Just wanted y'all to know we are working on the Magic mod, but I will not be posting screenshots because it's some cool "secret stuff" right now; we don't want to give it all away before you get to play the mod. We may be able to just release the whole thing instead of trying to do part one and then the whole mod. I have discovered a way to do cutscenes without making paintings, especially for Naija's memories. I've been working with Nightmareshadow on the script, which is getting really close to being done so we can have Yogoda type in all the dialogue. We are now working on the fourth draft; Nightmare is still in school (Univ.) so we are not rushing it. We want to do what Alec and Derek did in Aquaria; have the dialogue read out loud as well as written at the bottom of the screen. I have friends with British accents who may help us with Naija's voice and others. If you want to try out for a voice role, send me a voicemail through Skype to sindhuma108. Yogoda is winding down with the Minecraft thing and is starting to do a few things for the mod. Nightmare and I are writing down all the bugs (like trying to put transit turtles and save crystals in the forests...) and other things we need to work; the purple plant, Percy, will be one of the first entities Yogoda will script. He is moving from Geneva to Lausanne soon, and from a bank job to a coffee job with a new apt. so he's kinda busy, but he's really happy about the move, and happy people can find time for things they love...theBear is helping with the turtles and Willowfish with puzzles. We are getting there!