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Messages - Firecracker

Pages: [1]
General / Why did the programmers ruin the fun this way ???
« on: June 20, 2008, 02:39:52 am »
First, I congratulate the 2 programmers on a magnificant job in creating Aquaria.  The depth of the program is amazing.  But in all it's glory, why is it coded to ramdonly switch my character mode back to 1?  A good example is when I'm trying to defeat the giant octopus in it's cave.  I have enouigh on my hands keeping the light on, shooting the squid, and getting close enough to lure the red pearl (or whatever that is) to come out so I can shoot at it.  Then, I press 2 or 8 to get a character that I can shoot with and the program auto switches me back to the base character!  Sometimes it does it right after I press 2 and am trying to lure the red thing out so I can shoot at it.  This is not fun, this is insane frustration.   This is not adding to the difficulty in a good way, this is just frustrating me to death.  I haven't beaten this creature yet as I keep getting frustrated to the max at getting switched off my character that can shoot.  I just quit the game and come back later (sometimes serveral days later) when I'm calm to try again, only to have this auto character mode switching me right at the critical time I want to shoot.  Major pain in the you know what ....  What the ???? is that needed for?

Gameplay / Re: Stuck in Sunken city "spoiler"
« on: April 18, 2008, 05:10:53 am »
I figured it out.  I finally have a good use for the flowers in Nature form.   Excellent puzzle.

Gameplay / Re: Stuck in Sunken city "spoiler"
« on: April 18, 2008, 04:52:18 am »
I definitely have the right note sequence, now I just need to figure out how to lure the boy all the way to the door.  He stopped back at the dead tree and is lying at the bottom.  It looks like he's crying to me.   I can't bind to him or anything so I guess I'll need to find another song to play to him to get him to follow me all the way to the door.   If I can't do that them I'm SOL.  Sigh !!!!!!!!!

Gameplay / Re: Stuck in Sunken city "spoiler"
« on: April 18, 2008, 04:10:30 am »
I had figured out the 3 groups of 4 notes by going back to the woman and listening to the notes being played for awhile but going back to the door and playing them does not open the door.   I tried playing the notes to the boy and the girl also without any luck.  Is there a prerequisite item I need to have?  Must I have killed a different boss monster prior to getting to this door (I skipped the Jellyfish monster,  I kept dieing too many times without success).  I haven't gotten the boy all the way to the door, he stopped back in the larger chamber.  I'm stumped on this one.

Gameplay / Re: Newbie help please.
« on: April 06, 2008, 08:25:38 pm »
Thank you very much for the help.  I had seen these 4 notes but didn't make the connection on where to use them.  I now have the BIND song and can move on to other areas.

Gameplay / Newbie help please.
« on: April 06, 2008, 07:36:23 pm »
To all persons reading this, I'm a frickin newbe idiot, you don't need to insult me, I already know that.  Now that I've spent my $30 on Aquaria I'd like to be able to enjoy it.   Insulting me because I'm a newbie that can't find anything is not of any help.   Ok, now that's out of the way,  where is this BIND song I need to be able to move rocks to access other areas.  I don't care about being "spoiled" by getting specific help.  I'm just going around and not getting any where else cause I'm blocked by rocks and only have the "Shield" song and a bunch of ingredients for recipes.  This looks like a fantastic adventure game, but if I can't get anywhere it's just an exercise in frustration right now.  Is there a new player help or tutorial I can use to understand what to do.   HELP me please.

General / Newbie help please !
« on: April 06, 2008, 06:15:49 pm »
OK,  call me a dunce, but I've explored everywhere I can, have a bunch of ingredients for recipes, and now I can't go anywhere else.  I can't find the song to give me the Bind spell so I can move rocks to unlock other areas.   Where do I go from here?    H...E...L...P...!!!

Is there a help section I'm missing out on?

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