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Messages - Ixis

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General / Re: Aquaria's officially made it to the big times!!
« on: December 25, 2007, 01:10:31 am »
Oh god, some of the replies here.  ::)

I dunno, I kind of expected something horribly drawn, and so far that's all that's been done. However, I don't see that stopping anyone really interested in doing Naija justice should they want to.

Jesus H. Christ, Mary, Joseph and his amazing technicolor dreamcoat that one's bad. :<
I almost feel like drawing one up myself just to give the game some justice.

Quote from: IceD
I don't think any Aquaria fan should be happy of it, because "the game has made into the big times".
So no one should be happy Aquaria's become popular? Wow, what a jerk.
(lol, ok no more taking quotes out of context, but that opening line was just asking for it...)

Quote from: IceD
Ok. But the heck, in what sorta way? It's damn perversy! I just can't stand and think about any creator, that will be forced to see any of his characters in similar situation. It's just like they put all of their hearts into the act of cration just to see somebody using it like this to satisfy other people's wicked fantasies...
Oh, get off your high rocking horse Icey. It's not like I've buckled Alec and Derek down to a chair and forced them to watch badly drawn pornographic material of their creation Clockwork Orange style (not to mention your icon is most ironically a furry. But then again you could be a rare non-perverted furry, or just be into furry art... Again, I can't help myself finding irony in your post.) And, when you release any work to the public, you release said characters, story-lines and such to the slobbering dogs. Honestly, what did you expect? Even way back in the days of sunday funnies when cartoons where one page high and everyone knew Dagwood, Nemo and Krazy Kat you still had erotic comics of them somewhere. And while you may take a stance against it don't prop yourself up on some bullshit moral high ground based on half-hearted assumptions and heated zealotry.

I never said, nor implied that this image originated as the result of rule 34. I personally don't know where or when it came from, but found it amusing and decided to "show it to the class for show and tell," so to speak. But, it probably is the result of some kind of 4-chan rule 34 crusade, but I figured they'd pull out someone better for the job.

@IceD's second post
Don't say this...
Quote from: IceD
... using it like this to satisfy other people's wicked fantasies...

*Goes for the bazooka*

and then say this...

Quote from: IceD
I'm not accusing anyone, and I understand all. But let's also see to what target audience is mostly game set towards to. Personally, I don't have anything to hentai art unless it's justified. But there are also limits. By making some of this stuff (I mean, why Aquaria?), people just show how immature they are.

You totally just flip-flopped after someone called you out on your voracious post. Man up to what you said, and the exaggerated bazooka tirade that followed. You don't agree with hentai, it's wrong, and you're accusing those people of creating such works to "satisfy other people's wicked fantasies." You at least stay consistent after your "I'm not accusing anyone" deflection (of which you go on to accuse said people as being immature.)

I did, that's why I looked around for rules on what can and cannot be posted, and then wrote that should this thread be against Bit-Blot's wishes, they are free to remove it, or I will remove it myself. And added huge bold red letters warning people. And "random people who may or may not be in tune with internet culture" are usually not indie-game fans, or gaming fans in general (i.e. the people who will care enough to seek out this forum and read it.) So, I'm not particularly concerned. If it becomes a problem I'll go in and delete the link, but considering I've handled the situation with kid gloves I'm going to assume it's fine for now.

General / Re: Aquaria's officially made it to the big times!!
« on: December 24, 2007, 11:57:43 am »
The fact that it exists I think proves Aquaria's notoriety, as the only other indie game to have hentai would be Cave Story.

Man, I long for the day one of my characters are lusted over by greasy high school boys. That's when you know you've made it big!

General / Aquaria's officially made it to the big times!!
« on: December 24, 2007, 07:24:30 am »
Now I looked around for a rules thread...
And the help section didn't answer my question...

And if this is wrong and inappropriate I will remove the thread immediately and/or it can be deleted but...


I repeat...


Rule 34, there's now Aquaria hentai

Gameplay / Aquaria Boss Strategies
« on: December 19, 2007, 07:04:21 am »
A lotta people keep asking for help, I wanna take a break, and I haven't seen a post like this yet. So if someone asks for help on boss strategies you can point them here and lambast them for not using the search feature (or something...)

NOTE: This WILL contain some spoilers if you try looking at bosses you haven't found yet. Just check the one you're on. Note, there really won't be spoilers other than the name of the boss... Or something... Anyway,

Oh, and I could use the names of any of these bosses if you know them!


Energy Temple Boss:
Shoot him with energy blasts until he backs up. Use the bind song to grab the pearl at his feet and place it in the statue to the east. Then when he gets close enough hit the pearl and turn on the laser. After a while he won't openly walk into the laser, so lure him close by swimming past the laser line and enticing him into the laser's area with your energy burst ready, then hit the pearl when he's close enough.

Wait until he walks to the left and spits out a little zombie merman. When that happens lure the zombie merman by the green gas (warning, Mithadra can grab you if you're by the green gas hole too long. Use energy form to make him let go.) When the zombie merman passes the green gas he'll turn into a bloated zombie merman. Bind him, and while he's still binded go into energy form and his Mithadra until he backs up past the shaft of light. Then go back into normal form, unbind the bloated zombie in the middle of the area and dash to the bottom of the screen to hold unto the ground and not get sucked up into Mithadra's mouth. Repeat until his eyes explode (WTF?!) and everything starts going all red-epilepsy. Then blast him till he stops moving.

Sun Temple Worm Thing:
Go into energy form and eat a lot of speed soup so he doesn't catch you, then make circles around him and shoot him. Also apparently you can hang off to the left side of the screen and shoot him with energy bolts and he won't touch you.

Kelp Forest Boss:
Dodge the enemies and wait until she starts singing. Copy her note and then go into energy form and spam energy blasts. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Sunken City Boss:
Go into beast form and eat the pink jellyfish when they appear. Then use that ammo to blast the singing wraith when you have a chance. While she's knocked out you can shoot the big hulking sea frankenstein thing. After a while the wraith will die and you can blast the frankenstein until he stops moving.

Final Boss Form 1:
Shoot his head and dodge his attacks until he changes.

Final Boss Form 2:
Shoot his upper body and dodge his attacks until he runs away.

Final Boss Form 3:
Chase after him, go into the room with lots of tunnels and use the sun form to uncover his location, then shoot him in the eye, dodging his swipes. Eventually he will run into the room to the southeast. Enter here and keep your distance while shooting his eye and dodging his lunges. Eventually he transforms again.

Final Boss Form 4:
Copy his notes and the laser bubbles will disappear. Copy his notes enough times and he'll fall.

Final Boss Form 5:
Shoot his braincase at the top left of his head and reveal his eye. Shoot the muscle off of the eye until it dulls and becomes invulnerable, then remove the eye with the bind spell. Next go down to his stomach and use the dual form Li to shoot his mouth for a second (then get out of the way of the laser.) After a while enemies will spawn. Kill them and absorb their power. When Li is charged up turn into dual form Naija and make an energy blast near the stomach. Repeat this 4-5 times while avoiding giant colorful balls of death and stuff. Enjoy the ending.


Nautilus Prime:
Move around her until you can shoot her head, and do so. Also avoid tiny nautilus enemies.

Octopus Prime(?):
Get close to it's mouth and a pearl will appear. Shoot it then move out of the way of the tentacle. Shoot any squids that spawn, and use the Sun form to get rid of the darkness.

Frog King Prime(?):
Just move out of his way and shoot him when he comes bouncing by.

Energy Crabs(?):
Dodge their attacks and shoot them to death.

Arnassi Crab:
Use the nature form to give him a thorny-enema.

Jellyfish of Death:
Spin around him, avoiding lasers and shoot the hole in his eye. Use the beast form to clear away those annoying jellies.

Frozen Veil Crab:
Wait till he's about to spit out bombs, bind one, then use the nature form to jump out of the bubble and shoot the area under his legs. Unbind the bomb close to his head and swim away from there. It'll go off and he'll take damage. Repeat several times for best results.

Mithalan Priests:
Wait until they go out of ghost form and shoot the crap outta them.

Ok, are there any I missed?

Games / Re: Games We've Loved...
« on: December 14, 2007, 04:44:51 am »
How could I forget the KotOR games, best thing to happen in Star Wars themed games in years (Well, leggo star wars is pretty cool too)

Psychonauts was brilliant.

I've seen Okage around but didn't really know anything about it. I might pick it up.

Be warned, the dungeons and combat system are EXTREMELY bland for an RPG. The spells, animations and music in combat is top notch, but for some reason the rest of combat is Final Fantasy 1 era stuff. Also all the dungeons use exactly the same graphics except for the final dungeon.

Games / Re: Games We've Loved...
« on: December 14, 2007, 02:54:55 am »
Hmm, a lotta games mentioned here I myself have loved to death, but I can't shake the feeling that I grew up in an alternate universe than most people here, lol. ^_^;;

I've played and loved Castlevania: SotN, but didn't play it until this summer. I dig Metroid, but the first ones I ever played were Fusion and Prime. Anyway, here's some games that haven't been mentioned that made my list.

Okage and Earthbound:

Ok, seriously guys... How many pages and nobody's mentioned Earthbound at least once? (I'm used to no one knowing Okage, but... C'mon!) Earthbound, if you didn't know, is a little off-beat RPG about a mute boy named Ness on a quest to collect random bits of music around the world to stop an ancient evil alien thing (and a really annoying fatass bully named Pokey) from acting like jerks and releasing untold evil horrors and stuff upon the Earth. Okage on the other hand, is about a quiet shy boy named Ari who's shadow is possesed by the great evil king Stan. Stan, possesing Ari's shadow, decides that Ari is to be his slave and embarks on a quest to destroy several evil kings and take over the world.

Both games are off-beat RPGs, but even moreso, they're RPGs that don't take place in sci-fi anime land -or- fantasy anime land -or- Lord of the Rings rip-off fantasy land -or- star wars rip-off land. Now, that isn't to say I don't like RPGs that are set in fantasy or sci-fi worlds; in fact, NWN, KoToR, Fallout 2, the Tales Series, and Chrono Trigger are among my favorites, Chrono Trigger being the first RPG I ever played. But with Earthbound and Okage the creators said, "Y'know what, let's make an RPG that takes place in a contemporary fantasy setting." How many RPGs actually do that? (The Persona series and Shadow Hearts 3 do, but those just aren't as charming and fun in my mind.)

To me, these games are the only RPGs that were truly unique and didn't feel like something I've seen before. It takes guts to do something different in the gaming industry. Specifically when it comes to RPGs, of whom usually do nothing more than come up with hopelessly complex and pointless battle systems with long and boring special attacks.

Kudos also goes to Skies of Arcadia and Jade Empire for deciding not to do another LotR/Final Fantasy/Star Trek style game.

That said, if you value charming characters, witty dialogue, unique art styles, funky but damn catchy music, and just about everything you could ask from an RPG aside from extremely old-school style combat and vanilla dungeons then go out and play Earthbound or Okage. If you like all of that but want an interesting combat system then pick up Mother 3.

Megaman 2

I don't think Megaman 2 has been included on this list either... Bizzare! The first game that really got me into "games." Before then it was nothing but edutainment games on my Dad's Apple IIe. You played a robot dude with a robot laser arm shooting other robot dudes because... Well, because Dr. Light says so and Dr. Wily is a squirrely b**** with a floating castle made of blood... Robot blood... I guess... Somehow it hurts you. Also robot bubbles are strong against him...

Don't ask...

Gameboy Camera

Nobody ever talks about the Gameboy camera anymore, when it was so fun, so innovative, and the first signs that Nintendo probably has their employees snort a line of coke during lunch breaks. If you've never had the opportunity to just play around with one for an afternoon, then you've missed out on one of the most fun and unique gaming experiences ever to be created.

Guitar Hero

I'm a huge fan of rythm games, and I happen to own or have played all of them (yes, that include Bust-a-Groove and that DS guitar game you play with the stylus.) Guitar Hero happens to be the only game in my life I continually return to. And not just the updated games that come out every year, but the old ones (I only own GH1 and 2, and I still play both 8 times a week at least.) It's like DDR, but you don't look like a schizophrenic with parkinson's disease. It has catchy songs that everyone knows, and it has that simple air-guitar feeling of melting faces... That and it can get you chicks.

Seriously, I've impressed at least three women from playing Guitar Hero alone...

... Although, that can be taken as a negative comment about the people I hang out with...

So, I guess if you want to attract really easy women impressed by your skill at wailing on a Fischer-Price style plastic guitar, then play Guitar Hero until your knuckles bleed.

Lunar Silver Star Story

The one and only game to make me cry... That's all.


If you've played it, let's just stare each other in the eye and nod in a shared, secret occult brotherhood style understanding. If you haven't go buy it already before the rest of us in the Tim Schafer cult steal you away late at night and do terrible things to you in an abandoned church basement!!

While you're at it pick up Grim Fandango too.

Games / Re: Eternal Daughter - Fullscreen?
« on: December 13, 2007, 11:26:10 pm »
On DS? hmm...

That game is terribly hard to beat (I managed by cheating, I admit it! :D ) so I would love to see people crying over there DS while there being PWNED by Baphomet. XD

But a remake would really be appreciated! :P

Really...? How would one go about that? (Please say trainers.)

Gameplay / Re: Aquaria Strategy Guides, FAQS and tips!
« on: December 13, 2007, 07:19:23 pm »
The Wiki is locked to unregistered users. You still should be able to read it though.

The Misc. under cooking is there because there are some recipes that don't fall under cakes, perogi, soups, poutlice, ice cream and hand rolls... I think.

Probably, but as Stalfos said if you go to a Wiki page for something before reading/playing/watching it then the story will be spoiled for you. That said, one of the rules of strategy Wiki is that you're not allowed to include storyline spoilers. So that much you don't have to worry about (and, to the best of my knowledge no one's started the game-proper strategy guide. It's mostly hidden egg locations and treasures and stuff.)

Gameplay / Aquaria Strategy Guides, FAQS and tips!
« on: December 13, 2007, 04:53:26 am »
A couple Aquaria fans and I started a strategy wiki page on Aquaria because there was just too much information to try and fit into the forums. Check it out, and add any information where it's missing.


Gameplay / Re: Cooking ingredients and where to get them.
« on: December 13, 2007, 04:42:37 am »
There are a limited number of Special Bulbs in Aquaria, and all the ones I've found have been dropped by, or are near bosses and mini-bosses (i.e., after beating the Jellyfish boss you will find a Special Bulb in the Jelly Outfit room.)

Gameplay / Re: Ixis' Treasure Hunter's FAQ
« on: December 13, 2007, 12:57:32 am »

Please add content if you can.

Gameplay / Re: Ixis' Treasure Hunter's FAQ
« on: December 12, 2007, 10:57:04 pm »
Well, I'm gonna make a strategy wiki page for the time being.  :-\

Gameplay / Re: Aquaria World Map
« on: December 12, 2007, 10:51:08 pm »
Nice work dhakkel!!  :D

Gameplay / Re: Ixis' Treasure Hunter's FAQ
« on: December 12, 2007, 10:05:19 pm »
Well... We have a problem, I just hit the word limit. The current document is 589 words over the limit...

I'm going to cut out the recipe portion and try to attatch it to the post.

EDIT: And now I can't seem to attatch the recipe file... That wiki page is looking better and better.

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