42 pm »
I think it was mentioned somewhere, but a huge give-away was that the song, which plays when you see him is called "Lucien". ;)

If you look in the 'gfx' folder in the resources folder, you'll find all the artwork. In the directory called 'lucien' are the sprites for Naija's grown child. As well, sprites for the chick with black hair from that same ending sequence are under the directory 'luciengf'.

Gameplay / Re: Stuck in the "Body" :(
« on: November 23, 2008, 03:04:06 am »
Thanks for the help... now one more question... are there multiple endings?

Gameplay / Re: Stuck in the "Body" :(
« on: November 22, 2008, 04:49:07 am »
I'm also stuck sort of... later on in the game though... the end boss in fact. I think I'm at the last incarnation of the boss where you shoot off an eye-patch thingy. Well now I can't do any more damage to him. It's really frustrating and a pretty poor place in the game to put a puzzle. I used up all my healing items and didn't scratch him. I don't want to go through the whole procedure again and end up not figuring out the "trick." I tried different forms, and even tried to get the boss to shoot himself, but didn't work... any hints?

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