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Messages - Echoic

Pages: [1] 2
Off-Topic / Re: Who is paying for my funeral?
« on: December 28, 2008, 05:27:32 am »
So don't kill me for saying this.

I had originally pirated Aquaria from a torrent.

But once I saw that was a wonderful creation it was, I bought the game. :D

I'm so picky about games, that I find torrents of games, and if I like them enough, I support the company/creators.

It's so ridiculous to pay up the ass for some heartless/thoughtless games being marketed by uncaring corporations, that I find using torrents useful for testing out games. Yes, there could be an argument over the use of demos, but sometimes I find that demos end up being totally different of what the game actually is.

Tho I still pirate anime, some programs, and some music, for I very much agree with Glamador's point of view. But, like with Aquaria, I will support if I find the quality to do so.

Am I dead yet?

I found out about the game through torrent posts and comments, tried the demo and promptly purchased the game.  your moral compass points in the same general direction as mine and Zeus hasn't smote me with lightning yet  :)  there's dozens of bands that I've gone to see in person that I wouldn't have even known about if it weren't for p2p, there is a significant unquantifiable upshot of p2p in general and it's those sorts who hoarde and then try and profit off of piracy that need to walk the plank  >:D


Off-Topic / Who is paying for my funeral?
« on: December 23, 2008, 07:42:56 pm »
So don't kill me for saying this.

I had originally pirated Aquaria from a torrent.

But once I saw that was a wonderful creation it was, I bought the game. :D

I'm so picky about games, that I find torrents of games, and if I like them enough, I support the company/creators.

It's so ridiculous to pay up the ass for some heartless/thoughtless games being marketed by uncaring corporations, that I find using torrents useful for testing out games. Yes, there could be an argument over the use of demos, but sometimes I find that demos end up being totally different of what the game actually is.

Tho I still pirate anime, some programs, and some music, for I very much agree with Glamador's point of view. But, like with Aquaria, I will support if I find the quality to do so.

Am I dead yet?

General / Re: Pajama Jam #1
« on: December 23, 2008, 07:11:45 pm »
I think he was humming to some of it Hiro....I think.

Yeah, that gif is kind of creepy Chimera.


General / Re: Pajama Jam #1
« on: December 21, 2008, 05:37:29 pm »
You made me cry.

Dear god, is there anything you can't do Alec?! :)

General / Re: Apply Aquaria?
« on: December 21, 2008, 05:25:36 pm »
Thanks Xiagan. :D

General / Re: Apply Aquaria?
« on: December 17, 2008, 04:49:00 pm »
Yep, my thoughts agree. :D

General / Apply Aquaria?
« on: December 16, 2008, 09:00:22 pm »
So almost everyone knows that Aquaria is out on Steam. WOOOT.  ^-^ :-*

My question is tho, is there anyway that I could apply my non Steam related Aquaria to Steam so I could get all the in game goodies, like achievements?

I don't mess with Steam much anymore considering my leeching off someones wireless(until I get my air card and router back) makes for a crappy connection. Hell, I can't even download 1.1.1!  >:D

Amazing work, Alec, Derek, Jenna and all the others involved, by the way. :D

Games / Re: PaperMoon by Infinite Ammo team :)
« on: December 14, 2008, 06:23:31 am »
Where can I buy some 3d glasses? 8)

Support / Middle mouse button support?
« on: November 30, 2008, 12:19:32 am »
I've got a Logitech MX 5000 combo, and the middle button function doesn't work.

It also doesn't work in Black and White 2, which Aquaria/BW2 being the only games I've played that have the button feature, I've learned to put up with it not working.  :'(

Tho, I can't be the only one here with the MX 5000 combo, is there anything to fix the issue?

To play BW2 I just got a generic mouse, because you really need the damn middle button in the game, and man, it sets off my OCD that the keyboard and mouse don't match.  >:D

Games / Re: Where the hell do I find this game?
« on: October 09, 2008, 03:51:46 pm »
Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.  :D

Games / Where the hell do I find this game?
« on: October 09, 2008, 07:12:55 am »
I was cruisin' around the gewd ol interwebz a day or so ago, and I saw a game that I THINK is named Zen,Fez or something.

It was a fuckin' cool game too! Reminiscent of Cave Story(because of the main charature being a white blob thing, the art style) but with a twist, the player could zoom out and suddenly the 2d game was a 3d game! The white blob thingy could jump to new heights with a rotating camera!

Being the dumbass I am, made a mental note to look into it later, and never did.

Now I can't find the friggin' site that I was at.

Annnd, Firefox was being a douche, and deleted my history.


General / Re: Wait, what?
« on: October 09, 2008, 05:47:11 am »
WIP Cover Art

Right now I'm working with Jenna to record a new song that I wrote just for the OST. That's one of the last things I have to do.

Oh jesus christ on a piece of toast, I want the OST ten times more now!!

I love you Derek, Jenna, and Alec.

...You know, in a non creepy way.

General / Wait, what?
« on: October 05, 2008, 05:40:56 am »
So I've been away again for a while.

What's all this I read about the OST? :D

Tried the search engine, and failed to bring up anything relevant.

Remind me to bitch slap work for being a time gobbler.  :'(

Oh, I've missed you all. :D


Finally got some motivation to start playing again(if you read my little moodiness in the off topic board).

I've given up trying to beat Simon this play through, and have decided to ask for someone to beat him for me on my save file.

Uh....so here I am, asking.

Also, I know you don't have to beat him, but I'm a completionist(<---awesome word). Sue me. :D

Could you be that someone?

Off-Topic / Re: Birthdays
« on: August 06, 2008, 06:33:16 am »
Mine is May 12th.

So that makes me 19 now. :D

It's so hard to believe my 18th year on the face of the planet went so fast

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