Wow!!!! Great job!!! Just one question, how long did it take you to complete the whole map?
I can't remember off hand, since I don't have the files handy, but it took me at least 25 hours of work, since I'd estimate it took me twice as long as the save file I used to explore.
I'm amazed by all the other people in here, the only thing that I think that's missing is that you can swim against some currents and not against others.
I thought about doing that, and I still might do it. Maybe you'll see that in the update.
And I think the adding of a legend would be cool too. Like: small green dot = leaves you can plug, ...
Yeah, I knew I forgot something when I was throwing the whole deal together. I had a full page for the legend, but I guess it slipped through the cracks when I made the pdf. It'll be in the update for sure.
I think I'll also work on the ingredient list on the last page. Maybe I'll switch it out and put in the recipe guide that's in a forum topic here, with images of each ingredient, its effects, where to find it, all that good stuff. It'll take a while, but I think it'll be nice to have all that info in one place.
Maybe I could even get some snazzy artwork for the guide from Alec or Derek? The media release artwork is all well and good, but I don't want to get in trouble by adding copyrighted stuff they hadn't cleared for public release. Of course, I could just stick in a disclaimer at the end, or something.