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Messages - JannieE

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Modding / Re: Magic of Aquaria SPOILERS!!!!!!! new pics Feb 15
« on: February 07, 2012, 04:04:43 pm »
I'm replaying Aquaria for the 5th time, now and it got me searching for mods.... Your look beautifull. I've noticed it's been a while since your last entry. Is the mod finished?  :)

General / Re: Core reason you like Aquaria
« on: March 10, 2011, 09:40:19 am »
First of all I think of the music when I think of Aquaria, but then again in game I don't really pay that much attention to it. Then there's the whole no strings' deal. I didn't really think of it until yeasterday when I played the mod Sacrifice. It's really nice to go where ever I want in any direction. But at the same time I feel lost most of the time and I hate (no love....no hate...no love...) that I don't know if I'm on the right track. Then there is the colors, it's so soothing and realxing too look at. Well not the part where you go SPOILERALERT inside the intestines in Mithala. Thats exactly as creepy as it should be.  :-X
So whats THE best part.....I guess it's the whole package. I love that I can play a game, beat it(not easily!),  2 years past and then suddenly I hear the intro music in my head and starts gaming again with the same entusiasm as the first time.
And this:
  Even the Treasure-collecting adds to that feeling.  I like the idea that she's so fascinated by her new world that she's constantly grabbing souvenirs to take home (it's also funny to imagine her and Li dragging these huge piles of helmets, statues, plants, dresses and other bric-a-brac aaaaalll the way back to her house.  "Seriously, Naija?  I love you and all, but do you really need this huge stone statue of a guy with a horse's head?"  "Yes, I do.  It goes perfect with my little jellyfish-attracting lamppost and that plant that makes pretty color-changing bubbles.  And what's a horse?" ). 
I never thought of that, but it's so true. And funny. I guess it makes Naija more feminine, I think most men with girlfriends recognize that 'uhhh a pretty thing! I have to put it somewhere in my house' mentallity.  ;) So I guess I like the caracter Naija as well. Shes very fragile on the outside, but so very strong and independent too.

General / Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« on: March 10, 2011, 09:18:48 am »
I think its safe to assume she has magic flesh (AKA human flesh but it doesn't get all wrinkly  :P).

Exactly my thoughts as well. I would expect scales to glitter more than she does. But I'll go with the soft ray-skin too. And yes definently no mucus! That would totally take some of her beauty away.... :-\

Modding / Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice v1.1
« on: March 08, 2011, 03:08:58 pm »
Just updated and now it works!  :D Yaaeh. But man it's hard. Not enough places to save game....  ;) Or maybe it's  just because I haven't played Aquaria in more than a year.

Modding / Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice v1.1
« on: March 06, 2011, 11:52:13 am »
I've just installed Sacrifice and I can't get it to work....Maybe I'm just doing something wrong. When I open the mod Naija is the top left corner of the screen and I can't see her. Well her cape, but thats it. And the screen is black except for the map in the corner.
What to do?

Gameplay / Re: Phew! All finished....*sort of spoilers*
« on: June 19, 2008, 08:12:16 am »
Thanks for the answer about the runes. I should have guessed it said 'the end'..... I love those runes btw. They match the game so perfectly with the soft lines and organic layout.
Looking forward to a version 1.1.0!!!  :)

Gameplay / Phew! All finished....*sort of spoilers*
« on: June 15, 2008, 11:14:45 am »
I've just finished the game and what a ride!  :D I had a real hard time winning the last battle and I got really stressed by playing it. But I did it!
That game is amazing. It's so beautifull and flowing. And hard.  :-X Spent almost 22 hours on it. And when I saw the end sequence I felt almost sad that it was over. Trying to forget how frustrated the game has made me in the past... The bosses are so freaking hard and the feeling of being lost most of the time or doing something in the wrong order made me almost hysterical. But now that it's over I want more. That's what makes a game a hit! If people spend hours pulling out hair and still wanting more you've got a hit.  8)
But eh.....can anyone translate the writing on the wall in the end? I mean the real end. Just before I got thrown back to the main menu, ripped out of my underwater calmness.
Anyway just wanted to say thanks to the guys who made the game! I haven't really played this sort of games before, so being a newbie and all I feel overwhelmed by the gameplay and it's possibillities.
I'll now stick to helping out my daugther, who've already beaten Nautilus, Energy temple boss, Mithala and the fish cave almost on her own! She's 12 and I have no doubts she'll beat my time. But then again she has watched me play a lot so she knows some of the strategies and tricks I struggled to discover...
Maybe I'll try to do it all again, but right now I'll rest and enjoy my 'prize'.

Gameplay / Re: Think I've gotten into trouble....
« on: June 01, 2008, 09:57:40 am »
Ok I chickend out! I went back to the clear waters and left Li in his bubble. Not very nice I suppose.  ;D But hey now I at least have two pets and a whole lot of treasures. I am currently getting my butt kicked by the big jelly-boss..... But it nags me somehow that Li is still trapped. Oh well I'll save him when I'm ready.  :D

Gameplay / Re: Kid-friendly? *SPOILERS*
« on: June 01, 2008, 09:51:56 am »
My daugther aged 12 has just recently asked if she could play Aquaria. I've spend a (too) long time playing the game and I haven't seen anything that might scare her or make her feel discomfort. She doesn't understand what Naija says (we're from Denmark) so I have to translate and explain along her way. She really enjoys the game and I pretty sure she'll complete it before I get even close. Well I've taken a detour while Li is trapped.  ;D Gotta explore some more before the end! Anyhow I know the rules are very diffenrent in various contries, but Aquaria is a game that have a sometimes sinister feeling to it so I wouldn't recommend it to kids under the age of 10. Unless they have a parent to explain and guide. Besides the gloominess I also think it's a hard game to beat and I doubt most kids will have the patience to fight the bosses (mini and the real ones) over and over again. Plus the whole deal about exploring places and then go back with a new form to re-explore takes a lot of patience and well.... stamina. Even I sometimes wish it could be a little faster. And then not really....  8)

Gameplay / Re: Think I've gotten into trouble....
« on: May 28, 2008, 07:31:14 pm »
Ok guys you've convinced me. I'll take my chance and stay in the body for now. But I will come back to hunt you if I get stuck for days!  ;)

Gameplay / Think I've gotten into trouble....
« on: May 28, 2008, 07:18:01 am »
I am now in the body and have found all 4 spirits. Heading towards Li. But reading this forum makes me nervous. I haven't been to the Arnassi ruins and I haven't  found all treasures or customes. I haven't been inside a whale... I found the whale but since I didn't knew the song to open it's mouth I couldn't do anything. So I went onwards hoping to find a clue elsewhere. But now I'm in the body and feeling I'm in over my head. And no I haven't made a save point outside the body!  :o
Will I be able to beat the body? Or is that impossible when I've missed so much? I was planning on exploring more so I hope the game doesn't stop after the body.  :-X

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